2016-2017年中考英语 第一部分 教材知识研究 七下 7课件 (2)

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1、第一部分 教材知识研究八年级(上)Unit 1 考点一 辨析win与beat 考点二 prefer的用法考点三 辨析spend, cost, pay与take 考点四 辨析 join, take part in与attend考点五 辨析be good at, be good with, be good for与be good to考点六 Could you (please) .?句型练讲重难点考点七 leave的用法考点八 Would you mind.?句型考点九 finish的用法考点十 辨析through, over, cross与across考点十一 辨析message, news与i

2、nformation考点十二 辨析 be able to与can考点十三 辨析another, other, others, the other与the others辨析win与beat (2011年43题)考点抢测1.The Chinese national womans badminton team _ the Japanese team by 31 in India on May 24.A. won B. lost C. beat D. failedC练讲重难点考点一重难点精析2.Do you think who will _ the English speech competition

3、 next month?I have no idea.A.win B. defeatC. overcome D. beatA满分点拨win过去式:won过去分词:won后接比赛项目或名次,也可指获奖。如:Our class won the basketball game last week. 上周我们班赢得了篮球赛。beat过去式:beat过去分词:beaten后接队伍或人。如:Nobody is able to beat you except yourself. 没有人能打败你,除了你自己。prefer的用法考点抢测3.The old man prefers _ in a peaceful

4、countryside to enjoy the rest of his life.A.to live B. livingC. live D. livedA考点二4.I prefer doing something meaningful outside to _ TV at home.A.watch B. watchedC. watches D. watchingD满分点拨prefer 相当于like.better,意为“更喜欢”。如:Do you prefer bread or hamburgers?你更喜欢面包还是汉堡包?prefer sth. to sth.意为“比起某物来更喜欢另一物”

5、。如:He prefers coffee to tea.与茶相比,他更喜欢咖啡。 prefer doing sth. to doing sth.意为“与做某事相比,更喜欢做另一件事”。如:My young brother prefers playing the piano to playing football.相比踢足球而言,我弟弟更喜欢弹钢琴。prefer to do sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。如:I prefer to read English in the morning.我喜欢早晨读英语。prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.意为“宁愿做某事而不

6、愿做另一件事”。如:He preferred to stay at home rather than go with us.他宁愿待在家里而不愿跟我们一起去。辨析be good at, be good with, be good for与be good to(2014年书面表达,2012年阅读B,2011年词语运用,2010年3次)考点抢测5.Tom is good _ painting and he dreams to be a painter like Monet when he grows up.A. for B. with C. at D. toC考点五6.Doing exercise

7、 every morning is really _ our health.A. good for C. good atB. good with D. good inA满分点拨be good at意为“擅长,在做得好”, 与do well in同义。反义词组be weak/poor in/at意为“在差/弱”。如:Jim is good at tennis, but he is weak in basketball.吉姆擅长网球,但他不擅长篮球。be good with意为“和相处得很好”。如:She is good with her classmates.她和同学们相处得很好。be good

8、 for意为“对有益/好处”,反义词组be bad for意为“对有害”。如:Eating fruits and vegetables is good for your health, but eating junk food is bad for your health.吃水果和蔬菜有益于你的健康,但吃垃圾食品有害健康。be good to意为“对好/和善/慈爱”,其后一般接表示人或人格化的名词。如:Be good to him, OK? 对他好些,行吗?Could you (please) .?句型考点抢测7.Could you tell me when people eat sweet

9、dumplings in China, please?_. Usually at the Lantern Festival.A. Sorry, I cant B. Good ideaC. Certainly D. ThanksC考点六8.Could you please help me do some housework, Peter?_. My friend and I will go to library at once.A. I think so B. Yes, I hope soC. Of course D. Sorry, Im afraid notD满分点拨请求别人时通常用Could

10、 you.?句型,也可以说:Can you.?情态动词could 或can在这里均表示请求,在意思上无区别,但是用could 比can在语气上显得更委婉、客气、诚恳。在日常生活中常使用Could you please.?或Could you., please?如: Could you please open the window?你能打开一下窗户吗?Could you help me find my book, please?你能帮我找到我的书吗? 对Could you please.?句型回答时,肯定回答可用Sure./Certainly./Of course.等;否定回答可用Sorry,

11、I cant./Sorry, Im afraid not.等,一般不用No开头,用No显得语气生硬,不礼貌。如:Could you please carry the box for me?你能帮我搬这个箱子吗?Sorry, I cant. Im busy now. 抱歉,我不能。我现在在忙。Could you give me a bottle of orange juice, please?你能给我一瓶橘子汁吗?Sure. Here you are.当然可以。给你。Would you mind.?句型考点抢测9. Its too hot. Would you mind _ opening th

12、e window?Certainly not.A.my B. mineC. I D. myselfA考点八10.Would you mind not _ any noise? Alice is sleeping.Sorry. I thought she was awake.A. make B. makingC. makes D. madeB满分点拨Would you mind.? 是一个常用句型,用于礼貌地向他人提出请求,表示“你是否介意?”。mind后只能接名词或(ones) doing形式作宾语。其否定形式为:Would you mind not doing.?如: Would you m

13、ind my closing the door? 你介意我关上门吗?Would you mind not speaking so loud? 你能不能不要那么大声讲话? 回答Would you mind.?提出的问题时,表示允许或不介意常用Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all.作答;若表示介意或不希望对方做某事常用Sorry, but./Better not.等作答。 Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?Youd better not. 你最好不要(在这儿吸烟)。finish的用法考点抢测11.Eve

14、ry day I start to work at 9:00 and _ at 5:00. A. give B. make C. begin D. finish 12.I havent finished _ the book yet. Can I keep it for another two days?A. reading B. read C. to read D. readsDA考点九满分点拨vt. 结束;完成。如:When did he finish his college courses? 他何时大学毕业的? vi. 结束,终止;完成工作。如:We have lists of what we should do, whichare also the tasks we should finish. 我们有需要做的事情的清单,这些也是我们需要完成的任务。 finish 常用于finish doing sth。如:Do you think you can finish packing in two hours? 你认为两小时之内你能收拾完行李吗?辨析through, over, cross与a


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