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1、1附件 2 申报序号 _陕西省教育学会第五届优秀教学设计稿件封面电 话 0913-2070302作 者姓 名 孙健茹 手 机 18191801891所属市县 区渭南市临渭区工 作单 位 渭南市杜桥中学单位类型 高中邮 政编 码 714000稿 件标 题Festivals around the world 学 科类 别高中英语年 级 高一使用教材及版本人民教育出版社第几册 必修 3备 注1、申报序号不填。其它栏目均由作者个人填写,与稿件匹配 1式 3 份。2、单位类型指小学、初中、高中、教研机构等。3、学科类别指各门具体学科,如初中语文、小学数学、高中英语等课程。2Unit 1 Festival

2、s around the world (Teaching Design)一教材依据普通高中课程标准试验教科书人民教育出版社必修3,Unit1,Reading二设计思路指导思想:对于阅读课,我注重激发学生的兴趣。通过对festivals 的一系列的问题诱发学生思考,激发学生自我学习能动性,从而让学生积极地学习新课。用各种阅读技巧来提高学生阅读,培养学生的学习兴趣。设计理念:Human beings need to have things in life to celebrate and have a break from daily struggles and demands. So festi

3、vals exist everywhere in the world and many of them celebrate similar ideas and important cultural events. Most cultures have celebrations that include food, music, dress to get together in a relaxing environment. These events take many different forms and are more or less important in different soc

4、ieties. Through this unit, we should have the students compare and contrast cultural practices in China and other countries. 教材分析This unit talks about festivals of many kinds in different parts of the world. It aims to understand festivals of our country as well as other countries. Thus,it can let s

5、tudents know more cultural backgrounds of society and add more international culture. The first reading briefly describes five different kinds of festivals. 1.1 Warming Up- This exercise is intended to have students thinking about the variety of events and festivals that are celebrated in the world.

6、 It directs students talk and list important festivals, customs of the world. It inspires the interests of students and their backgrounds of festivals, preparing for this unit.1.2 Pre-reading-This is a continuation of the Warming Up section. It is intended to help students enter imaginatively into a

7、 discussion of festivals and their importance to the society. It mainly let students think and discuss festivals that they know. So, we can understand students well and get ready for the reading.1.3 Reading-This part briefly introduces the earliest kinds of festivals with the reasons for them, then

8、four different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world. The five paragraphs tell the ancient festivals, Festivals of the Dead, Festivals to Honor People, Harvest 3Festivals, and Spring Festivals. It let students know the birth of festivals and its meaning.1.4 Comprehending-These que

9、stions are to encourage the students to read actively and to relate the information in the text to their previous knowledge.Exercise1:It lists four kinds of festivals,asks the students to fill in the form according to the text. It mainly checks students understanding of the content.Exercise2:It asks

10、 the students to answer questions according to the text.学情分析:对于普通班来说,这节课学生能够根据我所提的信息及时的给出答案,不管结果怎样,学生能够积极参与,努力地表现和证明自己,就说明他们是最好的,也达到了我的教学目的。Teaching goals 教学目标1. Knowledge goals 知识目标To grasp the following useful important words and phrases of this unitbeauty harvest celebration starve origin religio

11、us ancestor Mexico feast bone belief trick poet arrival gain independence gather agriculture award rooster admire energetic Easter clothing Christian custom worldwide2. Ability goals 能力目标(1)To learn about how festivals began and how to celebrate festivals so as to enable them to learn more about dif

12、ferent cultures while learning different languages.(2)To train the students ability of getting the main idea and some detailed information of the reading.3. Emotion goals 情感目标To arouse the students interest in festivals, cultures, especially those in China, thus promote their culture awareness. Teac

13、hing important points 教学重点1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help the students learn about foreign history and culture by reading about festivals.Teaching Difficult Points 教学难点(1) To develop the students reading skills: skimming, summarizing, scanning and finding out details.(2)To get the st

14、udents to use some strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming, scanning in order to get the main idea and find 4some detailed information of the reading quickly.Teaching Methods 教学方法1. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.2. Pair or group work to make the st

15、udents take an active part in the activities in class.Teaching Aids 教具准备a computer,a projector and a tape recorderTeaching Procedures 教学过程Step1. Leading-inTASK1. BrainstormingLet students find more festivals in and out of China.设计意图: The Spring Festival通过谈论世界的节日,从而引入本单元的话题:Festivals around the world

16、.TASK 2.Guessing Competition Guess what festival it is according to the pictures you see as quickly as you can and try to find a song or poem about it.设计意图:通过谈论中国的节日,让学生了解中国的风俗习惯,以便唤起学生的爱国热情和民族自豪感;通过谈论外国的节日,让学生了解世界文化风俗,加强跨国文化意识,有利于我们了解世界各国人民,同时对我们的英语学习也有帮助。Step 2 Fast reading Open your books and turn to page one. Id like you to do the scanning. Read the text quickly and accurately to tell your group mates what festivals are m


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