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1、 Do you like reading novels?A question:Can you name some famous detective story writers?Conan DoyleSherlock HolmesWilkie Collins1.Do you know anything about Wilkie Collins? 威尔基科林斯(1824-1889)是英国小说和 现代侦探小说的鼻祖。他和狄更斯是亲密朋友 及良好的合作伙伴。他的很多作品在狄更斯主 编的杂志上发表,包括著名的白衣女人( the Woman in White)。虽然他晚年疾 病缠身,但他坚持创作直到生命的

2、最后一刻。 科林斯被誉为“英国侦探小说之父”,很大程度 上是因为他的月亮宝石。这部著作被称为 英国第一部侦探小说。The Moonstone By Wilkie CollinsFast ReadingFind the characters mentioned in the text and pay attention to the relationships between themAn English man and his sisterRachel VerinderFranklin GodfreyDr. CandyThe strange IndiansThe servant-Rosanna

3、Sergeant CuffRachelAn Englishman (stole the Moonstone)The strange Indians (entertain the guests)RosannaFranklinDr. Candy (A local doctor)Sergeant Cuff (A detective)Childhood friendmaidquarreluncleappear at her partyfond of himadmirerGodfrey (A guest of the party)Main ideas of the four partspart4( Pa

4、ra.10)partMain ideaPart 1 (para1)The Moonstone, stolen from India, was to be left to Rachel as an act of revenge.Part 2(para2-5)From the moment Rachel fastened the diamond to her dress, strange things began to happen. The diamond then was gone. Part 3(para6-9)Sergeant Cuff suspected many people for

5、different reasons. Sergeant Cuff has one vital clue: a smear in the wet paint on the door of Rachels sitting room. Careful ReadingPart 11.Where and when was the story set in?2.When did the story really begin?3.Who gave Rachel the Moonstone?4.Why did he give it to her?1.Where and when was the story s

6、et in?2.When did the story really begin?The story was set in England in 1848.It really began 50 years earlier.3.Who gave Rachel the Moonstone?4.Why did he give it to her?Rachels uncle .Because he wanted to revenge her mother for not speaking to him by passing on the Moonstones bad luck to Rachel.Par

7、t 2What happened?Before the party:During the party:After the party:Rachel and Franklin1.Godfrey2.Franklin 3.the strange Indianswas gone .worked together on painting a door. proposed marriage to Rachel and was turned down argued with Dr Candybehaved strangelyThe moonstonePart 3The detective suspected

8、 so many people. Who are they? And what are the reasons for suspicion?The IndiansGodfreyDr CandyRachelFranklinRosannaHe might have stolen the Moonstone as revenge for loss of face ,because Rachel turned down his proposal of marriage .GodfreyAs with Godfrey, he lost face because of the quarrelling wi

9、th Franklin. Dr CandyThey followed the Moonstone around the world waiting for an opportunity to take it back to India .Reason for suspicionThe IndiansSuspect He gave the detective assistance. His enthusiasm was the reason why he was suspected ,because it was not his business.Franklin Rosanna Reason

10、for suspicionRachel Suspect Perhaps she had debts that needed to be paid .Once a thief and acting strangely. She also loved Franklin and may want to make trouble for Rachel.Part 4What was the vital clue that Sergeant Cuff found?The smear in the paint on Rachels sitting room door was not there during

11、 the party.( )1.The story really began in 1848 in England.( )2.Rachels uncle left the diamond to her because he liked her.( )3.The diamond was cursed and the man who stole the diamond would live a sad and lonely life.( )4.Godfrey was Rachels childhood friend and he painted the door for her.( )5.Fran

12、klin had an argument with Dr Candy.( )6.Godfrey was an elegant and successful bachelor with many lady admirers. He asked Rachel to marry him ,and she accepted.True or false statmentsF FTFT F( )7.Some Indian entertainers were very skilled and behaved strangely.( )8.The servant Rosanna was very fond o

13、f Godfrey.( )9.At the end of the party everyone left except for Franklin and Godfrey.( )10.The Moonstone was gone the next morning.( )11.Sergeant Cuff only suspected Indians.( )12.Sergeant Cuff had one vital clue.True or false statmentsFFTTF TChoose the best answer1. Why did the man who stole the Mo

14、onstone give it to his sisters daughter ? 2. A. Because he wanted to help her B. Because he had no other relatives C. Because he wanted to pass on his bad fortune to her D. The text didnt tell us 2. Why did Franklin quit smoking ? A. Because smoking damaged his health B. Because Rachel asked him to

15、C. Because he wanted to please Rachel D. The servants asked him to 3. Why did Godfrey ask Rachel to marry him ? A. Because he wanted to get the Moonstone because of his heavy debt B. Because he loved her C. Because he didnt wish Rachel to marry Franklin D. Because he wanted to destroy her family 4.

16、The word “ vital ” is closest in meaning to _ . A.deadly B. important C. curious D. clear 5. Why didnt Rachel answer the detectives question ? A. Because she loved him and she wanted to protect him B. Because she didnt see him move the Moonstone C. She was afraid of being killed by Franklin D. Because she hated Franklin 6. Who moved


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