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1、Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising重点单词 1aware adj.知道的;明白的【用法拓展】be aware of be aware thataware常用作表语或补足语,通常不作定语,当其用于否定句时,后可接由wh 词引导的从句,此时of常可省略。They are fully aware of the importance of protecting the environment.他们十分明白保护环境的重要性。I wasnt even aware that he was ill.我都不知道他生病了。剑桥高阶You are not aware(of)how worried

2、 I felt about your safety.你不知道我多么担心你的安全。 即学即用完成句子你知道这些孩子们在学习英语方面很吃力吗?Are you _ _ these children have great difficulty in learning English?答案:aware that她的话使我明白了经常锻炼的重要性。_ she said made me _ _ the importance of regular exercise.答案:What;aware ofSomething should be done to make him(意识到)_ _ the dangers o

3、f taking drugs.答案:aware of2share vt.&vi.共用;分享;分担;平均分配 n一份;股份【用法拓展】share the joys and hardships 同甘共苦share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物share sth.between/among sb.和某人分配某物 share(in) 分享,分担share out 分摊 share an interest 兴趣相同Theres only one bedroom,so well have to share.只有一间卧室,所以我们只好合住。She wont share her secret wit

4、h us.她不愿意把她的秘密告诉我们.The money was shared out between them.这笔钱由他们分摊。She owns 5,000 shares in the company.她拥有公司的五千股份。She and her husband have many shared interests.她和她丈夫有许多共同的兴趣。剑桥高阶即学即用单项选择Let Harry play with your toys as well,Clareyou must learn to_. Asupport Bcare Cspare Dshare答案:D完成句子The teacher su

5、ggested that they _ _ _(分担费用)among them.答案:share the expensesWe are good friends,so we should _(分享)happiness and sorrow.答案:share3persuasive adj.有说服力的;劝导性的【用法拓展】a persuasive speech 一次充满说服力的演讲a persuasive speaker 有说服力的演说家persuade do(或into doing)sth.说服某人做某事Your arguments are very persuasive.你的论据非

6、常有说服力。剑桥高阶Who persuaded you to join the school club?谁说服你参加学校俱乐部的?Dont let some advertisements persuade you into buying the things you dont really want.不要让有些广告诱导你去买些你并不真正需要的东西。即学即用 单项选择I _ my father _ and he did so.Aadvised;to stop smoking Btried to persuade;to give off smoking Cpersuaded;to give up

7、smoking Dsuggested;to stop to smoke答案:CHave you _ him?Yes.After some hours of discussion,I _ to reason him in accepting the new plan.Apersuaded;had managed Badvised;would manage Cadvised;have managed Dpersuaded;managed答案:D完成句子They believed the child by his _ _(有说服力的理由)答案:persuasive reasonsShe is so

8、skilled that she can easily _ _ _ _(说服人们购买)the new products.答案:persuade people into buying/to buy4service n服务;招待【用法拓展】at ones service 随时为某人做某事be of service to sb. 对某人有用处in service 被雇用着,在服兵役 on service 在某行业工作,在服兵役do sb.a service 帮某人的忙 in the service of sb.为某人服务If you need anything,Im at your service.

9、如果你需要什么,请尽管吩咐。Can I be of service to anyone? 有谁需要我帮忙吗?Youve done me a great servicethank you.你已经帮了我的大忙太谢谢了。剑桥高阶即学即用May I come on Sundays and do some reading here?Sure.My secretary and library will be at your _.Ahelp Bcompany Cservice Drequest答案:C5. promote vt.推销;促进;提升【用法拓展】promote 提升某人为. be pr

10、omoted to 被提升,被升级 The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.这个乐队已经开始巡回宣传他们的新唱片。A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which in turn will promote its economic development.清洁的环境有助于城市申办奥林匹克项目,反过来,这也将会不断地促进该城市经济的发展。If Im not promoted within the next two years,Im going to c

11、hange jobs.如果我在今后两年内得不到提升,我就换工作。剑桥高阶即学即用 单项选择 We should not sacrifice environmental protection to _ economic growth.Aconcentrate Bpromote Cassociate Daccumulate答案:B完成句子 The Prime Ministers visit will _(促进)the cooperation between the two countries.答案:promoteAs a sales manager,your job is _(推销)the new

12、 product to make it known to consumers.答案:promoting6intend v打算;企图;意思是【用法拓展】be intended for 为打算/设计的 intend to do sth.打算做某事intend do sth.打算让某人做某事 intention of doing sth.想要做某事without intention 无意的 by intention 故意地with good intention 善意的,诚意的I dont think she intended me to hear the remark.我觉得她并不想让我

13、听见那话。剑桥高阶My brother intends to study abroad next year.我弟弟打算明年到国外留学。He went to Paris with the intention of learning French.他去巴黎是为了学法语。They intended that the project should be carried out at the end of the year.他们打算这一工程在年底上马。The book intended for children has been published.那本专供儿童阅读的书已经出版了。 即学即用单项选择He

14、 has made a lot of mistakes in the paper,though he did not _.Aattend to Bintend to Cintend for Dintend making答案:B完成句子He _ _ _(本打算)finish the project ahead of time,but he failed.答案:had intended toThese flowers are _ _(打算给)the teachers with thirty yearsteaching experience.答案:intended for7. lie n说谎 v躺,

15、存在【用法拓展】lie to sb.对某人说谎 lie down 躺下lie in 在于,位于 tell lies/a lie to sb.对某人说谎a white lie 善意的谎言 lie on ones back/side/stomach仰卧/侧卧/俯卧lie about游手好闲 lieliedliedlying 说谎lielaylainlying 躺下,位于 laylaidlaid 放,搁,下蛋,产卵The little boy was caught telling a lie.小男孩说谎时被揭穿。美国传统Little Tom always lies to his classmates,so they dont like him.小汤姆老是对他的同学撒谎,所以他们不喜欢他。The young man la


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