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1、高等院校研究生综合英语系列教材高等院校研究生综合英语系列教材高等院校研究生综合英语系列教材高等院校研究生综合英语系列教材 多维多维多维多维教程教程教程教程熟谙熟谙熟谙熟谙( ( ( (下下下下) ) ) )-最齐全的课后练习答案最齐全的课后练习答案最齐全的课后练习答案最齐全的课后练习答案 (unit1-unit7unit1-unit7unit1-unit7unit1-unit7)文案介绍:此文档分为 3 个内容: (共 30 页)一、为 7 个单元的总体课后答案,正常字体版。排版规则为每个题型整体排列。例如:改错部分为 7 个单元的改错总结,翻译、选择、完形都是如此。大家仔细观察一下就会明白。

2、二、为 7 个单元的缩小版,字号为(数字的)6 号字,也是 7 个单元的答案。让大家省了缩印的功夫。三、挑选的 2 篇作文,虽然碰到的几率性不大,但是也算自己做的一次总结,需要的同学也可以看下。此为彩印版,答案都做了重点强调,这样观看阅读的时候会比较有调理,需要此文档的同学酌情下载。附:此文档是本人幸幸苦苦排列出来的,具有原创性,所以售价为 20 财富值,希望大家不要嫌多,另外,本人也上传了高等院校研究生综合英语系列教材 综合教程(上)-最齐全的课后练习答案, 也就是研究生第一学期的课后, 此次为第二学期的,希望大家不要弄混,需要第一期答案的直接搜上面的这个标题。谢谢大家!Unit oneVo

3、cabulary and StructureBchoose a word or a phrase from the indicated paragraph to fill in each of the following blanks.Change the word form where necessary.(para .)1.The race was her last chance to win a place in the national team so everything was at stake2.Theywere obligedto sell their house in ord

4、er to pay their debts.3.The government needs to find out whata climate ofopinion is before it introduces any furtherchanges in the health service.4.Not being a specialist in the subject I dontfeel well-equippedto answer such questions.5.I have failed to pass the examinations again and again.Why is s

5、uccess always beyond my grasp6.They were forced tocutbackproduction for lack of raw materials.7.We missed the last bud so there was no choiceother thanto walk home.8.Awoman who canrise abovesuch disadvantages is clearly exceptional.9.They onlycare aboutthemselves and the accumulation of their wealth

6、.10.Britainis boundedin the south by the English Channel and Canada bounds the United Stateson the north.一单元1、No matter how good a company is,it is the markets perceptionperceptionperceptionperception that counts.2、Chief executives are given responsibilityresponsibilityresponsibilityresponsibility a

7、nd effective leadership can make a difference inorganizational performance.3、A number of studies have indicated that effective leadership can make a difference in organizationalorganizationalorganizationalorganizationalperformance.4、The Internet boom is creating new opportunities for marketingmarket

8、ingmarketingmarketing,advertising,and design experts.5、Company leaders cannot expect too severe punishment if their strategiesstrategiesstrategiesstrategies fail to deliver.6、If the company financial health is good and its assetsassetsassetsassets sufficient,it can create capital by voting toissue a

9、dditional shares of common stock.7、It is said that frequent transitionstransitionstransitionstransitions form cold to warm weather this spring have caused much illness.8、The word dilemmadilemmadilemmadilemma is used to indicate that the fungus is both helpful and harmful in its effects.9、RivalryRiva

10、lryRivalryRivalry in business is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest personregardless of his or her social class background.10、The government provides employment and training services for workers,and compensationcompensationcompensationcompensation forthose who are tempo

11、rarily out of work.11、Bely is whizwhizwhizwhiz at football ,he attracts fans of all ages and all races.二单元12、These original documents are invaluableinvaluableinvaluableinvaluable to the company and they should be well preserved.1, Hotels and restaurants are an integralintegralintegralintegral part o

12、f the city; without them ,the citys tourist industry couldnot exist.2, Customers will come back ,later in life, when they are betterbetterbetterbetter offoffoffoff and want to buy more expensivethings.3, One of the most impressive projects he has seen in Pudong is the sprawlingsprawlingsprawlingspra

13、wling airport.4, Mexico City is at an elevation of 7,300 feet; three million vehicles clog its streets and in the thinair ,engines release twice as many emissionsemissionsemissionsemissions as they would at sea level.5, By 1988 roughly the same large proportion of blacks as of whites lived in metrop

14、olitanmetropolitanmetropolitanmetropolitan areas.6, Heavy floods caused by deforestation have recently led Thailand to banbanbanban all logging even though thecountry depends on timber and its products as an important source of employment and foreign exchange.7,People in the middle class or higher,

15、whether they live in developed or less developed countries, aremostly urban, and they are they are on move by car incessantlyas commuterscommuterscommuterscommuters, as vacationers.8, No matter how often we reminded our children, they never cleaned their rooms; the cultureculturecultureculture in th

16、eroom became so bad that we couldnt even open their door.9, Our university canteen is large enough to accommodateaccommodateaccommodateaccommodate all the students and teaching staff.10, During the Second World War, many jewish people n Germany were displaceddisplaceddisplaceddisplaced and murdered.

