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1、1第一单元检测第一单元检测(时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分).单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)1 1.Whats the matter B B you? There is something wrong with my eyes.A.for B.withC.onD.to2 2.导学号 23384004I didnt C C my temperature,but I knew I have a fever. A.giveB.setC.takeD.show3 3.导学号 23384005Why are you so tired these days?Well,I have A A wo

2、rk to do. A.too muchB.too manyC.much tooD.many too4 4.Mom,Ill go to my friends party,but I dont know what to wear.Could you make a D D for me? OK.Let me see.A.conditionB.experienceC.directionD.decision5 5.导学号 23384006You A A be quiet when you are in the reading room. A.shouldB.shouldntC.cantD.can6 6

3、.How did he use to go to school?By bike.But now hes used to D D to school. A.walkedB.walksC.walkD.walking7 7.导学号 23384007This bus doesnt go to the hospital.Im afraid youll have to C C at the library and take the subway. A.take offB.put offC.get offD.turn off8 8.导学号 23384008Lets see the dolphins.Grea

4、t!I like to watch them A A and swim. A.jumpB.to jumpC.jumpingD.are jumping9 9.导学号 23384009The A A girl was sent to hospital by her mother yesterday. A.sickB.ill2C.goodD.well1010.The scarf is C C and she made it . A.herself;herB.herself;hersC.hers;herselfD.her;herself1111.导学号 23384010Dont lose heart.

5、You should keep on B B . A.tryB.tryingC.triesD.tried1212.导学号 23384011I have a pain in my back. A A .Youd better see a doctor. A.Im sorry to hear thatB.Nothing serious C.It doesnt matterD.Thats all right1313.导学号 23384012Although the man is old,he is still A A control of the company(公司). A.inB.atC.onD

6、.for1414.导学号 23384013Smoking is bad for your health.Youre right.I decide to D D . A.take it downB.find it outC.turn it offD.give it up1515.导学号 23384014We have problems B B under the water. A.breatheB.breathingC.to breatheD.breathed.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)导学号 23384015An old man went to a hospital.When t

7、he 16. B B came to see him,he said,“Mr.Smith,you should have two injections(注射),and then you will feel much better.A 17. A A will come and give you the first one this evening,and then you will get 18. D D tomorrow morning. In the 19. D D a young woman came to Mr.Smiths bed.To his 20. A A ,the nurse

8、said to him,“Ill give you the first injection now.21. C C do you want it?” 3The old man looked at the nurse for a while and then he said,“22. B B has ever let me choose it before.Are you going to let me make a 23. A A now?” “Yes,Mr.Smith,”the nurse answered 24. D D a smile on the face. “I want the n

9、urse to give 25. C C the injection,” He thought.“I want it in your left arm,please.” Mr.Smith answered very quickly. 1616.A.workerB.doctorC.teacherD.waiter1717.A.nurseB.climberC.keeperD.dentist1818.A.anotherB.othersC.the othersD.the other1919.A.morningB.noonC.afternoonD.evening2020.A.surpriseB.accid

10、entC.situationD.beginning2121.A.HowB.WhenC.WhereD.Why2222.A.SomebodyB.NobodyC.AnybodyD.Everybody2323.A.decisionB.ruleC.wayD.job2424.A.atB.inC.withoutD.with2525.A.myselfB.himselfC.herselfD.ourselves.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)A A导学号 23384016High-speed trains,Alipay(支付宝),shared bikes and online payment are s

11、een as the new Four Great Achievements of China by young foreigners,according to a video survey by the Silk Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University.In the video,young people from 20 countries along Belt and Road Routes(一带一路)were asked to name great inventions that had influence

12、d their lives in China.The following is what they said from 4 young people of them.42626.What does Justin think of the high-speed railways in China according to his words? A A A.Fast and tidy.B.Convenient and wonderful.C.Cheap and amazing.2727.What do“A” and “B” refer to(指)in Yalas words? C C A.Two

13、bikes. B.Two riders. C.Two places.2828.What does the underlined phrase “be in a tough spot” mean? A A A.Get into trouble.B.Lose your way.C.Stay in silence.2929.Which of the following is TRUE according to the above information? B B A.Bicycle-sharing system provides bikes for free.B.Therere no high-sp

14、eed railways in Romania now.C.Zhi Fu Bao is the only way of paying for things.3030.What conclusion(结论)can we draw about the new four great achievements? B B A.They were created by young foreign people.B.They are the signs that China is improving rapidly.C.They were brought to the countries along Bel

15、t and Road Routes.B B导学号 23384017Everybody will have some health problems.Here are Mr.Blacks problems and his doctors advice.I hope they can help you.Mr.BlacksMr.Blacks problemsproblemsMy name is David Black.I live in a small house.When I eat and drink,I am always worried they are dirty.So when I am

16、 hungry or thirsty,I dont want to eat food or drink water.And I never go out when the weather is cold or hot,because I am worried Ill have a cold.I dont go out often because I dont want to talk with others.I 5hardly exercise,but sometimes I take a walk in my garden.After I walk for a few minutes,I have to take a rest.I am always very weak and tired.I often have a headache,but I dont want to see a doctor.Wha


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