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1、 Warming upSkimmingDiggingCritical ThinkingLanguage in UseUnfamiliar WordsInterpretingTalking PointEATINGhotpot Warming upMore2. Look at the first sentence of the passage. Imagine youre the writer and answer the questions.Its a chilly winter evening, two hours after we arrive from New York, and were

2、 with my friends in a Sichuan hotpot restaurant in Beijing.1 How do you feel to be back in Beijing?2 Whats the atmosphere like in the restaurant?Warming upMoreIt is very noisy and there is steam everywhere. The staff are very busy and the customers are enjoying themselves a lot.I think I am feeling

3、excited. I have lots to talk about with everybody and I am happy to be eating a hotpot again.1 How do you feel to be back in Beijing?2 Whats the atmosphere like in the restaurant?Warming up3. Watch the video and answer some questions.MoreWarming upOne line of the movie: “你带着老婆,出了城,吃着火锅还唱着歌, 突然就被麻匪劫了

4、”has become a famous line and was adapted into different funny versions on the internet. Do you think it has reflected some food culture and life attitude of Chinese people?How would you explain the line to a foreigner?Have you had the experience of eating hotpot with foreigners? If had, how did it

5、go? More1 Where is the writers boyfriend from? New York. 2 How long has he been in China? Two hours.SkimmingMore3 Where are her other friends from? China. Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it. Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 26.TaskActivity 2: Answer the

6、questions. 5 What does it consist of?A stock, slices of meat and vegetables, and dipping sauces.6 How long has the writer been living in China?Some months.Skimming4 What dish do they eat?Hotpot.MoreWarming upSkimmingDiggingCritical ThinkingLanguage in UseUnfamiliar WordsInterpretingTalking PointEATI

7、NGhotpot SkimmingActivity 3: Choose the best answer to the question.1 How does the writer feel to be back in Beijing?(a) Very tired.(b) Uncertain about what to do.(c) Cold and hungry. (d) Rather happy. 2 Why does she go to eat Sichuan food?(a) Because she wants her boyfriend to try it.(b) Because sh

8、e hasnt tried it before. (c) Because the food is hot and spicy. (d) Because you can talk while you eat it. MoreSkimming3 What does she show her boyfriend?(a) How to read the menu. (b) How to order the food. (c) How to cook the food. (d) How to hold chopsticks.4 Why does she laugh at her boyfriend?(a

9、) Because he doesnt know how to hold chopsticks. (b) Because he doesnt understand what she and her friends are talking about.(c) Because he doesnt understand how to eat the food.(d) Because he doesnt like the food.MoreSkimming5 What do Westerners feel about real Chinese food, according to the writer

10、?(a) They dont like the taste.(b) Its the same as Chinese food in the West.(c) It takes too long to eat. (d) It feels different from the food they know.6 What did the writer feel about Chinese food when she first came to China?(a) She didnt eat it.(b) She liked it immediately.(c) She only ate it to

11、please her hosts. (d) It made her feel homesick.1 Its a chilly winter evening, two hours after we arrive from New York, and were with my friends in a Sichuan hotpot restaurant in Beijing. Its a typically warm, noisy, energetic place, and I have a comfortable feeling about being back in China. A wait

12、ress places a hotpot in front of us, and lights the gas. As we investigate its contents, the bubbling steam and spices rise, and our faces go red with the heat and the expectation of our favorite food.译文MP3Digging2 Well, nearly all of us. My boyfriend has come with me for a brief stay, his first vis

13、it to China, and Ive sworn to give him some typical Sichuan food. He looks a bit confused, maybe because hes exhausted after the flight.译文MP3Digging3 One of my Chinese friends hands me the menu and asks me to order. The waitress brings plates of raw food, thin slices of beef and lamb, piles of mushr

14、ooms, plentiful amounts of certain vegetables which Westerners would find unusual, as well as some slippery bits of meat which are hard to identify and which we wouldnt even think of eating in the US.译文MP3Digging句子分析4 I explain that the stock in one side of the hotpot is fairly mild, and that the ot

15、her side contains liquid fire, full of peppers, which needs to be treated with respect. Then I explain how to plunge the ingredients in the boiling stock, cook them and then dip them in the different sauces before eating.译文MP3Digging5 Soon were all helping ourselves to the food, serving each other t

16、he tastiest pieces, chatting about what weve been doing during the vacation. But my boyfriends plate is empty and I see him picking out slice after slice, looking at each one, and then putting it back in the hotpot.译文MP3Digging6 “What are you looking for?” I ask.7 He looks puzzled, “How do the others recognize which slices they put in? How do I manage to pick out the exact slices I


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