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1、Week 1(2012)Accuracy: content & style ReadabilityHe died He passed away last week. He kicked the bucketHe is the last person Id like to turn to for help.A man can never have too many ties & a woman can never have too many hats.You cant be too careful when crossing the road.You cant estimate the valu

2、e of modern science too much.I cant agree more. I cant feel better. I cant agree less.He was so excited that he couldnt utter a word at the awarding ceremony.He does not work because he has a big family to support.Schooling is compulsory in most countries to the age of 16.A survey was carried out on

3、 the death rate of new-born babies in that region, of which the results were surprising.In the 1960s there was a change in fashion in favor of small cars.If an entrepreneur was suddenly given as much money as he wanted, would he stop his activities or use the money to dvp new ones?History is very mu

4、ch on the side of the new activities. ContextA woman who goes to work for a large corporation like IBM likes the security of a definite salary and of knowing that there will always be a defined job to be done, a definite direction in which to exert her abilities.I saw the man who wrote the book (tha

5、t) youd recommended to me.The isolation of the rural areas () because of distance and the lack of transportation facilities is compounded by the lack of information media.He put his hands in his pockets, shook his head and walked away.He was 36 and his youth had passed like a screaming eagle.The can

6、als were arteries of communication: they were not made to carry pleasure boats, but barges.Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man. (Francis Bacon)Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for abilities.Words alone do not mean anything. What matters is CONTEXT.Lingui

7、stic competence: gra (sen. str.) + voc (sound + form + meaning in context)+ ways of exp. + listening skillsCommunicative comp: concentration + catching core info. + activate acquired info. anticipation / guess + logic + flexibilityA rise in divorce rate and the increase in the number of single-paren

8、t household and homosexual family indicate that the American family is suffering a crisis of collapsing.Although feeding the worlds pop. will be a major prbm, the world is probably not heading for disaster. 1st, the worlds arable land can be expanded. 2nd, the distri. of fd and the yield of fd can b

9、e impvd. 3rd, the pop. growth can be ctrled.ctrl poptech incr yieldconserve fdexpd landdistributionTest paperthe host city / countrydynamicinvaluable a life you have no chance to live yourself a world you have no time to travelundergo rapid changeapparentAsia-Pacific regionenhance prosperity听意义(无笔记口

10、译)听意义(无笔记口译) (Week 3)1)信息接受和快速分析:对信息积极反应 (语音、语义同认知知识结合)数字反应训练:与相关信息结合hundred / thousand / million / billionAsia the biggest continent on earth occupies 26% of the global surface and supports some 58% of the total world population. Of the 71 million childbirths each year, 46 million take place in Asi

11、a.2)激活被动记忆,加深理解和记忆:要善用认知辅助听力(方法:综述 复述演讲内容等)。主题准备:学习新知新词,对多种话题感兴趣。认知 知识越丰富,对主题越了解,翻译中压力越小。3)逻辑推理与记忆容量:抓住信息层次、逻辑和主干;将语言信息与已储 存的认知知识结合,脱离原语言形式,进行意义记忆,选择性记忆。Approximately 33% of the deaths in the pre-schoolage group can be attributed to poor environmentalsanitation. Less than 15% of rural population liv

12、ewithin a walking distance of 10 kilometres of ahealth facility of any kind. / A doctor has said: “Inthe Philippines and certainly more so in other Asiancountries, including Bangladesh, about 70% of thepeople die without seeing a doctor. / According to1978 data, the life expectancy at birth is 58 in

13、 Asiaand 71 in Europe as against the world average of60 11/10 testThere are great variations / differences in the climate in Canada. Its extremely cold in winter except in Vancouver where the climate is mild.In thousands of started to favour as if it wereIts hard to say how manythere are It is estim

14、ated that June the 5th the World Envt Day. The UN and all gvts hold to publicize / to help the public know /range fromtoFahrenheitCelsiusregardless of sexual orientationphenomenonsweepcome outdefine ason a basisregularoriginstransform intosource of my ideasconscious / un inspirationget lost inon a s

15、cholarly levelrecession / depression / slump / downturn-ced / ces: goderailaffect / involve / concernobesitybe positive the quickened / fast pace of lifea proper mealbe consistent in ,Dec. 29 (week 4)UtteranceSort outWhereasGlanceThoroughlySectionIgnore A case of “He who hesitates is lost.”Det to, & letting rather than dwelling upongives sur gd resrephraseechoa half-missed point 2 /3specificmore often than notlet parts of what theyve failed to sort out passtolerateVaguenessIncompletenessAnother diff / lis not in a pos



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