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1、汉译英翻译讲义句子翻译 1.确定主干 汉语句子的主干:主语-谓语 1.1 确定主语 A. 这个地区雨水较多 It rains a lot in this area This area sees much rain There is much rain in this area 我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简 单:我们出口商品就是为了满足国外客户 消费方面的需要。 The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple. Our export commodities are to me

2、et the need of the consumption of our foreign customers. . B. 信不信是你自己的事 It is your concern whether you believe me or not C. 最好是等他们回来 It may be advisable to wait till they come back. 1.2 确定谓语 A. 在人际关系上我们不能太浪漫主义 We shouldnt be too romantic about human relationship. 把中文翻译好英文后,我们是否检查我们翻译的英 文句子的主语和宾语的单复数

3、及冠词使用问题;谓 语动词的时态,语态和语气问题呢? B. 当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作,多学习 ,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉 As long as they are alive, they always work and study as hard as possible, unwilling to dream their life away, let alone waste even a single moment of their lives. 3. 语序调整 1. 钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情(cultivate ones mind)的运动,有益于身心健康 Fishing is an

4、 outdoor sport that can help cultivate your mind and it is good for our mental and physical health. 3. 正反转换 他光着脚进了屋子 He entered the room with no shoes on 那个房间的窗户总是关着 The windows of that room were never open 学习外语离不开好的词典 A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language. 我不能忍受你的脾气 You

5、r temper is more than I can bear 4. 语态对译 无可否认,他是对的 It can not be denied that he is right 所谓语态变换,是指翻译中汉英两种语言之 间的主动式与被动式的互换。 在汉语中被动式使用较少,我们叙述一种行 为的时候,常用主动式。 英语则不然,大量的及物动词可以用被动式 ,不少相当于及物动词的短语也可以用被动 式。 英语中使用被动式比汉语用得多。 (1)这儿讲的是英语。 English is spoken here. (2)这项工作完成多久了? How long has the work been done? (3)

6、这本书已经翻译成中文了 。 This book has already been translated into Chinese. (4)希望你有机会来中国访问 。 It is hoped that you will have a chance to visit China. 英语中被动语态的各种用法理由。 (1)着重被动的动作; (2)突出动作承受者(人或事物 )的重要性; (3)不知道或无需说出动作的执 行者; (4)便于上下文的连贯、衔接。 一、关于汉语被动句的英译问题 汉语的被动句子,从结构上来说,大体 可分为两类: 一类带有表达被动意义的标记; 另一类则不带这种标记。普通而常见的 是

7、后一类。 不论属于哪一类,英译时基本上仍可运 用被动语态,下面分别介绍: (一)带有被动标记的汉语被动句 这类句子,一般表示较强的被动意义,着重 于被动的动作。此类句子可按照英语的惯常 用法,相应地译成英语的被动句子,汉语这 一类被动式,用助词“被”、“受”、“遭”、“ 给”、“挨”、“叫”、“让”等为标记。例如: (1)海外华侨现在不再被人轻视了。 Over-seas Chinese are no longer looked down upon. (2)他被选为学生会主席。 He was elected Chairman of the Students Union. (3)他深受大家的尊敬。

8、 He is greatly respected by everyone. (1)办公大楼为松树所环绕。 The office building is surrounded by pine trees. (2)他的一位朋友被匪徒所杀害。 One of his friends was killed by bandits. (1)这个问题必须在适当的时候以适 当的方式予以 处理。 It (the problem) must be dealt with by appropriate means at an appropriate time. (2)该计划将由一个特别委员会加以 审查。 The pla

9、n will be examined by a special committee. (二)不带被动标记的汉语被动 句 这类句子在形式上一般都有主语,也有动 词,但是主语在实际上是谓语动词的动作承 受者,而不是执行者。 动作执行者并未出现。这种句子结构上为主 动句,而含义上是被动句。 这一类型被动句在汉语中大量存在,英译时 一般也要用被动语态来处理。 (1)这座桥将在今年年底建成。 The construction of the bridge will have been completed by the end of this year. (2)有些问题还需要澄清。 Certain ques

10、tions have yet to be clarified. (3)这个问题正在研究。 The problem is now being studied/under study. 二、关于汉语主动句的英译 问题 汉语多采用主动语态,但在 英译时有时改用被动语态。 语态的变换基于多种原因, 概括起来说,主要是: (一)为了强调接受动作的人 或事物的重要性 英语里常常运用被动结构把动作的承受 者作为句子的主语,来突出它的地位, 强调它的重要性。由于这个原因,汉译 英时,往往将汉语的主动句变换为英语 的被动句,把原文的宾语变成译文的主 语。 (1)我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月 一日的国庆节。

11、National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct. 1 by the Chinese people of all nationalities every year. (2)中美已经建立了外交关系。 Diplomatic relation has been established between China and the United States of America. (3)他提议在各班之间开展友谊竞赛 (emulation drive)。 He proposed that a friendly emulation drive be st

12、arted among the different classes. (4)一群人立刻把他围住了,向他提出一 个又一个的问题。 Very soon he was surrounded by a crowd and was snowed under with questions. (二)为了加强上下文的连 贯性 英语中,常常为了上下文的连贯,使句 子之间的衔接紧密自然而运用被动结构。为 此目的,在汉译英时也常常讲汉语的主动句 改译为英语的被动句。 (1)他出现在台上,观众给与热烈鼓掌。 He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by th

13、e audience. (2)口试时,问了十个问题,她全答对了 。 She was asked ten questions in the oral exam and answered every one of them correctly. (三)为了使措辞得当、语 气委婉 英语常出于礼貌上的考虑,不说出主 事者,尤其是第一人称,因而采用被动语态 。汉译英时也往往将汉语的主动语态转译成 英语的被动语态,多见于讲话、通知、请帖等。 (1)请你给我们表演一个节目。 You are requested to give a performance. (2)请全系教师和干部于星期三下午二时 在会议室集合

14、,听报告。 All teachers and cadres of the Department are requested to meet in the conference room at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday to hear a speech. (3)来宾请出示入场券。 Visitors are requested to show their tickets. 三、关于汉语的一些习惯用语 的译法 汉语中有许多习惯用语。其中有的是用“人 们”、“有人”、“大家”等作主语;有的看来是无主 语句,有的则是句子里的独立结构,如“据悉”、“ 应该说”、“必须指出”、“已经证明

15、”,等等。汉语 中的这类习惯用语,在表达方式上,则可充分利 用英语中以it作形式主语的句型。 (1)应该说,情况基本上是健康的。 It should be said that the situation is basically sound. (2)据谣传,那场事故是由于玩忽职守而 造成的。 It is rumored that accident was due to negligence. (3) 很明显,这项计划应该取消。 It is obvious that the plan should be scrapped. (1)人们(有人、大家)认为 It is considered (or thought) that (2)普遍(一般,通常)认为 It is generally (usually) accepted (or agreed, recognized) that (3)有人(人们、大家)相信 It is believed that (4)大家知道(众所周知) It is well-known that (5)据说(有人说) It is said that (6)据闻



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