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1、Reading Lead-in 1. We all know that Egypt is one of the 4 ancient civilized countries. Do you know what is Egypt famous for?2. The Pyramid is one of the 7 wonders in the world. Have you ever read or thought about what is inside the Pyramids?Pyramids and Sphinx. Wall paintings inside PiramidsMummytre

2、asures1.The disasters that happened to thoseexplorersPredicting information 1. Can you guess what is likely to be talked about in our text from the title?2. Why does the writer choose The curse of the mummy as its title here?The title can draw your attention and arouse your interest.Howard Carter is

3、 a famous explorer and he discovered many amazing things. Read the first paragraph and then tell the general idea of the 1st paragraph. famousbraveadventurousamazing A general introduction of Howard CarterHoward CarterReading Carters hobbiesCarter made some unexpected discoveriesCarters familyCarter

4、s school lifeCan you predict what the following paragraphs will tell us?Prediction Summaries of the paragraphsParagraph 1 _ Paragraph 2 _Paragraph 3 _ Paragraph 4 _Paragraph 5 _ Paragraph 6 _Paragraph 7 _ Paragraph 8 _e dagfhcbSkimmingPart 2:Part 3:Part 1: Para1-3Para4-5Para6-8Howard Carters _ and h

5、is _after the discovery_ about the deathsThe curse of the mummyOutlineexperience discoveryStrange deathsDifferent explanationsHoward CarterJob:Education: Interest: Went to Egypt:Greatest discovery: Year of the discovery: Where: explorer (by the 1920s)didnt go to school, was taught to draw by his fat

6、her curous about the outside world1891King Tutankhamuns tomb 1922Valley of the Kings, EgyptPart I King Tutankhamungold coffin gold mask a gold box containing a gold box containing the kings insidethe kings inside black diamondear rings ear rings bracelet bracelet slippers slippers TreasuresTreasures

7、The _ of Carters teammates Character Connection with Carter and the tomb How did he die?Lord CarnarvonRichard Bethell Arthur MacePet birdGeorge GouldCarnarvons _ eaten by a _Carters _ fell ill with a _had a high _died of _ _Team _Not mentionedNot mentioneddeathprovider feverfriendfeverheart troubles

8、ecretarysnaketombmemberMoney _led Carter to the _Part 2 _ _ about the deaths 1.Coincidence 2.The mummys curse 3.A scientific explanation (viruses)The mystery has never been _ _.fully explainedConclusion : Different explanationsPart 3 Work in pairs or groups. Fill in each blank with no more than one

9、word according to the text .About Howa rd Carter Howard Carter is one of the most famous (1) _. In 1891, he set (2) _ for Alexandria, Egypt. In 1922, he and his team discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. He made many amazing (3) _ during his lifetime due to his bravery and curiosity about the wor

10、ld.explorers saildiscoveries/things About the (4) _ _ _ deaths Carters lucky pet bird, (5) _ him to the place, was eaten by a snake. Lord Carnarvon, from whom Carter had (6) _ money, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt. George Gould, a friend of Carnarvons, had a high fever after (7) _ the tomb

11、and died. Richard Bethell, Carters (8) _, died of heart trouble after the tomb was opened. Arthur Mace, a member of the team, died shortly after discovering the tomb.strange /mysterious / puzzlingleadingreceivedvisitingsecretaryAbout the causes of the deaths Some people say the deaths were just coin

12、cidence. Some believe that the mummys curse (9) _ in the deaths. Others believe in the scientific explanation that the viruses inside the tombs can (10) _ illness or even death.resultedcauseIn order to succeed, what kind of personalities should we develop? Curious brave determined hardworking creati

13、ve Discussion You may ask Howard Carter about:2. His exper iences of explo ring1. His personal information( interest, education, ) when he became an explorer How he became rich and famousHis most important discoveryWhat happened after the discoveryWhy so many people died strangelyHow he felt about t

14、he deathsYou may start like this: Reporter: Good morning, Mr. Carter. Nice to meet you. Howard Carter: Good morning. Reporter: Im (your name) from the school newspaper. Id like to ask you a few questions. What were you interested in when you were young? Howard Carter: Interview: HomeworkWrite a summary about Howard Carter.Read Part A in Reading on Page 106 in Workbook.


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