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1、 国内图书分类号:TP309.7 学校代码:10213 国际图书分类号:621.3 密级:公开 工学工学硕硕士学士学位论文位论文 基于高维混沌映射的图像加密技术 硕 士 研 究 生 : 赵明明 导 师 : 佟晓筠 教授 申请学位 : 工学硕士 学科 : 计算机科学与技术 所 在 单 位 : 计算机科学与技术学院 答 辩 日 期 : 2011 年 6 月 授予学位单位 : 哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index: TP309.7 U.D.C: 621.3 Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree in Engineering IMAGE ENCRYPTI

2、ON TECHNOLOGY BASED ON HIGH-DIMENSIONAL CHAOTIC MAP Candidate: Zhao Mingming Supervisor: Prof. Tong Xiaojun Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Speciality: Computer Science and Technology Affiliation: School of Computer Science and Technology Date of Defence: June, 2011 Degree-Conferr

3、ing-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 摘 要 - I - 摘摘 要要 随着 21 世纪以来互联网的普及以及计算机运算和处理性能的大幅度提高,全球进入信息化时代,信息也成为了当今社会最重要的商品。在信息获取越发迅速的同时,信息的安全保密问题也越来越突出,而传统的加密技术也渐渐跟不上网络信息通信发展的步伐。混沌加密作为一种快速安全高效的加密技术,具有一系列良好特性,例如对初始条件的敏感依赖性,整体稳定局部不稳定性,遍历性,拓扑传递性等,与密码学的要求相吻合,因而可以应用在加密领域。随着对混沌现象的认识,混沌理论与密码学结合形成的混沌密码学也

4、已成为密码学领域里最重要的一个研究方向。 图像信息作为信息的一类具有数据量巨大,相邻近像素点之间具有很高的相关性等特点,对加密算法的性能要求很高,而基于混沌映射的图像加密算法针对上述特点比传统意义上的加密算法如 DES、AES 等有更大的优势。 然而,随着近几年的研究,一些低维的混沌映射被广泛分析,产生的混沌序列在计算机有限精度的制约下并不能很好体现其非周期性的特点,有的混沌映射甚至被破译,已不适合单纯用于图像加密。因此,本文根据拓扑共轭的思想和Devaney 混沌定义,设计出一种新的混沌映射并进行了详细推导的证明,并与二维Henon 混沌映射相结合, 提出一种基于高维的混沌映射用于图像加密。

5、 同时针对猫映射具有周期性缺陷的问题,提出一种具有动态可变参数的分块猫映射的思想用于明文图像的混淆。 本文所设计的基于高维混沌映射的图像加密算法采用“混淆扩散”加密结构,通过了美国国家标准与技术委员会(NIST)发布的随机和伪随机序列测试标准 SP800-22 以及 Marsaglia 博士提出的 DIEHARD 伪随机序列测试。具有加解密速度快,安全性高等特点,对混沌图像加密技术的研究有一定的帮助作用。 关键词:图像加密;高维混沌映射;混淆;扩散;分块猫映射 Abstract - II - Abstract With the popularity of the Internet and th

6、e improvement of computer operations and the substantial increase in processing performance, the 21st century is the information age and information has become the most important commodity in nowadays. Information dissemination is quicker than before, and at the same time, the issue of information s

7、ecurity has become increasingly prominent, because the traditional encryption technology cant keep up the development pace of Internet information. Chaotic encryption as a safe and efficient encryption technology has a range of good characteristics, such as sensitive dependence on initial conditions

8、, ergodicity, topological transitivity. It consistent with the requirements of cryptography and can be used in encryption area. With the understanding of chaos, chaos theory and cryptography to form the chaotic cryptography has become one of the most important areas in cryptography research. Image i

9、nformation, as a kind of information, has the characteristics of huge amount of data, high correlation of neighboring pixels. The performance of encryption algorithm is required very strict. However, Chaos-based image encryption algorithm has a great advantage than the traditional encryption algorit

10、hms such as DES, AES, etc. However, with the more and more research in recent years, some low dimensional chaotic maps have been widely analyzed. And the chaotic sequence generated by chaotic maps is cut down owe to the finite precision effect of computer, and not well reflect the characteristics of

11、 their non-cyclical. Some chaotic maps are even cracked and not suitable for image encryption. Therefore, a new chaotic map based on topological conjugation ideas and Devaney chaotic definition is designed, and a detailed derivation of the proof is given in this paper. With the combination of two-di

12、mensional Henon chaotic map, an image encryption based on high-dimensional chaotic map is proposed. Because of the periodic defect problems of Cat map, an algorithm based on Separated Cat map of dynamic variable parameters is proposed for the image confusion phase. “Confusion - diffusion“ encryption

13、 structure is utilized in the image encryption algorithm. Pseudo-random sequence generated by the high-dimensional chaotic map has passed the random and pseudo-random sequence of SP800-22 test standard, which is provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and DIEHARD test Abstr

14、act - III - which provided by Dr. Marsaglia. The proposed algorithm has the features of quick encryption and decryption speed, high security, and is helpful to the chaotic image encryption research. Keywords: image encryption, high-dimensional chaotic map, confusion, diffusion, Separated Cat map 目 录 - IV - 目 录 摘 要 . I Abstract . II 第 1 章 绪 论 . 1 1.1 课题来源 . 1 1.2 研究的背景和意义 . 1 1.3 国内外研究现状 .



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