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1、Lesson 2Extreme Sportssky surfingbungee jumpingsnow boardingwhite-water raftingice diving2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last _.A. 5 years B. 10 years C. 20 years1. People do extreme sports in order to feel _.A. excited B. nervous C. happyAB3. People usually bungee jump from _.A. airpla

2、nes B. high buildings C. bridges4. In sky surfing people do mid-air _.A. gymnastics B. dancing C. swimmingCA5. Snowboarding has similarities with _.A. skiing B. surfing C. canoeing6. Snowrafting is _.A. quite dangerous B. very dangerous C. not very dangerousBB8. Ice divers _.A. swim under the iceB.

3、walk on the bottom of lakesC. walk upside down under the ice7. For white-water rafting you need _. A. a big river B. a warm riverC. a mountain riverCCSportsCarolJonathanlikesdoesnt like tenniswould like to try wouldnt like to tryBungee jumpingbungee jumpingskiing/snow boarding sailingsky surfingice

4、divingsnowraftingListen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table.1. I get _ you know. But when Im jumping I feel great. Its like _.2. Id love to try sky surfing, but its _, you know.nervous being a birdvery expensiveListen and fill in the blank.3. I also dont like _. I hate _.

5、Like tennis. Personally, Id prefer to _.4. I _ winter sports. Theres something about snow. I love _. dull sportsdoing boring sportsstay at homeprefergoing skiing5. I love sports where theres speed. I cant _.6. Id quite like to go ice diving-_!7.I cant stand heights. Id hate to do _. It look _ _.stan

6、d slow sportsit sounds crazybungee jumpingterrifyingabsolutelyListen again. Complete the Function File with the following words.quite like, d love, cant stand, love, like, wouldnt like, d quite like, prefer, hate, d prefer1. I _ bungee jumping.2. I _ to try sky surfing.3. I _ to do snowrafting.4. I

7、_ doing boring sports.5. I _ to stay at home.liked lovewouldnt likehatePreferences +ing/noun +to+infinitived prefer6. I _ winter sports.7. I _ going skiing.8. I _ snowboarding.9. I _ slow sports.10. I _ to go ice diving.lovequite likecant standd quite likepreferComplete the sentences in the correct

8、form. turn up, be into, take up, back out, go through with, put on, set up, get across1. Ann waited for Tom for ages but he didnt _.turn up2. What kind of music _ you _?3. A friend of mine _ just _ jogging in order to get fit.4. Why dont we _our computer in the study?5. They were going to have a par

9、ty last Saturday but _ at the last minute.taken upset upbacked outhasareinto1. What sports do you like doing?2. Do you like watching sport on TV?3. Have you ever turned up late for a match?Listen to the questions below. In which of them does the intonation go up at the end? 4. If your school asked y

10、ou to be in a team, would you try to back out? 5. Do you think youll ever take up a dangerous sport? 6. What extreme sports would like to try? 7. What extreme sports couldnt you go through with?8. Have you ever watched extreme sports on TV?Do you find out the “rule” about intonation in questions?The

11、 rising intonation is used in questions that can be answered by yes/noThe falling intonation is used in question -word questions, i.e. beginning with wh-Comparing CulturesListen to a person talking about sports in the USA and Britain and answer these questions1. What do American footballs have to we

12、ar? Why?They have to wear helmets and special protective clothes because it is a very physical game and they could get hurt.2. How many baseball leagues are there in the USA?Two. 3. Are basketball players well paid?Yes. 4. Is football (score) very popular in the USA?No.5. What is the most popular winter sport in Britain?Football. 6. Name another winter sport played in Britain.Rugby. 7. How long can a game of cricket be?Five days.Are any of these sports popular in China?Finish Exercise 7 on P25.Homework


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