广东省广州市花都区赤坭中学七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Vocabulary课件 牛津深圳版

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广东省广州市花都区赤坭中学七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Vocabulary课件 牛津深圳版_第1页
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《广东省广州市花都区赤坭中学七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Vocabulary课件 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省广州市花都区赤坭中学七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Vocabulary课件 牛津深圳版(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Reading dairy n. 日记;日记簿Tom keeps an English dairy every day.汤姆保持每天写英语日记的习惯。 space n. 太空 She was the first woman to travel into space.她是第一位进入太空的女性。 more than 多于 1) He has more than 100 books. 他有一百多本书。 2) I spent more than 3 hours to get there. 我花了3个多小时才到那里。 nervous adj. 紧张的The boy was too nervous to

2、 speak.这个男孩太紧张而说不出话来。 leave v. 离开The train will leave in a minute.火车很快要开了。 gravity n. 重力;地球引力 able adj. 能;能够 (be) able to 能够当can 表示能力时,可与be able to 互换使用。He is able to walk now.= He can walk now.他现在能走路了。 float v. 漂浮;浮动Beautiful music floated from the musicroom. 从音乐室传来了美妙的音乐。 tie v. 系;捆; 绑Tie the bell

3、 to the dog. 给狗系上铃铛。 ourselves pron. 我们自己We give ourselves plenty of time to get to the station. 我们预留了足够多的时间去车站。 so that 以便so that 后接从句,表示目的,从句的谓语常 用will, can 或may。Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air. 请把窗户打开以便我们可以 呼吸新鲜空气。 without prep. 没有;缺乏Without water, we can only live for a f

4、ew days.如果没有水,我们仅仅能活几天。 wear adj. 虚弱的;无力的He is so weak that he cannot stand up.他虚弱到无法站立。 breathe v. 呼吸The polluted air makes it hard for people to breathe. take photos 拍照 asas 像一样;如同Judy can run as fast as Mandy.朱迪跑得和曼蒂一样快。 that is 也就是说;即He is a spaceman, that is, a person who travels into space usi

5、ng a spaceship.他是宇 航员,也就是用宇宙飞船在太空中航行的人。 if conj. 如果If you see him, please give him this note.如果你见到他,请给他这张便条。 camera n. 相机 work v. 运转;运行This new machine works well.这个新机器运转正常。Listening More practice garden n. 花园The kids are playing games in the garden. such as 例如such as 相当于like或for example: I like poe

6、ts such as Keats and Shelly.我喜欢像济慈和雪莱一样的诗人。 rock 岩石He sat down on a rock and rested.他坐在一块岩石上休息。 postcard n. 明信片 machine n. 机器Dont touch this machine. Its dangerous.不要碰这台机器,很危险。 return v. 返回He will return home next week.他下周回家。 solve v. 解决;处理We need to do something to solve this problem.我们需要做点什么来解决这个问

7、题。 swimming pool 游泳池 cost v. 花费;需付钱This skirt cost me 80 yuan.这条裙子花了我八十元。Speaking/ / /l/ /r/ /h/ 发/音时,舌平放口中,舌中部稍稍隆起 。发元音/的字母和字母组合主要有: a, o, er, e,如: ago, tomorrow, speaker, open等 。 发/音时,舌中部稍稍隆起,比发/音时 高。发元音/的字母组合主要有: ur, or, ear, er, ir,如: Saturday, world, Earth, term, dirty等。 /l/分为清晰/l/和含糊/l/。清晰/l/出

8、现在元音 前面,发音时舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌 前向硬腭抬起,气流从舌的旁边送出,如 :long, fly等。含糊/l/出现在辅音前或词尾 ,发音时将舌端抵住上齿龈,舌前下陷, 舌后上台,舌面形成凹形,声带振动,如 :cold, tall。 发/r/音时,舌端抬向齿槽后部,舌向后面的 硬腭弯曲,发生摩擦而产生/r/音。发/r/音的 字母及字母组合主要是r和wr,如: ring, write等。 发/h/音时,气流从两条声带的缝隙(声门 )间通过,摩擦声门而成。发/h/音的字母 及字母组合主要是h和wh,如: house, who 等。Exercise 1:根据首字母提示完成下列句子 。 1.

9、I feel e_ about the trip to HongKong Disneyland.2. Mothers are always w_ about theirchildren.3. A spaceship can take people to s_.4. Remember to bring a c_. I want to take some photos.paceorriedxcitedamera5. My grandpa doesnt want to l_ theold house. He likes living there.6. The doctor asked him to

10、b_ freshair by the sea.7. She is ill, so she feels very w_.8. They t_ the cat to the table witha rope. They dont want it to go far away.9. W_ your help, I couldnt make the cake. Thanks a lot!eavereatheeakieithoutExercise 2: 找出下列划线部分发音不同 的选项。( )1. A. problem B. relative C. camera D. excellent( )2. A. German B. nervous C. work D. never( )3. A. whole B. what C. whom D. whoseBDB


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