17、Unit31. One of the worst crimes in war is to givegivegivegive one of your own people awayawayawayaway to the enemy.2. The students are really going at their studies now that the examinations are near.3. The director said that what he was really dreaming of was a company of actors all imbuedimbuedimb

18、uedimbued withwithwithwith thesame spirit.4. Voters tend to identifyidentifyidentifyidentify the Party withwithwithwith unfair treatment of poorer and weaker member of society,which is unfortunate.5. The company hashashashas risenrisenrisenrisen aboveaboveaboveabove i i i its early problems, and is

19、now doing well.6. It used to be a matter of honor among schoolboys that the guilty member of the class would own upand so save the others from punishment.7. We have to allowallowallowallow forforforfor the possibility that we might not finish the project on schedule.8. I havent been abroad for more

20、than five years, so I think Ill treattreattreattreat myself totototo a holiday in Spain nextyear.9. Dog-eat-dogDog-eat-dogDog-eat-dogDog-eat-dog situation is one where everyone is trying to get the best they can for themselves, notcaring about what happens to anyone else.10.Youcan buy medicine to cu

21、re your headache over thethethethe countercountercountercounter at many shops.Unit7CIn the following sentences, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word inthe brackets.1.I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry two subjects at which I had beencompletelyincompet

22、ent(competence)2.If the hitch-hiker in the US will remember that he is seeking theindulgence(indulgent) ofdrivers to give him a free ride,and is prepared to give in exchange entertainment and company,and not togo to sleep, he will come across the remarkable ,almost legendary,hospitality of the Ameri

23、can of theWest.3.The countryside was ,in fact,famous for the abundance and variety of its bird life,and when the floodofmigrants (migration)was pouring through in spring and autumn people traveled from greatdistances to observer them.4.One question that was solemnly studied in all three probes (prob

24、e) concerned the action of the refereeDid he act in time to stop the fight?5.The human brain is the mose delicate and complex (complexity)mechanism in all creation and it has alacework of millions of highly fragile nerve connections.6.Telephone may create unnecessary suspense (suspend)and anxiety,as

25、 when you wait for an expectedcall that doesnt come;or irritating delay,as when you keep ringing a number that is alwaysengaged(engage).7.Winners care about the world and its peoples.They are not isolated from the general problems ofsociety.They are concerned,compassionate(compassion)and committed (

26、commitment)to improving thequality of life.8.Theres general feelin0g that the president has been too tolerant (tolerable)of corruption.9.Did you apply for that job?well,I was very tempted (temptation)but in the end I decide not to.10.The problems of poverty,homelessness and unemployment are all inte

27、rconnected(connect)1. If something is of your choice, you should choose it rather than it being chosen for you by someoneelse.2. They believed there were inextricable links between poverty, environmental degradation and militaryactivity.3.Although shorn of his official powers, the ex-president still

28、 has a lot of influence.4. Whether the job has involved producing definition for the Collins Concise Dictionary, teaching as anacademic at Victoria University in wellington, New Zealand, or writing magazine columns andspeaking on radio, Professor Gordon has never lost his delight in the nuances of t

29、he language.5. Marriages based on love, rather than the arranged version, have become increasingly popular incountryside.6. If you have a social conscience, you worry about people who are poor, ill, old, etc. and try to helpthem.7. Participatory sports, art and television are becoming more popular t

30、han ever before.8. We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.9. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully weighing the risksand benefits.10. His intimacy with Japanese people made him a likely choice as

31、 ambassador.D Error detection and correction1.A Judging from the interest the public took in the matter,there must be quite a few people who secretlybelieve or hope that thissimpleexplanation in the true one.2.According toTimemagazine,a conference was held recentlyB in whichthe participants tried to

32、come up with an appropriate name for the age we live in.3.Creating and maintaining a healthy scientific culture is the aim of science management,and it involvestending to both the intellectualC andthe institutional conditions of basic research.4.Now there is a lot of quarreling between people who up

33、hold the truth of old weather rhymes andpeople who are reluctant toD believein them.5.Primarily,the banker-customer relationshipA is one of/ is that of debtor and creditorwho iswhich depending on whether the customers account is in credit or is overdrawn.6.Teenagers acceptance of the idea that the y

34、B must get a college degree stems partly from the advicethey get in high school .7.The Higher Education Institute has found that students with a C average in high school were six timesasClikelyto drop out of college as those with anAaverage.8.Piling up debts from student loans hurts those who never

35、finish college or who finish but are Dunemployed .9.However ,their ultimate success will require improvements in their academic preparation,Caswell as/ and changes in the attitudes of parents,high schools and colleges.10.There must surely be many B simpler and more effective way of assessing a perso

36、ns true abilities.1.Book publishers find it it it it eveneveneveneven harder(A)harder(A)harder(A)harder(A) than Hollywood film production totototo comecomecomecome upupupup with(B)with(B)with(B)with(B) newscripts and new stars that(C)that(C)that(C)that(C) catch the publicpublicpublicpublic imaginati

