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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 FindingFinding youryour wayway课题UnitUnit 4 4 FindingFinding youryour wayway ComicComic stripstrip andand WelcomeWelcome toto thethe unitunit总第 1 课时教学目标1. 能认识有关地点和交通的图标。2. 能谈论出游和交通方式的话题。3. 能辨别方位。教学重点能在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交际。能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流。教学难点能在教师的指导下参与简单的游戏和角色扮演活动。能提供有关个人情况和个人经历的信息。教 学 过 程 (教

2、学 环节、教师活动、学生活动)二次备课WelcomeWelcome toto thethe unitunit StepStep Free talk 1. Ask and answer:(about directions) Where do some birds fly in winter? W here do they fly in spring? 2.New words: south north east west south-east north-west south-west north-east. 3. Ask and answer: Wheres the park? The park

3、 is north of our school. StepStep Practice 1. Draw a map, then ask and answer. Wheres? Its. 2. Ask students to act in front of the class. 3. Text book P43 Part A The students are planning a class trip. Look at the map. First, tell me where Sunshine Middle School is. Then find the places they plan to

4、 visit.2S S teptep Presentation 1. Ask an d answer questions like this: Is your home far from our school? How do you usually go to school? 2. Practice: Ask students to make a similar dialogue like this: S1: Is your home far from our schoo l? S2: No. Its north of the school, about ten miles away. S1:

5、 How do you come to school? S2: I come to school by 3. Simon and Daniel are talking about the trip. Listen to the tape and answer these questions.Where are they going for the trip?Wheres the zoo?How will they get there? 4. Open your books. Please repeat the conversation af ter the tape. StepStep Pra

6、ctice Work in pairs and talk about the trip. You can use Simon and Daniels conversation as a model.S1: Wheres Sunshine Park? S2: Its north-east of our school. S3: Lets go there. S2: OK. S1: How can we get there?S2: We can get there by bus/on foot. ComicComic stripstrip StepStepP resentation Work in

7、pairs. Suppose one knows the way, and the other doesnt. Please have a conversation about this. eg:I know the way. Follow me! Are you sure? Dont be afraid. Come with me. StepStep Listen and answer 1. Listen to the tape and answer the question: Does Hobo, in fact, know the way? (No, he doesnt.) 2. (1)

8、Where are Hobo and Eddie? (Theyre on a hill.) (2)How does Hobo go down the hill?(Hobo jumps down.) (3)What does the sign say? (It says Dogs this way.) (4)Do they have to go up the hill again? (Yes, they do.)StepStep Read and act 1. Listen again, Ss read after the tape recorder. 2. Ask some students to act it out, and they can use their own ideas in the conversation. StepStep Homework 1. Recite the dialogue and Part B.32. Complete WB. 3. Preview Reading.教学反思


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