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1、General Requirements of Understanding the Six SigmaA Typical Calculation for a sigma capabilityStepActionEquationsYour Calculations1What process do you want to consider?N/ABilling2How many units were put through the process?N/A21673Of the units that went into the process how many came out OK?N/A2059

2、4Compute the yield for the process defined in Step 1.Step 3/Step 22059/2167 = .95025Compute the defect rate based on Step 4.1 step 41 .9502 = .04986Determine the number of potential things that could create a defect.Number of CTQ characteristics187Compute the defect rate per CTO characteristic.Step

3、5/Step 6.00498/18 = .00288Compute the defects per million opportunities (DPMO).Step 7 x 1,000,000.0028 x 1,000,000 = 2,8009Convert the DPMO (Step 8) into a sigma value. You may use a conver- sion chart or calculate the number.N/A4.310Draw conclusions.N/ALittle better than average performanceCascadin

4、g the Y = f(X)Level 1Y = f(X1, X2, .Xn)Level 2y = f(x1, x2, .xn)Level 3yi = f(xi, xii, xn)Where: Y is influenced by a number of potential Xs. The y is the new requirement based on X1s and so on. The X1 is further examined for more potential xs. The yiis yet another requirement of the customer based

5、on x1s and so on. The xiis further examined for more potential xs.Example: High level application of a “meal in the restaurant”:Level 1Y = a good meal in the restaurant is depended on X1 = price, X2 = service, X3 = satisfactionLevel 2y = the result in satisfaction (which is the X3) is depended upon

6、x1 = quality, and x2 = food selectionLevel 3 yi = the result in satisfaction (X3) with quality (which is the x2) is depended upon xi= availability of food, xii = managementLevel 4and so on1. Translating the Voice of the Customer (VOC) to Requirements (CTQs)LevelVOCKey IssuesRequirements GoodBad2. Un

7、derstanding Inputs and OutputsProcess output variablesProcess input variables3. Cause and Effect MatrixRating of importance to customerProcess inputs (Xs) CTPsTotal1235764Process outputs (Ys), CTC, CTD, CTQ4. Project CharterKey roles:Name:Title:Task:Project title:Timing:Start:End:Problem statement:R

8、OI:Expected benefit:Companys impact:Team members:Project scope statement:Project goal:Process owner:Project location:5. Project Plan Milestone ChartTime line in weeks of monthsCycle of projectProject startDefineMeasureAnalyzeImproveControlProject finish6. Process and Boundary DevelopmentEnding point

9、Starting pointProcess name12347. Input, Process and Output MeasuresOutput measuresProcess measuresInput measures8. Computing the Cost of QualityCurrently measuredScrap:Warranty expense:Inspection costs:Overtime:Internal failureScrap:Rework:Supplier scrap:Supplier rework:External failureCost to custo

10、mer:Warranty cost:Complaint adjustments:Returned material:Not measureat this timeIncreased maintenance:Lot sales:Customer dissatisfaction:Downtime:Engineering and product:Development errors:Bill of material inaccuracy:Rejected raw materials:AppraisalInspection:Testing:Quality audit:Initial cost and

11、maintenance of test equipment:PreventionQuality planning:Process planning:Process control:Training:9. Six Key Areas to Address When Improving the Cost of QualityKey drivers1. Basic organizational capabilities:2. Industrial process variations:3. Business process variations:4. Engineering/design proce

12、ss and documentation5. Quality of specifications:6. Supplier capabilities:Basic issueSkills and tools required to implement improvements in business processes are lacking.Poor industrial process capabilities result in high COPO (rework, scrap, field failure). Customer demands are frequently not pass

13、ed on to engineering. Inefficient front-end engineering.Product cost estimation is often widely off the mark, resulting in poor financial performance and incorrect manufacturing decisions.Engineering systems, design processes, and documentation are often inadequate and flawed.Specifications sent to

14、suppliers/subcontrators vary considerably in their quality, resulting in poor- quality parts.Lack of quality suppliers, resulting in poor-quality parts/services, late deliveries, higher parts/service costs, etc.10. Checksheet DevelopmentDate:Name:CommentsFrequencyDefect type11. Data Collection PlanW

15、hatHowWhenWhereWhyWhoNeeded measuresOperational definitionMethod of selectionDate, time, or frequencySourceFormula or formulaePurpose of dataIndividual responsible for the collection12. FMEA FormProcess stepProcess or product name:FMEA teamPrepared by:Original date:Revised date:Page _ of _FMEA numbe

16、r:Responsible:Potential failure modeEffectActions receivedActions takenCausesControlsClassS E VO C CD E TR P NS E VO C CD E TR P N13. Repeatability and Reproducibility Study (Gauge R RR error = ( ) x 5.15; R xs: control factors; ns: noise factors CharacteristicsName of variable being measured UnitsUnits in which the characteristic is measured Range: min. zst represents “unshifted,“ i.e. short term score -shift“Shift“ of mean used in the DPM calculation; def



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