37、on(D)imagination(D)imagination(D)imagination(D).2.One reason why science is so respected these days is that(A)that(A)that(A)that(A) the image of the scientist is is is is ofofofof oneoneoneonewho(B)who(B)who(B)who(B) dispassionately collects data in(C)in(C)in(C)in(C) an impartial search for(C)for(C)

38、for(C)for(C)truth.3.BurdenedBurdenedBurdenedBurdened with(A)with(A)with(A)with(A) a population that is agingagingagingaging quickly(B)quickly(B)quickly(B)quickly(B),eating badly,smoking too much, notnotnotnot takingtakingtakingtakingenoughenoughenoughenough exercise(C)exercise(C)exercise(C)exercise(

39、C) and suffering the consequence,Japans national health service is onononon thethethethe brinkbrinkbrinkbrink ofofofof(D)(D)(D)(D)bankruptcy.4.During the first year of his coalition government,Mr Jospin who made honesty(A)honesty(A)honesty(A)honesty(A) a a a a centralcentralcentralcentraltheme(B)the

40、me(B)theme(B)theme(B)of his campaign has appeared repeatedly totototo havehavehavehave gonegonegonegone backbackbackback on(C)on(C)on(C)on(C) his word(D)word(D)word(D)word(D).5.The theatre is is is is mainlymainlymainlymainly concentratedconcentratedconcentratedconcentrated in(A)in(A)in(A)in(A) Lond

41、on,where there are at least forty theatresfunctioning(B)functioning(B)functioning(B)functioning(B) and a successful play can continue totototo run(C)run(C)run(C)run(C) for many months or even(D)even(D)even(D)even(D) years.6.Daniel Yankelovich,a prominent(A)prominent(A)prominent(A)prominent(A) opinio

42、n researcher,considers the most distinctive(B)distinctive(B)distinctive(B)distinctive(B) change inAmerican values of the last twenty years totototo havehavehavehave been(C)been(C)been(C)been(C) an increasing emphasis on(D)on(D)on(D)on(D) the pursuit ofself-fulfillment.7.No one would objectobjectobje

43、ctobject totototo seeing(A)seeing(A)seeing(A)seeing(A) these problems solved(B)solved(B)solved(B)solved(B) if the solutions were simple andinexpensive of(C)of(C)of(C)of(C) effort and if we were fully inininin accordaccordaccordaccord on(D)on(D)on(D)on(D) social goals.8.FacedFacedFacedFaced with(A)wi

44、th(A)with(A)with(A) rapid change and fear and uncertainty totototo gogogogo withwithwithwith it(B)it(B)it(B)it(B),individuals asasasas wellwellwellwell as(C)as(C)as(C)as(C)nations sometimes seek to return to the ways of the past asasasas a a a a solution(D)solution(D)solution(D)solution(D).9.The Gre

45、at Society Democratic coalition was built from the top among the best educated and thosemost committed totototo expanding(A)expanding(A)expanding(A)expanding(A) individual rights,and form the bottom among those with thethethethe lowestlowestlowestlowestincomes(B)incomes(B)incomes(B)incomes(B) and di

46、sadvantageddisadvantageddisadvantageddisadvantaged minority(C)minority(C)minority(C)minority(C) voters who faced(D)faced(D)faced(D)faced(D) widespread discrimination.10.The crowd,anxiouslyanxiouslyanxiouslyanxiously awaiting(A)awaiting(A)awaiting(A)awaiting(A) the arrival of the soccer team,pressedp

47、ressedpressedpressed against(B)against(B)against(B)against(B) the fenceseparatingseparatingseparatingseparating (C)(C)(C)(C)then from the playingplayingplayingplaying field(D)field(D)field(D)field(D).Unit21, It is absurd to spend more money on highways(A), The wise solution for(B) C C C C overcrowde

48、dovercrowdedovercrowdedovercrowdedroadsis(D) public transportation.2, Americans have not thought(A) their cities B B B Bworthyworthyworthyworthy of(C) receiving financial support from thefederal government(D).3, Mr. Fleming was surprised to see me A A A A sittingsittingsittingsitting behind his desk

49、, He gave me a startled(B) look, thensmiled and said,“I didnt(C) know you were in town(D)”4, His behavior became more and more unusual until(A) , just as(B) his family was on the verge of(C)sending him to a mental hospital, he had D D D D recoveredrecoveredrecoveredrecovered.5, Cancer(A) of the mout

50、h and throat is more likely(B) to occur in(C) heavy smokers and drinkers thanD D D D inininin nonsmokersnonsmokersnonsmokersnonsmokers andandandand nondrinkersnondrinkersnondrinkersnondrinkers.6, When people understand the importance of work, they lend their mental strengths(A). But when theyget exc

51、ited about(B)the work, all their energy gets(C)D D D D pouredpouredpouredpoured into the job.7, Public opinion is still largely(A) B B B B unawareunawareunawareunaware ofofofof or indifferent to(C) the need to preserve rare species,whether(D) for cultural or for scientific reasons.8, The exponential

