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1、1(2011年重庆高一检测)_find the missing diamond,Anna _the jewellery box over and over. ASo as to;searched BIn order to;searched for CSo as to;searched for DIn order to;searched解析:动词不定式作目的状语时常用so as to;in order to的结构,但so as to不 放于句首。 答案:D2(2011年重庆高二检测)I have had my bike _,and Im going to have somebody _my ra

2、dio tomorrow. Arepair;to repair Brepairing;to be repaired Crepaired;repair Dto repair;repairing专题六 非谓语动词解析:have sth.done使得某事被做,done作宾补。have sb.do sth.让某人做某事 。 答案:C3She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _in making the earth a better place to live on. Ato have played Bt

3、o play Cto be played Dto be playing解析:考查不定式作定语。play的逻辑主语是each of us,因此此处应用不定式 的主动语态。 答案:B4(2011年温州高一检测)Rather than _on a crowded bus,he always prefers _a bicycle. Aride;ride Briding;ride Cride;to ride Dto ride;riding解析:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.意为“宁愿做某某也不做另一件事”。其 中prefer可后置。 答案:C5(2011年新余高

4、二检测)The old professor told us that every part of the materials should be made use of _the station. Abuilding Bto build Cbuild Dbeing build解析:动词不定式作目的状语。句意为:老教授告诉我们应该利用每一部分材 料来建造工作台。 答案:B6She cant help _the house because shes busy making a cake. Ato clean Bcleaning Ccleaned Dbeing cleaned解析:考查不定式作宾语。

5、此处的cant help意为“不能帮忙”,故其后可用带to 或不带to的不定式作宾语。cant help doing sth.“禁不住做某事”。 答案:A7_give his fans a deep impression,the pop star was _in a welldesigned suit. ASo as to;dressing BIn order to;dressed CIn order to;dressing DSo that;dressed解析:考查不定式作状语。so as to不用于句首;so that用于引导状语从句;be dressed in穿着衣服。 答案:B8The

6、 lonely old man wanted his son he looked forward to _ _back home at once. Asee;coming Bseeing;coming Cseeing;to come Dseeing;came解析:考查不定式作宾语补足语。句中的he looked forward to seeing作定语修 饰先行词his son;want sb.to do sth.想让某人做某事。 答案:C9(2011年杭州高一检测)Our car equipped with a GPS,we had no trouble _the address of th

7、e headquarters of the United Nations. Afinding Bto find Cfound Dto have been finding解析:句意:由于我们的汽车装有GPS全球定位系统,所以我们毫无困难地找 到了联合国总部。have no trouble doing sth.做某事没有困难。 答案:A10(2011年上海高二检测)What worried this boy most was _to play the computer games. Ahis being not allowed Bhis not being allowed Chaving not

8、been allowed Dhis not allowing解析:句意:让这个男孩最担心的是他不被允许玩电脑游戏。此处为动名词在 句中作表语。动名词的否定形式是notv.ing 。故选B。 答案:B11Im considering_a washing machine,which is considered _a great help to my wife. Abuying;to be Bbuying;being Cto buy;being Dto buy;to be解析:考查动词 ing形式和不定式作宾语。consider doing sth.考虑做某事; consider sth./sb.t

9、o be认为是。 答案:A12The bird was so lucky that it just missed _. Acatching Bto be caught Cbeing caught Dto catch解析:考查动词 ing形式作宾语。miss后需加动词 ing形式作宾语,主语bird与动 词catch之间是被动关系,故选C项。 答案:C13His new car broke down yesterday,so it needs _. Arepaired Bbeing repaired Cto repair Drepairing解析:考查动词 ing形式作宾语。动词need(另有w

10、ant,require)后需加doing作宾 语表被动,相当于need to be done。 答案:D14They will stay inside unless it _tomorrow. Astops to rain Bwill stop raining Cwill stop to rain Dstops raining解析:考查动词 ing形式作宾语。stop doing sth.停止正在做的事;stop to do sth. 停下来做另一件事。由句意“他们将待在家里除非明天不下雨”知,D项正确。 答案:D15_to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. AExposed BHaving exposed CBeing exposed DAfter being exposed解析:考查动词 ing形式作主语。分析句意知,空格处应作句子的主语,B、D 项只作状语,A项可作定语或状语。 答案:C


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