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1、. 币二需黑黑Ur币。edtGroupThe 2011 World Retail Banking Report阳blishesCustomer Experi町ceanalysis by region 。nlyforNorth Al响erica,Latin America, Central and Western Europe, as well as Asia Pafic For a more detailed presentation, we invite financial services professionals to e-mail requests to L-+-Jean Lass

2、ignardie G。七alHead 01 Sales and Ma阳tlng Global Flrnc阻IS,川C,P9锁“Preface c主pgemini)UniCredit Group) and Efma are p1ease才topresent the 2011月份Id Retai! Banking Report In the 3itermath ofthe fnancia1 crisi飞retailbanks around the globe are struggling to make a positive impression on customers, Differentia

3、ting on 严iceand procluct inn例ationis becoming increasing1y diffcu1t) and frms face the added complications of changing customer preferences and increasingiy “口ngentreguhtiH The 2011 Wor!d Retai!Ban是ingReport addresses these challenges byestablishing a new framework for identifying and measuring suce

4、ss in retail banking Our new t,1 helps banks hy the groundwork for a more effective retail delivery strategy and u1timately a new era of proft generation in this dynamic bus币nessCreation of the too1 began with an extensive survey of customer behavioL We conducted a hrge) in-depth study ofthe many飞qs

5、and opinions armd the world that make up the moclern banks retail customer base, Our V,ce ofthe Customer sun宅ysqueried nearly 14)000 custc刀ersacross the globe on more than 80 parameters) making it one ofthe most detailed studies ofits kind We used this data toeate the Customer Experience Index (CEI)

6、, a new approach to gauge how customers percei呢thequality of their interactions with their bank, The CEI captures important emotiona1 attributes by taking customers personal va1ues and standards into aunt, It incorporates customers channel preferences and sheds light on whether custners are havingpo

7、sitive expenens in the areas most important to them, Consider the CEI a flexib1e t,1 to help take the pu1se of customers at a time of greatflux in the industry Insights gained from the CEIn help banks stayone step ahead oftrends in customer behaviOl Findings from the CEI 1ed to our decisi1 to spotli

8、ght the branch, While the branch remains a key delivery channel) it is important to understand hw attitudes toward the branch and usage patterns are shi丘ingamong different customer segments, The 2011月乞r!dRetai! Ba时ingReportidentifes the major challenges facing branch networks, These are occurring in

9、 the areas of branch hyout 忡,2011US -Nth America Country A 忖ldia-Asia-Pacific Country B Country C Swilzerland -Western Europe Country H Country 0 Country G Austria -Central Europe C况mtryE Country F Country L Cmtryl cJntry J Mexico -Latin A盯“ Country M Country K Country 0 CJntry P Country N Country R

10、 Country Q CJntry S Country T SourCf主2011严etailBar啊!可V01 the CustomE芽创刊8,Ca仁严nini,2011ReQion CE I Leader 2011 World Retall Banking Report 12 The gap between positive experience and positive satisfaction underscores the reali可thatrelying on high-level customer satisfaction measures alone may be misle

11、ading. Customer satisfaction in isolation does not provide critical insight into what customers consider 1日1portantand may cause banks to overestimate their ability to drive customer loyalty and retention. Banks need to understand the reasons behind the satisfaction experience gap, 1咒也rethey can dev

12、ise a strategy on how to improve the customer experience Understanding customer channel preference is an important element of delivering highly positive customer experiences. Customer interactions 1咒ginand end with channels, making them the prism through which customers gauge their experiences. Acro

13、臼 regions and demographics, the gap between what customers percelve as 1日1portantand how banks deliver on those perceptions is greatest in the case of channels CHANNELS ARE THE KEY INTERACTION POINTS FOR BANKS Positive Customer Satisfactiona vs. Positive Customer Experienceb, 2011 CUSTOMER EXPERIENC

14、E LAGS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION High customer satisfaction levels do not translate into equally high positive customer e叩eriencerankings ln every one of the countries studied, customers had higher levels of overall positive satisfaction than positive xperience. Consider Switzerland: 739-也ofcustomers sa

15、y they are satisfied, but only 449-也arehaving positive 四periences(see Figure 8). ln fact, most COUI旧les achieved positive satisfaction scores of 509-也to7Cf)台,but posltlve customer 叫eriencescores of only 30% to 40% Figure 8 Not a single country exhibits a positive customer 自perienceranking that is hi

16、gher than its皿tisfaction ranking. The country that comes the closest is lndia, whose customer experience ranking of 509-也iswithin reach of its satisfaction ranking of 559-也Thislikely ref1ects the modest improvements lndian banks have made in recent years, combined with the low 四pectationsoflndian customers based on minimal E凹iceshistorically provided Switze阳cd A川巳


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