52、 growth of population and its attendant assault on(A) the environment is(B) so C C C Crecentrecentrecentrecent that it is difficult for people to conceive how much(D) damage is being done.9, Because migration on a scale(A) large enough(B) to alleviate the pressure is C C C C outoutoutout ofofofof th

53、ethethethequestionquestionquestionquestion ,there are no other possibilities(D).10,The fundamental problem is that no one, not doctors(A) ,or social workers or even addicts themselves,really B B B Bunderstandsunderstandsunderstandsunderstands what(C) it is that(D) drives a person to addiction.Unit31

54、 The greater thethethethe reputationreputationreputationreputation (A)(A)(A)(A)of the business school,the greater the risk that(B)that(B)that(B)that(B) its graduates C.willrely onmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagement theory(D)theory(D)theory(D)theory(D) instead of personal creativity.2 Among men

55、,the typical worker between thethethethe ages(A)ages(A)ages(A)ages(A) 45 and 54 hashashashas been(B)been(B)been(B)been(B)with his(C)his(C)his(C)his(C)presentemployer 12 years and about a third D.havebeen there 20 years or more.3 Form the viewpoint of the insured(A)insured(A)insured(A)insured(A) pers

56、on,an insurable risk is one(B)one(B)one(B)one(B) C.for which the probabilityof loss is not so high asasasas to(D)to(D)to(D)to(D)require excessive premiums(保险费).4 The software is ideal for situations where(A)where(A)where(A)where(A) companies need to keep an accurate track of B.whichmembers of the st

57、aff have taken courses and howhowhowhow theytheytheythey (C)(C)(C)(C)perform onononon themselves(D)themselves(D)themselves(D)themselves(D).5 The absolute increase in population,A.coupled with such trends as(B)as(B)as(B)as(B) urbanization and greatermobility,clearlyclearlyclearlyclearly presents(C)pr

58、esents(C)presents(C)presents(C) serious threats,especially for the lesslesslessless developed(D)developed(D)developed(D)developed(D)countries.6 The great American supermarket is a wonderful place with A.a much greater variety of healthyhealthyhealthyhealthyfood(B)than(C)hasfood(B)than(C)hasfood(B)th

59、an(C)hasfood(B)than(C)has everevereverever been(D)been(D)been(D)been(D)available before.7 Witnesses(A)Witnesses(A)Witnesses(A)Witnesses(A) from the neighborhood B.find it difficult to explain why(C)why(C)why(C)why(C)they didntdidntdidntdidnt call(D)call(D)call(D)call(D)thepolice.8 A.Acquiring educat

60、ion is the principal way of gaining(B)gaining(B)gaining(B)gaining(B)status in a culture that(C)that(C)that(C)that(C) generally stressesskillfulness and upward(D)upward(D)upward(D)upward(D) mobility.9 With thethethethe doctors(A)doctors(A)doctors(A)doctors(A) encouragement,the patient tooktooktooktoo

61、k heartheartheartheart (B)(B)(B)(B) and pulled C. himself together tofollow the doctorsdoctorsdoctorsdoctors advice(D)advice(D)advice(D)advice(D).10 The purpose of muchmuchmuchmuch of(A)of(A)of(A)of(A) the currentcurrentcurrentcurrent (B)(B)(B)(B) zoological research is to find ways to preserveC.end

62、angered animals whosewhosewhosewhose species(D)species(D)species(D)species(D)are on the edge of extinction.Unit51 That being said(A)the new means(B)of broadcasting and communicating throughout the worldincreaseincreaseincreaseincreases s s s(C)(C)(C)(C)the complexity of television even further(D).2

63、Alcoholics, for example(A), have a death rate nearly three times mere than thatthatthatthat ofofofof thethethethe generalgeneralgeneralgeneralpopulationpopulationpopulationpopulation(B)(B)(B)(B); ; ; ;they represent a third of all suicides(C)and are seen times more likely than nonalcoholicsto suffer

64、(D)fatal accidents.3 As with(A)any isolated and largelylargelylargelylargely self-self-self-self-containedcontainedcontainedcontained(B)(B)(B)(B)community the agricultural village was(C)oftenthe object of a fierce(D)loyalty among its inhabitants.4 As one of the researchers inininin chargechargecharg

65、echarge ofofofof(A)(A)(A)(A)NIVOTs tomato program(B),I use genetic(C)engineeringtechniques to make tomatoes more resistant to certain types of fungi(D).5 The writer has a vague impression(A)of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of(B)mentalpower or from laziness, exactly formulated i

66、t in his mind and it is natural enough that he should not(C)find a precise expression for a c c c confusedonfusedonfusedonfused(D)(D)(D)(D)idea.6 In theory(A), the building regulations laid down(B),by the government ensues that the houses are safefrom fires, but the safetysafetysafetysafety provisio

67、nsprovisionsprovisionsprovisions(C)(C)(C)(C)themselves could be introducing(D)a new hazard which has littleor nothing to do with the fact that wood burns.7 Despite(A)the presumption thatthatthatthat( ( ( (B)B)B)B)too many Americans are not working hard enough,Americansresponded to their changing(C)e

