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1、 Restricted Substances for Hardware Products Author: Microsoft Product Evaluation Group Document: H00594 Revision: G Date: May 6, 2005 Distribution: Internal Only External All External Restricted If restricted, specify restricted to whom: Microsoft Restricted Substances Specifications H00594 Rev G 2

2、PROPRIETARY NOTICE Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fi

3、ctitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no par

4、t of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have p

5、atents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademark

6、s, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Published by: Microsoft Corporation Home and Entertainment Division One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Telephone (425) 882-8080 2000 - 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft C

7、orporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners Microsoft Restricted Substances Specifications H00594 Rev G 3H00594 Revision History Revision Date ECO Description A 2/17/00 Production Release B 7/6/00 5319 Revised sections 2, 2.1 n

8、or, in the case of ozone depleting substances, used in the manufacture of Microsoft hardware products and equipment. Background limits in Section A provide for trace amounts of naturally occurring or unintentional impurities in materials only. See Section C for Battery Content Restrictions. Table A:

9、 Restricted Substances Restricted Substance Appendix A Reference Restricted Applications Background Limit Weight % (PPM) Lead and lead compounds Table A All Applications In PVC and Plastics: 0.0100 (100 PPM) In all other materials: (See Notes A1 (134237-34- 6) 1-Fluoro-1,2,2-trichloroethane 359-28-4

10、 1,1,1-trichloro-2-fluoroethane (HCFC131b) 811-95-0 Dichlorodifluoroethane (HCFC 132) 25915-78-0 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC 132b) 1649-08-7 1,1-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane (HFCF 132c) 1842-05-3 1,1-dichloro-2,2-difluoroethane 471-43-2 1,2-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane 431-06-1 Chlorotrifluo

11、roethane (HCFC 133) 1- chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1330-45-6 1330-45-6 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC- 133a) 75-88-7 Dichlorofluoroethane(HCFC 141) 1717-00-6; (25167-88-8) 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane (HCFC-141b) 1717-00-6 1,2-dichloro-1-fluoroethane 430-57-9 Chlorodifluoroethane (HCFC 142) 1-

12、 chloro-1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC142b) 1- chloro-1,2-difluoroethane (HCFC142a) 25497-29-4 75-68-3 25497-29-4 Hexachlorofluoropropane (HCFC 221) 134237-35-7 Pentachlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 222) 134237-36-8 Tetrachlorotrifluropropane (HCFC 223) 134237-37-9 Table I Substances Continued CAS # Trichlorot

13、etrafluoropropane (HCFC 224) 134237-38-0 Dichloropentafluoropropane, (Ethyne, fluoro-) (HCFC 225) 2,2-Dichloro- 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane(HCFC 225aa) 2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,3- pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225ba) 1,2- Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225bb) 3,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,2- pentafluoro

14、propane (HCFC 225ca) 1,3- Dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225cb) 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,3,3- pentafluoropropane(HCFC 225cc) 1,2- Dichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225da) 1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3- pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225ea) 1,1- Dichloro-1,2,3,3,3- pentafluoropropane(HCFC 225eb)

15、127564-92-5; (2713-09-9) 128903-21-9 422-48-0 422- 44-6 422-56-0 507-55-1 13474-88-9 431-86-7 136013-79-1 111512-56-2 Chlorohexafluoropropane (HCFC 226) 134308-72-8 Pentachlorofluoropropane (HCFC 231) 134190-48-0 Tetrachlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 232) 134237-39-1 Trichlorotrifluoropropane (HCFC 233)

16、1,1,1-Trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropane 134237-40-4 7125-83-9 Dichlorotetrafluoropropane (HCFC 234) 127564-83-4 Chloropentafluoropropane (HCFC 235) 1- Chloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 134237-41-5 460-92-4 Tetrachlorofluoropropane (HCFC 241) 134190-49-1 Trichlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 242) 134237-42-6 Dichlorotrifluoropropane (HCFC 243) 134237-43-7 1,1-dichloro-1,2,2-t



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