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1、学号学号 :2009302540166密级密级 :_武汉大学本科毕业论文武汉大学本科毕业论文电力系统中性点接地方式及其运行分析研究电力系统中性点接地方式及其运行分析研究院(系)名 称 :电气工程学院专 业 名 称 :电气工程与自动化学 生 姓 名 : 指 导 教 师 : 教授二一三年六月BACHELORS DEGREE THESISOF WUHAN UNIVERSITYNeutral Grounding Mode of the Electric Power System and Its Operation AnalysisCollege :School of Electrical Engine

2、eringSubject :Electrical Engineering and AutomationName :Yu ZhangDirected by :Associate Prof. Ding JianyongJune 2013郑郑 重重 声声 明明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名:_ 日期:_摘摘 要要电力系统中性点接地


4、,并对其各自的原理、适用范围和优缺点等进行理论分析。通过具体算例(10kV 大型公共设施供电系统)来建立数值计算模型,对不同中性点接地方式电网的过电压等级和短路电流大小进行计算,根据相关标准规范,选定恰当的中性点接地方式及接地设备。关键词:关键词:配电网;中性点接地方式;单相接地故障;短路电流ABSTRACTIt is an important technical problem to neutral grounding mode of the electric power system which associates with voltage level, network structur

5、e, object type, insulation level, and reliability of power supply, protective relaying, electromagnetic interference, and personal safety. The selection of neutral grounding mode is relevant to many aspects such as technology level, economic development and security demand. The selection of the neut

6、ral grounding mode varies according to the level of electric power technology, operation experience and other factors of the power system. For the power system professional students and the actual operation staff, mastering the selection of neutral grounding mode under different conditions has a ver

7、y important theoretical and practical significance.In the thesis, the development and current status of the neutral grounding technologies at both home and abroad are been introduced, as well as the theoretical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different modes, including direct neutral

8、 grounding, neutral grounding through arc suppression coil, neutral ungrounding and neutral grounding through resistance.Numerical model is been created through specific examples (10kv large public facilities supply system). Calculate the overvoltage and short circuit current level in different neut

9、ral grounding modes, selecting appropriate neutral grounding mode and equipment according to relevant principle.Key words: Power distribution network, Neutral grounding mode, Single-phase grounding fault and Short-circuit current.目 录第第 1 章章 绪论绪论1.1 论文研究的目的和意义.11.2 中性点接地方式在国外的发展和现状 .11.3 中性点接地方式在我国的发

10、展和现状 .31.3.1 中性点接地方式在我国的发展 .31.3.2 目前我国的 10KV 配电网中性点接地方式.51.4 本论文的主要内容.6第第 2 章章 中性点接地方式的选择中性点接地方式的选择2.1 电力系统中性点接地方式的类型 .72.1.1 中性点有效接地方式.72.1.2 中性点非有效接地方式.82.2 影响中性点接地方式的主要因素 .92.2.1 供电可靠性.92.2.2 电气设备与线路的绝缘水平 .102.2.3 继电保护的可靠性.102.2.4 人身安全.112.2.5 设备安全.112.2.6 通信干扰.122.2.7 其他影响因素.13第第 3 章章 四种常见的中性点接地方式四种常见的中性点接地方式3.1 中性点不接地方式.143.1.1 中性点不接地原理综述.143.1.2 中性点不接地运行状况分析 .143.1.3 中性点不接地系统的特点.153.2 中性点经消弧线圈接地方式.163.2.1 中性点经消弧线圈接地原理综述 .163.2.2 中性点经消弧线圈接地运行状况分析 .163.2.3 中性点经消弧线圈接地系统的特点 .



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