68、conomic fortunes(D)by working much harder.8 Many forms(A)of apparatus have been devised bybybyby whichwhichwhichwhich(B)(B)(B)(B)a more accurate knowledge(C)of bloodpressure can be obtained(D).9 Sall proved beyond(A)a reasonable doubt that man is capable of curing all of his ills(B)once he putputput

69、put( ( ( (C)C)C)C)all his efforts into the task at hand(D).10 Research by(A)A.T Kearney, an American management consultancy, into market leaders in Chinasuggests that the successful companies have tended to be those that(B)have thought big(C)and tried tograb as muchmuchmuchmuch ofofofof(D)(D)(D)(D)t

70、he national market for their main product as possible.Unit 61. It is required by law that a husband has to pay the debts of his wife until formal notice is given thathe no longer has to pay themdD2. Much asAI have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever thejob.3. Ei

71、nsteins advocacy of civil disobedience and public encouragement of people to refuse conscriptiondid little to D endearing himself to his colleagues.4. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, high-technology firms are those companies whoseresearch and development expenditures and C number of tec

72、hnical employees are twice as great as theaverage for all manufacturing firms.5. The text and dialoguer below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societieswhich can create misunderstanding if D ignored6. Although we arrived at roughly the same conclusion, Mr. Sanders saw the th

73、ing quite D differentlyfrom the way I saw it.7. The problem of making a robot A respond to the presence of objects in different places such as stepsof the staircase has already been solved.8. Without a degree and with no experience of doing office work, the young nab wasC no more fit tobe a secretar

74、y than any of us.9. One sign that she is making progress in art courses such as painting or photography is B that shebegins to realize how much there is to learn.10. Since I once learned English in Canada and later on visited Canada a number of times, mycolleagues and the university students have be

75、en asking me again and again about the characteristics ofCanadian English.(对)unit7Echoose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks.Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.(完形填空)When todays high-school seniors are asked what the

76、y plan to do after graduation,most say that theyintend to get a bachelors degree. They have been told that their generation has onlyone way to win by getting at least a bachelors degree, in the hope that it will eventually lead to a professional job.In a recent survey of high-school seniors conducte

77、d by the National Center for EducationStatistics,85 percent of the respondents said they planned to get a bachelors degree.And,although 20years ago only 45 per cent of high-school graduates went on to college,today 68 per cent actuallymatriculate ,with the majority enrolling in four-year or two-year

78、s programs designed to allow them totransfer to four-year institutions.According to conventional wisdom,the rapid rise in the number of students attending college is cause fornational celebration.But our research suggests that,instead ,it may be cause for national concern.Why?Because for many young

79、people,the one way win paradigm is not attending,given their academictalents and the labor-market projections.Students ranking below the top third of their high-schoolgraduating class too often fail to earn a bachelors degree if they enroll in college.The cost of suchfailure in both dollars and unme

80、t expectations is rising and beginning to erode publicconfidence in our system of higher education.Unit120 空A small family-owned company,Eisai,was one of the original manufacturersmanufacturersmanufacturersmanufacturers of vitamin E,and itmaintained a strong research commitment to naturalnaturalnatu

81、ralnatural pharmaceuticals.Over the year,it developed drugsfor the treatmenttreatmenttreatmenttreatment of cardiovascular,respiratory,and neurological diseases.The company experiencedexperiencedexperiencedexperiencedsteady,modest growth,and in 1992 sales reached 197 billion yen and profits approache

82、dapproachedapproachedapproached 13billionyen.Although it was the sixth-largest Japanese pharmaceutical company,Eisai was a relativelyrelativelyrelativelyrelatively smallplayer in an industry in which globalglobalglobalglobal competition was increasing while growth in the domestic marketwas slowing d

83、own.In1993,Haiuo Naito took over as president form his father.Before that,he had chairedchairedchairedchaired Eisais five-yearstrategic planing committee.During that time,he had become convinced that the companys focus on thediscovery and manufacture of pharmaceuticals was not sustainablesustainable

84、sustainablesustainable for long-term growth againstlarge,global competitors.Two years after becoming president,Naito formulated a radical new visionvisionvisionvision forEosai that he called Human Health Care.It extendedextendedextendedextended the companys focus form manufacturing drugtreatments fo

85、r specific illness to improvingimprovingimprovingimproving the overall quality of life, To accomplishaccomplishaccomplishaccomplish that mission,Eisaideveloped a wide arrayarrayarrayarray of new products.And that,in turn,would require broad involvementinvolvementinvolvementinvolvement andcommitment.

