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1、经济篇A all-time low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值 all-time high 打破新记录,创造历史最高点 active trading 交易活跃anti-piracy pai ? r? si 反盗版accounting fraud财务欺诈active trading 交易活跃audit ? :dit: n. C an official examination by an account or accounting firm of an individuals or company s financial records 审计,查账E.g - Now, thats some

2、 very heavy shit for a Monday morning, by the sounds of it. -Since when does the cosmology department audit my lectures? -好了,就听你语气,这鬼话题对于周一的课来说,有点过于沉重了。 -什么时候开始宇宙哲学科的人来旁听我的课了?appropriate:? pr ? uprieit, ? pr ? upri ? tvt. to take sth. for yourself when you do not have the right to do this挪用,盗用B Brok

3、ers br ? uk? (替人买卖股票、证券等之)经纪人Blue chip stocks 蓝筹股,最佳股票Bourse bu ? s(尤其巴黎的)外币市场Blue chip shares (投资比较安全的)热门股票bear market 空头市场,跌风市场,熊市bearish b ? ri ?(继续)看跌的,卖空的E.g. If the number is instead lower by the same margin, it would be bearish. 如果数字下浮至同样的额度,那么熊市的局面将可能出现。bears 卖空的证券交易投机,俗称空头bull market 多头市场,行

4、情上涨,牛市bullish (继续)看涨的,牛市的E.g The question was whether we were looking to take more short positions as the economy appears to be moving into recession and I guess the second part of the question was how do you remain bullish in this kind of environment. 问题是,在经济表现出走向衰退时 ,我们是否会做更多空头 ,我想 这个问题的另一面就是 ,在那种

5、情况下如何保持市场信心bar phone直板手机block trading system大宗交易系统bid trading system竞价交易系统bullish year股市牛年blockbuster大片E.g Hollwood blockbuster好莱坞大片buy into买入股票bow out由。 。 。推出Blue chip shares (投资比较安全的)热门股票Blue chip stocks 蓝筹股,最佳股票backdrop b?k,dr ? p (事件的)背景E.g In the backdrop, in the background, of that expression,

6、 “struggle for science,“ there are two key figures. 为科学而斗争,这个表Bourse (尤其巴黎的)外币市场Brokers (替人买卖股票、证券等之)经纪人bear market 空头市场,跌风市场,熊市bearish b ? ri ? (继续)看跌的,卖空的E.g If the number is instead lower by the same margin, it would be bearish. 如果数字下浮至同样的额度,那么熊市的局面将可能出现。bears 卖空的证券交易投机,俗称空头bull market 多头市场,行情上涨,

7、牛市bullish adj. expecting a successful future; optimistic (继续)看涨的, 牛市的bulls 买空,做多头,哄抬证券价格backdrop: b?k,dr ? p n C the situation or place in which something happens (事件的)背景base rate: n. C the rate of interest that banks use as a basis when they are calculating the rates that they charge on loans 基准利率,

8、基本利率 beat: vt. to do something better, faster etc than what was best before (做事)优于、好过、超过banking: n. U the business of a bank银行业(务)brokerage: br ? uk? rid ? n. C a firm engaged in buying and selling stocks and bonds for clients证券经纪人公司,券商E.g . I think that deposit insurance is very important but we di

9、dnt have anything for corresponding accounts at brokerage services until 1970. 所以存款保险是至关重要的,在1970 年前,在经纪服务业务中 ,对于 对应账户还未有保护举措benchmark: bent? m:k n. C something that is used as a standard by which other things can be judged or measured基准E.g As a matter of fact,there might not even be a benchmark aga

10、inst which you can measure results and youd think about the venture capital world. 事实上 ,甚至也许没有一个指标 ,能用来衡量这些市场的投资结果,想想 风险投资领域C change hands (股票)易手,交易成功collapse (价格等)暴跌crash 崩溃、垮台、失败credit crunch 信贷紧缩cosmetic surgery (face lifting) 整容手术crude oil prices surge原油价飙升crude oil stockpiles原油储备comeback tour复出

11、巡演customs revenuerev? nju:, -nu: 海关税收cut rate 二流货的cutoff point起征点change hands (股票)易手,交易成功collapse (价格等)暴跌cool off: to return to a normal temperature after being hot 变凉,冷却下 来crash 崩溃、垮台、失败current account: n. C an account between two parties having a series of transactions not covered by evidences of

12、indebtedness (as notes or certificates) and usually subject to settlements at stated intervals (as monthly or quarterly) 经常帐户,往来账户,流水账;(国际 收支统计中)经常项目consumer price index: an index of prices used to measure the change in the cost of basic goods and services in comparison with a fixed base period, als

13、o called cost-of-living index in the States 消费物价指数(零售 物价指数), 美生活费指数capacity: k? p? s? ti n. sing., U the amount of something that a factory, company, machine etc can produce or deal with 最大生产量, 生 产能力E.g So after the reports, we had really hoped to integrate civic engagements in some way and some cap

14、acity into the curriculum. 写完报告后,我们真的 ,希望能够把公民权的一些活动,用某种方 式融入到课程表中。creditability: n. U the quality of making people trust you and feel confident that you will do what you say可信性,可信度E.g On the other hand, we should really reflect on the steady loss of creditability of Chinese media. 这一方面归功于网络的发展, 另一方

15、面我们也不得不反思中国媒体不 断沦丧的公信力D Dealers 商人,贩子,掮客downturn 下降趋势,向下,下转depression recession 经济衰退 严重化,出现的商业萧条期downturn n. C a tendency downward, especially in business or economic activity 衰退Depression 特指 1929 年华尔街大崩溃后出现的经济大萧条描述价格下跌幅度较小或适中的名词 dip drift 描述股票价格大幅下跌的名词 dive 描述股票价格下降,但不明确指出下跌幅度的名词 decline drop direc

16、t selling直销depression recession 经济衰退 严重化,出现的商业萧条期Depression 特指 1929 年华尔街大崩溃后出现的经济大萧条derail: direilvt. to spoil or interrupt a plan, agreement etc 使(计划、 协议等)出岔,使偏离正常进程,干扰dot-com (or , dot com): adj. relating to a person or company whose business is done using the Internet or involves the Internet 网 络公司的,网络的deflation: n. U the general reduction of prices or economic a


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