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1、 自考计划管理信息化研究自考计划管理信息化研究 The Informatization Research of Project Management for Self-taught Examination 摘摘 要要 随着天津市高等教育自学考试信息化近十年的努力与发展,建成高等教育自学考试办公信息平台的目标也越来越明确。 计划管理信息化作为整体自学考试信息化建设的重要部分,它的相对滞后的发展使已运行的考籍管理信息、考务管理系统、考生服务系统在运行过程中束手束脚,不能充分发挥其作用。因此,计划管理信息系统的开发与推行就有着箭在弦上不得不发之势。 计划管理具有涉及部门多、信息结构复杂、逻辑性强以及

2、与考务管理、考籍管理联系密切等特点, 因此开发该系统不但要掌握编程语言、 信息系统体系结构、数据库技术、 网络技术等技术知识, 还需充分了解自学考试计划管理、 考务管理、考籍管理的业务流程。 本文结合以上分析首先对自学考试计划管理流程进行理解和分析,明确计划工作的业务流程和数据流程, 进行了详实的需求分析; 并基于 B/S 模式, 利用.NET技术等计算机技术设计实现了一个能够对自学考试计划工作集中管理的系统, 计划管理系统分为专业管理、课程管理、教材管理、大纲管理、教师管理、主考校管理、考试计划管理、培养计划管理和毕业审核九个功能模块,并充分考虑模块之间的相互关系以及与考务、考籍管理间的联系

3、,形成一个完整体系;并基于ORACLE9i 进行了数据库系统的设计实施,建立数据范式、索引、触发器,维护完整性与一致性,并力求使查询优化。 针对本文的难点自动毕业审核,借鉴 ERP 系统中的 BOM(物料清单)的实现结构,利用构建树型数据结构实现了毕业审核算法的创新,使原本复杂的自学考试毕业审核工作封闭于系统后台的黑箱中,使毕业审核工作简单准确,很大程度上减轻了用户的工作量,又一次推动了自学考试信息化向前发展,也是本文的创新之处。 关键词:关键词: 自学考试 计划管理系统 编排培养计划 毕业审核 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of self-taugh

4、t examination in Tianjin, it is very clear that our objective will be building self-taught examination information platform. The project management system is one of the important part of platform. But the development of this system has been still slower then other system as the exam record pigeonhol

5、e system and so on, which makes the whole system cant play its role. Therefore, the development and implementation of the project management system is very important. The management of project relates to many departments, and its logic is quite complex. So it not only needs to master programming lan

6、guages, database technology and network technology, but also needs to fully understand the business process of the project management and other management to build this system. Firstly the paper analyses the business process and the data flow of the project management, and accomplish the requirement

7、 analysis. Then the paper builds a project management system base on the B/S techniques. This system uses .NET technology, and is divided into nine function module which are profession management, curriculum management, textbook management, outline management, teacher management, school management,

8、examination plan management, training plan management and graduation audit. The paper also completes a database system basing on Oracle9i. The automatic graduation audit is the difficulty of this paper. The paper references the data structure of BOM in the ERP system to solve this problem. The build

9、ing of tree structure makes the algorithm innovation in the field of graduation audit. This algorithm changes the complex process of graduation audit into a black box, thus the new process of audit is more simple and accurate than before. This technology which is the innovation of this paper largely

10、 promotes the development of self-taught information. KEY WORDS:Self-taught Examination, Project Management, Graduation Audit, Training Plan Schedule- i -目目 录录 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 课题背景.1 1.2 国内外现状分析.1 1.3 课题主要研究内容.2 1.3.1 基本数据管理.2 1.3.2 编排规则.2 1.3.3 毕业审核.3 第二章 计划管理系统方案设计.4 2.1 需求分析.4 2.1.1 系统目标.4 2.1.2 业务流程分析.5 2.1.3 数据流程设计.11 2.2 系统平台逻辑结构.13 2.3 系统软硬件环境.14 2.3.1 硬件环境.14 2.3.2 软件环境.14 第三章 系统功能设计与实现.15 3.1 功能模块.15 3.1.1 专业管理.15 3.1.2 课程管理.



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