86、He encouraged innovative activityactivityactivityactivity and created an environment in which employees effortswould be accepted and rewardedrewardedrewardedrewarded Soon there proposalsproposalsproposalsproposals for 130 additional HHC projects and by the endof 1996,73 projects were under way.Now,t

87、he company has moved form sixth to fifth place in theJapanese domesticdomesticdomesticdomestic pharmaceutical industry,and Eisais customers and competitorscompetitorscompetitorscompetitors view the company saa leader in health care.Unit220 空Today it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubb

88、er tires of the automobile movemovemovemove Americathrough work and pay. Wheels spin, and people drivedrivedrivedrive off to their jobs. Tires turn , and people shop forthe weeks food at the big supermarket downdowndowndown the highway. Hubcaps whirl, and the whole family spends aday at the lake. Ea

89、ch year more wheelswheelswheelswheels crowd the highways as 10 million new cars roll out of thefactories. One outoutoutout of every six Americans works at assembling cars , driving trucks, building roads, orpumping gas.America withoutwithoutwithoutwithout cars. Its unthinkable.Buteven though the maj

90、oritymajoritymajoritymajority of Americans would find it hard to imagineimagineimagineimagine what life would be likewithout a car, some have begun to realizerealizerealizerealize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents areincreasing steadily, and large cities are plaguedplaguedpl

91、aguedplagued by traffic congestion.Worst of all, perhaps, is the airpollution caused by the internal-combustion engine. Every car engine burnsburnsburnsburns hundreds of gallons of fueleach year and pumps hundreds of pounds of the smog thatthatthatthat hangs over large cities. Some of these gasesare

92、 poisonous and dangerous totototo ones health, especially for someone with a weak heart or a respiratorydisease.Oneanswer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. Thats whatwhatwhatwhat severalmajor automobile manufactures are trying to do. B B B Butututut building a

93、clean car is easier said than donedonedonedone. So far,progress has been slow. Another solution is to eliminate car fume altogetheraltogetheraltogetheraltogether by getting rid of theinternal-combustion engine. Inventors are now working onononon turbine-powered cars, as well as on carspowered by ste

94、am and electricityelectricityelectricityelectricity. But most of us wont be driving cars run on batteries or boiling waterfor a while yet. Many auto makers believe that it will take years to develop practicapracticapracticapractical models that arepowered by electricity or steam.Unit3(1)20 空Children

95、 are now leaving home in late adolescence an earlier age than in the past. Adolescents areno longer involved in making an economic contribution to the family.In factfactfactfact,their major economicimpact is as consumers.Therefore ,the family has little reason to keep the child home as an economicco

96、ntribution.It is becoming increasingly common for young people to leave home for college or to livewith someone else when they becomeemployed .Not only do family have fewer children but theyhave them in school and out of the home at younger ages than in the past.The most surprising findings with reg

97、ard to children show a negative impact an marriage due tochildren。There has been much evidence that children contribute to greater conflict and uncertainty in amarriage. Studies show that general life satisfaction is the highest for people when they are youngmarried,and childless.Other studies show

98、that American couples with children at home tend to havelower marital satisfaction than those without children.For both men an women,reports of happiness andsatisfaction drop and dont rise again until the children are grown and about to leave the nest.unit4(1)15 空In the worlds rich countries,when yo

99、u retire at 65 you can expect to live,on average,for another 15 or20 years.A hundred years ago you would,on average,have been already (1)dead.(1)dead.(1)dead.(1)dead. The late 20thcenturyhas (2)brought(2)brought(2)brought(2)broughtto many the ultimate gift:the luxury of aging.But (3)like(3)like(3)li

100、ke(3)like any luxury,aging is(4)expensive.(4)expensive.(4)expensive.(4)expensive. Governments are fretting about(苦恼)the (5)cost(5)cost(5)cost(5)cost already;but they also know that far(6)worse(6)worse(6)worse(6)worse is to come:Over the next 30 or 40 years,the demographic changes of longer lives and

101、 fewer (7)(7)(7)(7)birthsbirthsbirthsbirths will force most countries to rethink in fundamental ways their arrangements for (8)(8)(8)(8) payingpayingpayingpaying forand looking after older people.In 1990 18% of people in OECD countries were (9)aged(9)aged(9)aged(9)aged over 60.By 2030 that (10)figur

102、e(10)figure(10)figure(10)figure will haverisen to over 30%.The (11)share(11)share(11)share(11)share of the Oldest old(those over 80),now around 3%, it set todouble.The vast (12)majority(12)majority(12)majority(12)majority of these older people will be consumers, not (13)producers(13)producers(13)pro

103、ducers(13)producers .Thanks tostate transfers,being old in developed countries mostly no longer means being (14)poor(14)poor(14)poor(14)poor .The old peoplewill expect (15)decent(15)decent(15)decent(15)decent pensions to live on;they will make heavy demands on medical (16)services;(16)services;(16)s

104、ervices;(16)services; andsome will need expensive nursing care.Yet while their numbers are (17)expanding(17)expanding(17)expanding(17)expanding fast,numbers ofpeople at work-who will have to foot the bill -will stay much the (18)same(18)same(18)same(18)same,so each worker will haveto carry a much he

105、avier(19)burden(19)burden(19)burden(19)burden.Mass survival to a ripe old age will not be (20)confined(20)confined(20)confined(20)confined to rich countries.Most developing countriespopulations are now much younger than the developed worlds,are starting to age fast.Unit5(1)20 空The _survival _1_of wi

