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1、1单元专项训练单元专项训练.句型转换1 1.My bike is broken.(对画线部分提问)WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith your bike? 2 2.You had better watch TV with them.(改为否定句)You hadhad betterbetter notnot watch TV with them. 3 3.Whats wrong with Jack?(改为同义句)Whats thethe mattermatter with Jack? 4 4.Why not send her an e-mail?(改为同义句)How/W

2、hatHow/What aboutabout sendingsending her an e-mail? .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1 1.你应该努力学习英语。You shouldshould workwork hardhard at English. 2 2.我们不应该嘲笑别人。We shouldntshouldnt laughlaugh atat others. 3 3.昨天她怎么啦?What waswas wrongwrong with her yesterday? 4 4.我们出去打篮球好吗?Lets go out and play basketball, shallshall

3、wewe ? 5 5.你为什么不给她提些建议呢?WhyWhy dontdont youyou givegive her some advice? 单项选择1 1.(2017山东泰安)If you always A A yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure. I agree.We should believe in ourselves.A.compare B.complainC.connectD.consider2 2.(2017内蒙古通辽)Why not go swimming with them? C C A.Thank you

4、.B.Youre so kind.C.Thats a good idea.D.What a shame!23 3.(2017新疆乌鲁木齐)4G Internet makes it possible for us to D D the information easily and quickly. A.look likeB.look afterC.look aroundD.look through4 4.(2017山东济宁)Xiongan New Area will help C C big problems in Beijing,such as traffic jams. A.set outB

5、.check outC.work outD.give out5 5.(2017山东青岛)Jenny is afraid to travel by plane.She always feels A A when getting on it. A.nervousB.interestedC.relaxedD.happy书面表达导学号 23384059某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点,写一篇 100 词左右的英语短文参加此次活动:1.父母规矩太多、过于强调学习成绩、不理

6、解自己等问题;2.你对这些问题的看法;3.你与父母保持良好关系的做法。HowHow toto keepkeep a a goodgood relationshiprelationship withwith parentsparents InIn mymy opinionopinion,I I havehave tootoo manymany rulesrules atat home.Myhome.My parentsparents nevernever allowallow meme toto gogo outout withwith mymy friendsfriends atat nigh

7、t.Theynight.They dontdont allowallow meme toto choosechoose mymy ownown clothesclothes,either.Andeither.And theythey paypay tootoo muchmuch attentionattention toto mymy examexam results.Iresults.I thinkthink mymy parentsparents dontdont quitequite understandunderstand me.me. HoweverHowever,I I trytr

8、y mymy bestbest toto understandunderstand them.Althoughthem.Although theythey dontdont allowallow meme toto makemake mymy ownown decisionsdecisions andand givegive meme tootoo muchmuch pressurepressure,I I knowknow thatthat itit isis becausebecause theythey reallyreally lovelove meme andand wantwant

9、 meme toto havehave a a brightbright future.future. InIn orderorder toto keepkeep a a goodgood relationshiprelationship withwith mymy parentsparents,I I studystudy hardhard,listenlisten toto themthem,talktalk toto themthem asas friendsfriends,telltell themthem mymy troublestroubles,andand helphelp themthem dodo moremore housework.housework.


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