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1、Unit 3 Under the sea 海下景观. 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇1. _(adj. )每年的; 按年度计计算的 (n. ) 年刊;年鉴鉴2. _(vt. )当场见场见 到;目击击 (n. )目击击者;证证人;证证据annualwitness3. _(prep. ) 在对对面(adj. )相对对的;相反的4. _(vi. 中止5. _(vi. ) 逃避;逃跑(vt. ) 逃离6. _(vt. )拖; 拉; 扯7. _(vt. )催促; 极力主张张; 驱驱策oppositepausefleedragurge8. _(vt. )放弃;遗遗弃;抛弃9. _(

2、n. )目标标; 靶;受批评评的对对象10. _(adj. )好的;整齐齐的;匀称的11. _(adj. ) 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的12. _(adj. ) 锐锐利的;锋锋利的;敏捷的13. _(adj. ) 浅的;肤浅的;浅显显的14. _(v. )思考;映射;反射_ (n. )反射; 反映abandontargetneatnarrowsharpshallowreflectreflection15. _(adj. )意识识到的; 知道的_ (n. )意识识,觉觉悟16. _(vt. ) 恐吓 (vi. ) 受惊吓_ (adj. )恐惧的;害怕的awareawarenessscarescare

3、d【品词词自测测】根据所给词给词 的适当形式填空The _ who _ the accident gave _ to the police. (witness)The _ boy was _ to go out at night because he had once dreamed of monsters. (scare)witnesswitnessedwitnessscaredscared. 短语语回放1. 在此期间间;与此同时时 _2. 帮助(某人)摆摆脱困境或危难难 _3. 对对知道、明白;意识识到_4. 上下翻转转 _5. 吓死了 _in the meantimehelp(. . .

4、 ) outbe/become aware ofupside down(be) scared to death6. 阻挡挡 _7. 靠近 _8. 整理;分类类;收拾 _9. 瞄准 _10. 正要做某事 _11. (表示空间间)在前面;(表示时间时间 )先,预预先_hold updraw nearsort outaim atbe about to do sth.ahead of12. 阻止某人做某事_13. 加油,赶快_keep sb. from doing e on. 句式扫扫描1. _(那个时时期) the killer whales, or “killers” as they were t

5、hen called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration. 2. This was the call that announced _(即将有) a whale hunt. 3. As we drew closer, I could _(看见见一条鲸鱼鲸鱼 正在被攻击击) by a pack of about six other killers. It was a time whenthere was about to besee a whale being attack

6、ed4. Im sitting in the warm night air _ _(手持一杯冷饮饮) and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic! 5. The fish didnt seem to _(介意我在它们们中间间游动动). with a cold drink in myhandmind me swimming among them【仿句自测测】根据下面句式仿写句子be about to do sth. 表将来仿写:现现在不要出去。我们马们马 上就要吃晚饭饭了。_It is/was a time when. . . 那是一个的时时期仿写:

7、曾经经没人能理解我的计计划和雄心。_ _Dont go out now; we are about to have supper.It was a time when no one could understand my plan and ambition. 动动名词词复合结结构作宾语宾语仿写:杰克现现在离开, 你介意吗吗?_Do you mind Jack(s) leaving now?核心要点reflect 三年2考 hold up 三年1考 come on 三年2考 1. urge vt. 催促,督促;极力主张张;驱驱策(1)urge sb. to do sth. =urge sb. i

8、nto doing sth. 催促某人干某事(2)urge that sb. (should) do sth. =It is urged that sb. (should) do sth. 坚坚决要求,极力主张张某人应该应该 干某事The doctor urged me to have an X-ray test, and then, he could make a conclusion. 医生劝劝我做一个X光检查检查 ,然后他才能得出结论结论 。He urged his pupils _ _ _ at every subject. 他督促他的学生们们努力学习习每一门门功课课。 We must

9、 urge that representatives _ _ from various factories. 我们们必须须竭力主张张代表应应从各个工厂选选出。into working hardbe elected2. abandon vt. 放弃;遗遗弃;抛弃(1)abandon ones post放弃职职位abandon oneself to. . . 纵纵情;沉溺于(2)abandoned adj. 废废弃的;被遗遗弃的;无约约束的;放荡荡的Those who _ _ _ despair cannot succeed. 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。The bad weather forced

10、 them to abandon their research. 恶恶劣的天气迫使他们终们终 止了研究工作。Walking alone in the forest, he felt abandoned by the world. 独自走在森林里,他感到被这这个世界遗遗弃了。abandon themselves to3. reflect vi. 思考vt. 映射;反射;思考reflect sth. from sth. 从某物(表面)反射(光、热热、声等)reflect on / upon sth. 思考某事reflect sb. / sth. in sth. (指镜镜子等)映出某人/物的影像Th

11、is material absorbs light, but doesnt reflect it. 这这种材料吸收光,但不反射(光)。She sat _ _ how much it had changed since she bought the farm. 她坐在那里思考自从她买买了那个农场农场 之后改变变了多少。reflecting on4. help(. . . ) out 帮助(某人)摆摆脱困难难或危难难What evidence was there that he was helping the whalers out? 有什么证证据证证明他在帮捕鲸鲸人摆摆脱困境?Can you h

12、elp me out with the maths problem? 你能帮我解出这这道数学题吗题吗 ?【拓展】翻译译以下短语语cannot help doing sth. _cannot help but do sth. _help oneself (to sth. )_help (sb. ) with sth. _be of great help to sb. _help sb. (to) do sth. _禁不住做某事不能不/不得不做某事自用;自取所需(食物等)帮助(某人)做某事对对某人有帮助帮助某人做某事5. be/become aware of 意识识到;对对知道、明白(1)be a

13、ware that-clause知道;体会到make sb. aware that. . . 提醒某人注意make sb. aware of. . . 使某人意识识到as far as Im aware据我所知(2)develop an awareness of. . . 逐渐渐懂得lack of awareness缺乏认识认识I suddenly _ _ _ somebody watching me. 我突然觉觉得有人在盯盯着我看。Im aware that she is dishonest. 我知道她不诚实诚实 。It is important that students develop an awareness of valuing parents love. 重要的是学生们们要逐渐渐懂得珍惜父母的爱爱。felt aware of6. hold up 举举起;抬起;耽搁搁;延误误The pupil held up his hand to ask the teacher a question. 这这个学生举举手问问了老师师一个问题问题 。Sorry I am late, but my train was held up. 对对不起我来晚了,火车车被耽搁搁了。 【拓展】翻译译以下短语语hold out_hold o


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