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1、板块十三 Modules 132014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY).词汇认知1 adj.全部的,整个的2 n天性,性格,自然3 adj.典型的,有代表性的,独特的4 n平均数Module 1 Basketballentirenaturetypicalaverage2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)5 adj.适当的,足够的,充分的6 adj.各种各样的 n不同种类,多种样式 v使多样化7 adj.体谅的,考虑周到的 v考虑 n考虑8 v道歉,谢罪 n道歉9 v犯(错误 ,罪行);承诺,保证 n承诺;奉献;投入10 n动机 v激发,激励11 把从

2、营救出来12 曾经;一度;在某个时刻adequatevariousvarietyvaryconsiderateconsiderconsiderationapologizecommitapologycommitmentmotivationmotivaterescue.from.at one point2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)13 一直;始终14 因某事向某人道歉15 长大.语境助记He was to be the general manager for his contributions to the development of the company.We all that

3、he would prove to the job.We went to the Great Wall last week,and the we got there,we all thought it a visit.To our great disappointment,he didnt go with us because he had some urgent business to to. all the timeapologize to sb.for sth.grow upappointedoutstandingheldadequateinstantdeservedattend2014

4、 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)1defend v防守;防御,保护,辩护 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)Unfortunately,that is often inaccessible as blocked by the desire to be shocking or to defend some special interest.不幸的是,当被震惊的或保护某种特定利益的欲望所阻隔时,那常常是不可接近的。They needed more troops to defend the border against possible attack.他们需要更多的部队来保卫边 境地区免受可能

5、的攻击。What points can be raised in_defense_of this argument?有什么论点能够提出来为这 个说法辩护 呢?2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)2. attend vt.出席,参加;照顾,护理 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)(2012年高考福建卷)We promise whoever attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.我们向任何参加派对的人承诺一个和影星照相的机会。When I first started attending t

6、he practice sessions,I didnt even know the rules of the game,much less what I was doing.当我第一次参加(篮球)训练时 ,我连(篮球)的规则 都不懂,更不用说我在做什么了。We must attend_on the sick who have a fever.我们必须照料那些发烧 的病人。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)3.deserve v应得;值得Your suggestion deserves considering.Your suggestion de

7、serves to be considered.Your suggestion deserves consideration.你的建议值 得考虑。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)Congratulations again on your promotion.You deserve it.再度恭喜你高升。你是得之无愧的。You deserve_to be happy for all the good things you do.你做的这些好事定会给你带来幸福。deserve后接动名词的主动结 构表示被动意义,有类似用法的还有:need,want(需要),require,be worth等

8、。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)4instant adj.立即的;即刻的;(食品等)速食的 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报 要求立即回复。The_instant I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for.我一看到他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。2014 新课标高考总复习

9、英语(WY)5appoint v任命,委派,约定 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take the place of George.Sam代替了George,被任命为工程部经理。A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.一位律师被指定为这 个孩子的代理律师。The manager wont see you unless you make_an_appointment_with him.除非你事先和他有约,否则经

10、 理不会见你。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)6draw ones attention to 引起某人对的注意 I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didnt like attention drawn to myself.我过去不喜欢别 人在班上让我说话 ,主要因为我不喜欢将注意力集中到我自己身上。He waved his hand to catch_my_attention.他挥手以吸引我的注意力。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)7take possession of占有,占据,拥有We did

11、nt take possession of the car until a few days after the auction.拍卖会过后几天,我们才真正拥有了那辆汽车。The widow is in possession of a large fortune.那个寡妇拥 有一大笔财产 。Ive had_possession_of this house for 10 years.我拥有这栋 房子已有10年了。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)有the无the意不同(1)in charge of管理(主动)in the charge of由管理(被动)(2)out of questio

12、n没问题 ,办得到,毫无疑问out of the question不可能,办不到的His success is out of the question.他必失败。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)8be based on/upon以为基础(2012年高考江苏卷)Basing an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.如果把一个重要决定建立在情感而不是理智上,你迟早会后悔的。After all,the doctorpatient relationship i

13、s based on trust,and therefore honesty is essential.不管怎么说,医患关系以信任为基础,因此诚实 是非常必要的。One should always base his ideas on the fact.一个人应当把观点建立在事实的基础上。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)1I looked all over the house for the letter and it was in my pocket _.Aall the time Ball timesCin time Don time解析:考查固定短语。all the time意为“一直,始终”,符合句意。all times无此搭配;in time及时;on time准时。答案:A2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY)2I always have so many things to _ when I come back to the company after a trip abroad.Aadd to Bcome toCattend to Dused to解析:句意:当我国外旅行之后返回公司时,总是有那么多的事情需要我去处理。add to增加;come to达到;attend to注意,处理;used to过去常常。答案:C 2014 新课标高考总复



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