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1、1模块专项训练模块专项训练. .用 forfor 或 sincesince 完成下列句子1 1.How long have you worked in the factory? ForFor less than two years. 2 2.We have known each other forfor five years. 3 3.She has learnt about 1,500 English words sincesince she went to school.4 4.I have known her sincesince two months ago. 5 5.Mr.Smith

2、 has had the black car sincesince he was twenty years old. .句型转换1 1.She has been in Beijing for six years.(就画线部分提问) HowHow longlong hashas she been in Beijing? 2 2.They have been friends since they came to this school.(就画线部分提问) HowHow longlong havehave they been friends? 3 3.The farmer has stayed in

3、 that village for three years.(改为同义句)The farmer has stayed in that village sincesince threethree yearsyears agoago . 4 4.Linda left here five minutes ago.(改为同义句)Linda hashas beenbeen awayaway forfor five minutes. 5 5.My mother married my father eighteen years ago.(改为同义句)My parents havehave beenbeen

4、marriedmarried for eighteen years. .用所给词的适当形式填空1 1.(2017 江苏宿迁)Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels sleepysleepy (sleep). 2 2.(2017 浙江丽水改编)E-payment service is now widely used in our dailydaily (day) life. 3 3.(2017 甘肃白银)We all need a healthyhealthy (health) environment. 24 4.(2017 安徽合肥包河大地

5、中学期中)He didnt go to school because of his illnessillness (ill). 5 5.(2017 安徽合肥 42 中期中改编)Last night I stayed up too late.Im sleepysleepy (sleep) all day. .单项选择1 1.(2017 四川德阳)My mother has taught in this school D D she was twenty years old. A.for B.untilC.becauseD.since2 2.导学号 82654072(2017 江西) Since

6、we began to use the Internet,our lives D D a lot. A.changeB.had changedC.will changeD.have changed3 3.(2017 安徽合肥 42 中期中)How time flies! My grandfather B B for ten years. A.has diedB.has been dead C.was deadD.died4 4.导学号 82654073(2017 广西贵港)Im going to Hong Kong next month.What about you,Jenny?I will

7、A A social practice. A.take part inB.take placeC.take offD.take action5 5.(2017 江苏扬州)You have a nice car.Thank you.I D D it for less than one month. A.boughtB.have boughtC.hadD.have had书面表达近来,中小学生的健康问题日益引起人们的关注。其中垃圾食品、电子游戏等是影响健康的重要因素,请以“Keep Healthy”为题谈谈你的看法。要求:1.列举中小学生面临的健康问题;2.谈谈怎样才能保持健康;33.70 词左右

8、,开头已给出,不计入词数。提示词:junk food,be bad for,computer games,suggestions,stay away fromKeep HealthyToday,some students have several health problems.OneOne ofof themthem isis junkjunk food.Itsfood.Its badbad forfor theirtheir health.Althoughhealth.Although theirtheir parentsparents dontdont wantwant themthem

9、 toto eateat tootoo muchmuch junkjunk foodfood,theythey stillstill eateat it.Anotherit.Another problemproblem isis playingplaying computercomputer games.Itsgames.Its badbad forfor theirtheir eyes.Andeyes.And somesome studentsstudents dontdont havehave enoughenough timetime toto sleep.Theysleep.They

10、alwaysalways havehave tootoo muchmuch homeworkhomework toto dodo andand havehave toto staystay upup tootoo late.Itslate.Its alsoalso badbad forfor theirtheir health.health. WhatWhat shouldshould wewe dodo toto keepkeep healthyhealthy?FirstlyFirstly,I I thinkthink wewe shouldshould eateat moremore ve

11、getablesvegetables andand fruits.Secondlyfruits.Secondly wewe shouldshould listenlisten toto parentsparents suggestionssuggestions,andand staystay awayaway fromfrom computercomputer games.Thirdlygames.Thirdly wewe shouldshould keepkeep aboutabout eighteight hourshours sleepsleep everyevery dayday andand learnlearn toto relax.Werelax.We cancan dodo sportssports everyevery dayday,suchsuch asas runningrunning andand playingplaying ballball games.Ofgames.Of coursecourse,therethere areare alsoalso somesome otherother goodgood waysways toto keepkeep healthy.healthy.



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