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1、英语高考跨模块专题复习之英语高考跨模块专题复习之 Learning efficientlyLearning efficiently刘祝英、张勇刘祝英、张勇Topic : learning methods Step1. Grasp the relevant words and sentences. Step2:Translate the following sentences Step3 :writing Stept4:Classic sentencesLearning efficientlyLearning efficientlyHow can we learn efficiently?Ste

2、p1. Grasp the relevant words and sentences. Words: adj. : excellent;gifted;smart;intelligent; outstanding;extinguished;pessimistic;effective;com petent;enthusiastic;sufficient; adequate;appropriate;hard-working;reasonabe; scientific n. : goal;aim;ability;persistence;obstacle;challenge;enc ouragement

3、;motivation;access V. : inspire;enlight;recall;adopt;endeavour Phrases: 1.专注,勤奋:determine to do; be determined to do; concentrate on; devote ones attention to; focus ones attention on; pay attention to; have access to; have great (much) enthusiasm for. 2.学习方法:positive (active, optimistic) attitude;

4、build(have, form) a study habit; follow teachers advice; have motivation doing sth; attend enrichment classes; seek to appropriate(proper) learning method; study alone(in groups); adopt ones advice; develop skill. 3. 取得进步:have an(no) idea of; have access to; have a(no) conception of; have an experie

5、nce of; overcome the barrier(difficulties); have some influnces on; have a sense of fullfillment(achievement, accomplishment) achieve ones purpose (goal, aim);Sentences: 1. Most people agree that the best way to improve your skills in any endeavour is to practise, practise and then practise some mor

6、e. 大部分人认为努力改进技能的最好方式就是实 践、实践、再实践。 2. One way to test whether a text is at the right level is to read the first page. 测试一篇文章是否在合适的水平的一个方法就 是去读它的第一页。3. We should try to summarize what we have learned in our own words. 我们应该用我们的语言去总结我们已经学过的 知识。 4. There can be little doubt that special classes can help

7、the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. 重点班可以使得有天赋的学生更早地毕业和找 到自己生活中的位置,这一点是很少人会质疑 的。 5. Rome wasnt built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hard- work will be rewarded by god one day. God is equal to everyone! 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。更加努力的学习,更加 勤奋的操练,你所付出的一切将会得到上帝的

8、报 答,上帝是公平的。 Learning efficientlyLearning efficientlyHow can we learn efficiently?Step2:Translate the following sentences. (1)在你觉得疲倦和精神分散之前休息一下,这是非常 重要的。(It is important to , lose ones concertration ) (2)传统的单独学习的方法被认为是保证考试成绩的最 佳方法。 (be thought to be ) (3)你一旦确立了目标,确保能够努力地实现它。 (once, make an effort) (4

9、)作为一个高三的学生,我应该有效地计划自己的学 习,这样我才可以掌握各式各样的科目和知识。 (as a Senior Three student ; so that引导的状语从句) (5)正如我们所知,在学习的过程中,没有人能 不犯错误,我也不例外。(as we know, make a mistake, in the process of) (6) 在过去,我很少有信心去和同学讨论学习话题 。 (seldom 倒装句 have confidence to do) (7) 老师的话激起了我的信心。(主语从句, inspire) (8) 这就是为什么这本书很多正文前面有读前活 动的原因。 (th

10、is is why 表语从句) 活用本单元句型: (1) 由于他的信心与坚持,他终于实现了进入清华 大学的梦想。(with + 名词, fullfill his dream) (2)一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你 越多的将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们 就变的越自然。 (it形式主语、to do 作真正主语) (3)你应该经常复述你的知识,因为通过这样你 可以把它长期记在心里。(by doing) (4) 为了高效学习,你可以考虑以下的建议。 (to do作目的状语, takeinto account) (5) 学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。 (to do 作定语, as

11、 often as possible) (6) 一有机会就努力去用英文来思考。看到某事时 ,想想它的英文单词;然后把它用到一个句子中去 。(whenever) (7) 语言到底是用来干什么的呢?一些人认为它是 用来操练语法规则和学习一大堆单词-而且单词 越长越好。这个想法是错误的。语言是用来交换 思想,进行交流沟通的!(seem to do, be for) Step 3 Writing 基础写作1 假设你是一个来自72中成绩非常优秀的高二学生,在高三第一个学期 开学初,学校组织了一次学习交流会,邀请一些成绩非常优秀的学生 就如何备战高考,作个关于自己的一些高中阶段的学习心得与学习方 法的介绍

12、,让全校学生能借鉴模仿你们的学习方法与技巧。 写作内容 谈论自己高中阶段的学习心得与方法 活动时间:2011年8月4日7:30 a.m. 活动地点:广州天河体育馆(Tianhe Sports Gymnasium) 活动主题:learning methods 活动内容: 交流学习方法,借鉴模仿,希望本校所有战友都能 进入自己理想的大学 寄学于乐基础写作2下面是问卷调查得出的结论:学习要讲究效率,提高效率,途径大致有以下几点: 1 每天保证8小时睡眠。 2 学习时要全神贯注。 3 坚持体育锻炼。 4 学习要主动。 【写作内容】写一篇短文,包括以下内容: 找到自己的学习方法在高中学习阶段的重要性 概

13、括基本的保障性学习方法 简要谈谈你自己的学习方法【写作要求】 只能用5个句子表达全部内容 标题已给出 Effective ways to learn 【参考范文】 As a student, learning efficiency depends mainly on the academic impact. When we join in the community, we will still continue to work to learn new knowledge and skills. This time, a level of learning efficiency will a

14、ffect his (or her) job performance, therefore affecting his career and future. To develop good study habits, rational use of time, also notice that the “focus, heart, perseverance“ and other basic quality of training, for their own advantages, defects and more importantly understanding. Timely revie

15、w is the most effective, review can be gradually reduced, but regularly review to help make learning more effective.阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文 Life is a journey full of stumbling blocks, unexpected traps and fierce competition, as a part of it, study is no exception. Meanwhile, those who study efficient and succeed finally are not lucky people without plan. So lets make a good and probably plan to study efficiently. As is know by all, study efficiency is a vital part in study, but on campus you can hear: some students complain they always distract in class


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