106、lderness - of places that we do not change, where we allow the existenceeven of creatures we _2_perceive_ as dangerous - is necessary. Whether we go to those places ornot, we need to know that they exist. We do not need just the great _3_public_wildernesses, butmillions of small private or semipriva

107、te ones. Wilderness can 4 occupy_comers of factory grounds andcity 5_lots_ -places where nature is given free _6_hand_, where no human work is done, where wego only as guests. We go to wilderness places to be _7_restored , to be instructed in the naturaleconomies of _8_fertility_ and healing, to adm

108、ire what we cannot make. And we go in order to returnwith _9_renewed _knowledge by which we judge the health of our human economy and our_10_dwellings_. As we return from our visits to the _11_wilderness_, it is sometimes possible toimagine a series of fitting and decent _12_ transitions_ from wild

109、nature to the human community andits supports: from forest to woodlot(林地) to the13_agricultureof three crops and pasture to orchardto meadow to garden to household to neighborhood to village to city - so that _14_even_when wereached the city we would not he entirely _15_beyond Key to the translation

110、 from English to Chinese_the influence of the nature of that place.Unit6(1)15 空There is a strong view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does this meanthat success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That the efforts of men andwomen are of no si

111、gnificance alongside the force of movements and events? now not all success,obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating. Which are and which are not issomething one soon enough learns on ones own. But even the most cynical secretly admit that successexists; that achievement cou

112、nts for a great deal; and that the true myth is that the actions of men andwomen are useless. To believe otherwise is to take on a point of view that is likely to be deranging. It is,in its implications, to remove all motives for competence, interest in attainment, and regard forposterity.We do not

113、choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, thecountry of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, chooseto die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness,we

114、 do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, withpurpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makesus significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universemay

115、 be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. Wechoose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny iswhat ambition is about.Unit7Unit7Unit7Unit7(1 1 1 1)20202020 空空1.Governor Rockefeller was shocked by what h

116、appened and appointed a committee to assess theresponsibility.2.Oliver Barrett IV and Jennifer started talking about marriage,thinking they were made for eachother .But as a banker and squeamish parent,Oliver Barrett III refused to give his blessing to theproposed alliance .3.One outcome of the rapi

117、d advance of technology is the breakdown of the traditional division of laborbetween the sexes.4.Away from their profession ,scientists are inherently no more honest or ethical than other people.Butin their profession they work in an arena that puts a high premium on honesty.5.Arthur is captured and

118、 visited by Montanelli . Arthur reveals his identity to Montanelli,who isdelighted to find that he is still alive.6.The wording of the agreement is ambiguous, so both interpretations vare valid.7.A lot of the summer jobs available here are only tolerable if youre young and dont mind workinghard.8.Sh

119、e is isolated from the general problems of society and never participates in any of our discussion.9.The government is selling off the railways,in pursuit of its policy of privatization.10.She criticized my writing but in a way that was very constructive -I learned a lot from her.Unit1(2)1, The prog

120、rams to teach young children enabling skills are now being advocated fromfromfromfrom coastcoastcoastcoast totototo coastcoastcoastcoast.2, There can be but little double that his ancestors were thethethethe greatgreatgreatgreat unwashed.unwashed.unwashed.unwashed.3, Many people still reverereverere

121、vererevere their late premier though he passed away many years ago.4, There are some legitimate reasons for some scientists to denouncedenouncedenouncedenounce the practice of cloning.5, When Lincoln got his Christmas gift, a video game , he toretoretoretore upupupup the box to get to the cartridge

122、andpopped it into the game machine immediately.6, ShortShortShortShort ofofofof the President himself, probable no one could have convinced people of the feasibility of hiswelfare programs.7, Sumo wrestlers areareareare notednotednotednoted forforforfor their strength, while fencers, for their nimbl

123、eness.8, He bought a bicycle and started to ride to work as he could no longer put up with the constrictionconstrictionconstrictionconstriction ofmovement in the packed bus.9, The judge pronounced that the accused man waswaswaswas guiltyguiltyguiltyguilty ofofofof murder and sentenced him to lifeimp

124、risonment.10, Until a relatively short time ago, traveling abroad was limited to people who were wellwellwellwell offoffoffoff orprosperous business people.Unit3(2)1.The traditional family with only the husband working can be found most often during the earlieryears of marriage when children are bei

125、ng born and caredcaredcaredcared forforforfor .2.The first thing to do in seeking a position is to determine exactly what you want to do,not inininin termstermstermsterms ofofofofa vague objective but with a definite goal.3.Sociologists will manage to find out what lieslieslieslies behindbehindbehin

126、dbehind the violence that occurs among affluentfamilies.4.The Rev.Septimus Harding? Yes,it ringsringsringsrings a a a a bellbellbellbell. . . .Hes a character in some novel,I believe,but Icant remember which one.5.Energy shortage,soaring inflation,rampant unemployment and the threat of war have made

127、 adultAmericans nervous,and that sense of pervasive worry has been passedpassedpassedpassed onononon totototo the nations youth.6.The idea of trying to cheat the income tax authorities wentwentwentwent againstagainstagainstagainst his principles;he had a strongsense of civic responsibility.7.Footbal

