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1、1 学校代号学校代号 11799 学学 号号 2007600032 分分 类类 号号 F0 密密 级级 硕 士 学 位 论 文硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:论文题目:重庆创意产业对城市经济重庆创意产业对城市经济发展发展 的影响研究的影响研究 论文作者:论文作者:高高 旻旻 指导教师姓名、职称:指导教师姓名、职称:廖元和廖元和 研究员研究员 学科专业:学科专业:区域经济学区域经济学 研究方向:研究方向:城镇化与城市经济城镇化与城市经济 学位授予单位:学位授予单位:重庆重庆工商大学工商大学 论文提交日期:论文提交日期:2010 年年 6 月月 1 日日 答辩日期:答辩日期:2010 年年 6

2、月月 8 日日 20102010 年年 6 6 月月 1818 日日 2 学校代号:11799 学 号:2007600022 密 级: 重庆工商大学硕士学位论文重庆工商大学硕士学位论文 重庆创意产业对城市经济发展的影响研究 学位申请人姓名: 高 旻 导师姓名及职称: 廖元和 研究员 培 养 单 位: 区域经济研究院 专 业 名 称: 区域经济学 论 文 提 交 日 期: 2010 年 1 月 4 日 论文 答辩 日 期: 2010 年 6 月 8 日 答辩委员会主席: 王崇举 重庆创意产业对城市经济发展的影响研究 II 摘 要 创意产业是指一种在全球化的消费社会的背景中发展起来的,推崇创新、个

3、人创造力、强调文化艺术对经济的支持与推动;是在世界经济进入知识经济时代这一特殊背景下发展起来的一种以个人和团体创造力为主要发展动力,强调文化艺术对经济的支持,从而推动新兴产业的发展,进而改变城市的发展模式,实现后工业时代的城市的复苏。本文以创意产业为对象,通过对国外国内形成的创意产业进行分析,探讨创意产业如何促进城市经济社会发展,再以重庆市创意产业为研究对象,探索出适合于重庆市创意产业促进城市经济发展的模式及对策支持。 从分析中可以看出,创意产业对城市经济发展的作用主要体现在: (1)通过各个产业的渗透、融合和优化,催生原有产业产生新的经济增长点,不断促进产业结构的优化与升级,进而促进经济增长

4、方式的转变; (2)创意产业的高速发展,使各种类型的人得以聚集、各种思想得以汇集、创造力空前活跃、制度不断创新,这些因素将进一步推动城市竞争力的提升; (3)创意产业的繁荣发展能在长期内创造非常稳定的就业增长率,且这种就业增长是可持续的; (4)创意产业是边缘产业,使其具有广泛的产业关联性,渗透性、整合性强,横向延伸广,可以融入到许多产业部门,进而能够带动相关产业的发展和改造。 目前重庆正处在产业结构调整与优化、经济体制转轨、社会结构转型、城市功能转化、城市快速发展的重要时期。创意产业由于其特有的知识、文化和创新能力,使其能在日益发展的现代服务业及新一轮的产业升级过程中扮演重要的角色。本文通过


6、产业园区的健康发展。 关键词:关键词:创意产业;经济增长方式;就业效应;城市竞争力;产业结构;城市发创意产业;经济增长方式;就业效应;城市竞争力;产业结构;城市发展展 重庆工商大学硕士学位论文 III Abstract Creative Industry is developing under the background of the all around worlds consumer society; it enjoys innovation, individual creativity and enhances the support and promotion form the cu

7、lture art to economics. It develops under the world economics into the knowledge age, which uses the individual and term creativity as the primary developing motive, enhances the support and promotion form the culture art to economics, thus pushes the newly-industries to develop, then changes the ci

8、ty development mode, making the post-industrial era city recovery come true. The paper uses the Creative Industry for object, through the analysis to the Creative Industry in and out of country, study how the Creative Industry promotes city economics and society to develop. Then making the Creative

9、Industry of Chongqing as a analysis object, explore the mode which fits for Creative Industry promoting the development of city economics society and politics supporting. Through the analysis we can see, the effect which Creative Industry to city economics society are mainly: (1) through the infiltr

10、ation, fusion and optimization, promoting the original industry to create new economic growth point, promoting industrial structure to optima and update constantly, then promoting the turning of economics growth; (2) Creative Industry develops with a high speed can make every kinds of persons togeth

11、er, every kinds of ideas together, creation very active and system creating constantly which push the city competition to improve more; (3) the prosperity development of Creative Industry can create a very stable employment which is sustainable in a long time; (4) Creative Industry is a edgily indus

12、try which makes it has a widely industrial relevance, powerful in permeability and integration, transverse extension widely and driving another relative industries to development and transformation. Now Chongqing is on the way to industrial structure adjustment and optima, economic system transforma

13、tion, society structure transformation, city function transformation, city developing with a high speed. Because of the unique knowledge, culture and creative ability which belong to Creative Industry which take an important actor on the industrial update progress and developing modern service indus

14、try day by day. The paper uses the employment capacity, elasticity of employment and industrial 重庆创意产业对城市经济发展的影响研究 IV structure deviation to analysis the employment effect from creative industry to city, the conclusion is the creative industry has a big employment cooptation ability and the employme

15、nt cooptation is more and more strong. Through the input-output table figures out the induction coefficient and influence coefficient to explain the creative industry brings and influences the others industries development degree. Through the introduction of creative industry aggregation region, analysis the aggregation effect to the city economy development. Under the background of worlds Creative Industry developing with a high speed,



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