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1、Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics女人,妖的叫美女,刁的叫才女,木的叫淑女,蔫 的叫温柔,凶的叫直爽,傻的叫阳光,狠的叫冷艳 ,土的叫端庄,洋的叫气质,怪的叫个性,匪的叫 干练,嫩的叫青春靓丽,老的叫丰韵犹存,牛的叫 傲雪凌风,弱的叫小鸟依人做女人真好啊。 1,留了青山在,柴不让烧了。2,已到山前,就是 没有路。3,买卖没成交,仁义也跑了。4,屡经风 雨,却从未见彩虹。 5,千里送鹅毛,汽油费太高。 6,一个好汉三个帮,结果成了四-人-帮。7,办事本 来有路子的,但走的人多了,堵死了。 1.1 Why study language?问:你幸福吗?答:我姓曾

2、。如:“你经历太单纯,而我们需要的是社会经验 丰富的人”,“你性格过于内向,这恐怕与我们的职业 不合适”,“我们需要名牌院校的毕业生,你并非毕业 于名牌院校”,“你的专业怎么与所申请的职位不对口 ?”面对这种咄咄逼人的发问,作为应聘者,首先要 做到的就是无论如何不要被“激怒”,如果你被“激怒” 了,那么你就已经输掉了。那么,面对这样的发问, 如何接招儿呢?如果对方说:“你经历太单纯,而我们需要的是社会经 验丰富的人。”你可以微笑着回答:“我确信如我有缘加盟贵公司,我 将会很快成为社会经验丰富的人,我希望自己有这样 一段经历。”如果对方说:“你性格过于内向,这恐怕与我们的职 业不合适。”你可以微

3、笑着回答:“据说内向的人往往具有专 心致志、锲而不舍的品质,另外我善于倾听,因为 我感到应把发言机会多多地留给别人。”如果对方说:“我们需要名牌院校的毕业生,你并 非毕业于名牌院校。”你可以幽默地说:“听说比尔。盖茨也未毕业于哈佛 大学。”如果对方说:“你的专业怎么与所申请的职位不对口 ?”你可以巧妙地回答:“据说,21世纪最抢手的就是 复合型人才,而外行的灵感也许会超过内行,因为他 们没有思维定势,没有条条框框。”1.2 What is Language?Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicatin

4、g ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. Sapir(萨丕尔1884- 1939)语言是人们通过随意创造的符号来交流思想、感情 和愿望的一种方法,是人类所特有、但不是与生俱 来的, 是后天获得的。语言不是本能的行为而是 社会的习俗同时认为“语言 只是声音符号的习惯系统” 。后来又提到语言是一种“ 表达意义的工具”。所以说 萨丕尔的语言定义全面地概 括了前人所说的语言是一种 交际工具和语言是一个符号 系统这两种观点,并把它们 有机地结合起来。A language is a system for

5、meanings. Halliday(韩礼 德1925 -)功能语言学派认为语言是一个系统,应对其结构进行共 时的研究,把语言的结构与功能结合起来研究。他们认 为语言的基本功能是作交际工具,语言是一个由多种表 达手段构成的、为特定目的服务的功能系统。因此要用 功能的观点去研究语言。 A language is a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements. Chomsky(乔姆斯基1928 -)从现在开始,我认为 语言是

6、一组(有限或 无限)的句子,每个 句子在长度上有限, 并由一套有限的成分 组成。Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是一个具有任意性,用于 人类交流的语音符号系统。首先,语言是一个系统。即语言的要素是根据规则组 合在一起的。Eg. “iblk”, “Been he wounded has”其次,语言符号和符号所代表的的事物之间没有内 在的必然的联系,从这个意义上说语言是任意的。 再次,语言是有声的,因为所有语言的首要媒介都 是声音。Eg. 文字系统VS.声音系统Webst

7、ers New World Dictionary offers several most frequently used senses of the word “language”, namely, 1 (a) human speech; (b) the ability to communicate by this means; (c) a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expression or communication

8、of thoughts and feelings; (d) the written representation of such a system.1.3 Design Features of Language1. 狼是一种狡诈的动物,它使用 多种脸面表情、尾部动作、嗥叫 声表示不同程度的威吓、焦急、 沮丧,屈从。 2. 泰国北部的长臂猿至少有九种 不同的喊叫。有一种高昂的呼号 是警告同类注意有敌来犯,听到 的同类也往往应声重复。有一种 叫喊似乎是招呼大家在林中觅食 时不要分散得太开。3.工蜂发现蜜源,回巢向同伴做舞蹈动 作。舞蹈的特征视所要传递的信息而异 ;有一种特征指明蜜源在蜂巢的什么方

9、向,另一种特征指明距离多远,舞蹈的 遍数多、活跃程度高,则表示花蜜的质 量高。别的工蜂从舞蹈得到这些信息, 就成群地飞过去采蜜。Design features Concept introduced by C. F. Hockett in the 1960s of a set of key properties of language not shared or not known to be shared, as a set, with systems of communication in any other species. Their number and names vary from

10、 one account to another; but all include, as among the most important, the properties of duality, arbitrariness, and productivity.The features that define our human languages can be called Design Features. Vocal-Auditory Channel Broadcast transmission and directional reception Rapid Fading (transito

11、riness) Interchangeability Total Feedback Specialization Semanticity Arbitrariness Discreteness Displacement Productivity Traditional Transmission Duality of patterning 1.3.1Arbitrariness任意性The property of language by which there is in general no natural (i.e. logical) relation between the form of a

12、 single lexical unit and its meaning. 语言是符号系统:语言符号连接的不是事物和名称 ,而是概念和音响形象。音响形象概念能指和所指的联系是任意的,或者,我们 所说的符号是能指和所指相联结所产生的 整体。语言符号是任意的。(1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaningapple符号的形成包含好多的心智努力。人们接触的都是一个个、一件件的事物,要能从中归出类 来,必须动脑筋,舍去个体的特性(比如个体苹果的形状 、大小、色泽、口感),抽出整类的共性(苹果区别于其

13、他水果的特性),概括成类的意义(苹果的意义),然后 把这个意义(即概念)跟一组音相结合,形成一个符号( “苹果”)。所以语言的符号指一般而不是个别,积累着社 会的人事成果。荀子在两千多年前就精辟地论述过语言符号的任意 性问题:名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于 约则谓之不宜。名无固实,约之以命实,约定 俗成谓之实名。名无固善,径易而不拂,谓之 善名。 荀子 正名Arbitrary vs. conventionHaving no natural explanation.As learners of English we are often told that “this is an idi

14、om” meaning it is conventional to say things this way and you cannot change the expression any other way even if you think it does not look or sound logical. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative, and conventionality of language makes learning a language laborious. 1.3.2 Duality 二重

15、性 By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level ( ) are composed of elements of the secondary level ( ) and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. words soundsRoughly speaking, the elements of the spoken language are

16、 sounds which do not convey meaning in themselves. The only function of sounds is to combine with one another to form units that have meaning, such as words. We call sounds here secondary units as opposed to such primary units as words, since the secondary units are meaningless and the primary units have distinct and identifiable. syllablesthe carriers of morphemeswords sentences/utterances


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