128、l fans began lininglininglininglining upupupup early in the morning at the box office to buy cup-tie tickets.8.The chairman gave me a hint that he would like me to think of some ready way of stooping Tom fromchimingchimingchimingchiming inininin the proposal.9.If anyone can think of a better course

129、of action,I amamamam openopenopenopen totototo suggestions.10.School children broughtbroughtbroughtbrought upupupup in a Western heritage do not know about Shamba Bolongogo,who after3centuries is still remembered for his great reforms and inventions and for his love of peace.Unit4(2)1.His education

130、in business school has setsetsetsethim upupupup to step into any kind of business and run it.2.She advised John ,You should not let your child study in a foreign country;she wouldnt fitfitfitfit inininin there.3.The young lecturer is popular with his students and every student is is is is thankfulth

131、ankfulthankfulthankful forforforfor his assistance intheir studies.4.With the possibility of redundancy in their minds,middle-aged workers have to work harder to holdholdholdholddowndowndowndown their jobs.5.Transnational corporations usually enjoy a wide reputation for fair dealing which they have

132、builtbuiltbuiltbuilt upupupupover many years.6.He very much appreciated his chance to study here because of what he had gonegonegonegone throughthroughthroughthrough in hischildhood.7.Owing to the fact that each family has only one child,the responsibility of looking after the elderlywill weighweigh

133、weighweigh heavilyheavilyheavilyheavily onononon theonly childgeneration.8.We hoped that trust would be built up among those four parties but it doesnt seem to be workingworkingworkingworking outoutoutoutthat way.9.The ruling party still won the general election although quite a few members had brok

134、enbrokenbrokenbroken awayawayawayaway fromthe Party.10.Failing in the university entrance examination was bad enough,but even worse was the feeling that ihad letletletlet mymymymy parentsparentsparentsparents downdowndowndown.Unit5(2) 一题 2 空1._In short_, the National Research Institute of Police Sci

135、ence is responsible for supporting, froma scientific angle, all police activities, especially criminal investigation.2.The reasons for extremely high medical costs are many and can by no means be _attributed to_inflation exclusively.3.The country _is up against _drug abuse, one Qf the mast challengi

136、ng social problems nowadays,4.Martin Luther King was endowed with a graceful and spirit-stirring eloquence and almost allpeople, black or white, _were under the spell of_ his effective speech I HaveA Dream.5.The plan for introducing new technology _at the expense of _the existing work force willundo

137、ubtedly meet with fierce opposition.6.As a charity, the organization provides food and shelter for peoples in need, _regardless of_ thereasons for their need.7._Allowing for _ traffic delays, you had better start earlier if you want to catch Flight 818 forNewYork City.8.All available evidence goes t

138、o show that the general _was involved in _ the conspiracy tooverturn the government.9.Mr. Harold Rosen, an obstinate man is always _acting on _ his own judgement; nobody canhave influence over him.10. Dutch speakers can usually understand German quite well, but strangely enough not _ viceversaUnit6(

139、2)1. Ambition is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, fame, wealth,etc., and the willingness to strive for its attainment.2. If sheer numbers provide any proof, Americas universities and colleges are the envy of the world,for the United States3500 institutions wer

140、e flooded with 407530 students from 193 different countrieslast year.3. U.S. students pay for their education and demand a commensurate value for what they or theirparents-pay.4. Lord Oxford protected his sensitiveness by silence, by totally refraining from retort or complaint.5. The Jamestown settl

141、ers explored Virginia primarily for fishing and trading, and only incidentallyinvestigated traces of a lost colony on Roanoke Island.6. In a continuing effort to alleviate racial tensions on this campus, student leaders and faculty joined todiscuss the influences of conflict and diversity.7. The pol

142、ice deemed it necessary for the towns safety to arrest most speeders.8. Shortage of land and funding is to blame for the citys inadequate green space.9. If you do something on impulse, you do it because you suddenly want to, although you haventplanned to.10.In10.In10.In10.In carryingcarryingcarrying

143、carrying outoutoutout thethethethe planplanplanplan wewewewe areareareare boundboundboundbound totototo comecomecomecome acrossacrossacrossacross difficulties,difficulties,difficulties,difficulties, butbutbutbut wewewewe areareareare determineddetermineddetermineddetermined totototoovercomeovercomeo

144、vercomeovercome themthemthemthem all.all.all.all.Unit7(2)A 翻译中文Arnold Toynbee has said that all progress,all development come from a challenge and a consequentresponse.Without challenge there is no response,no development,no freedom.So first we owe to ourchildren the most demanding,challenging curri

145、culum that is within their capabilities.德 . 汤说过,一切进步,一切发展均来自挑战及由此引起的反应。没有挑战就没有反应,没有发展,没有自由。所以,我们首先应该在我们孩子的能力允许的范围内为他们开设最严格最富有挑战性的课程。The second opportunity we can give our boys and girls is the right to failure.Freedom is not only aprivilege,it is a test,writes De Nouy .What kind of a test is it,what

146、 kind of freedom where no one canfail?The day is past when the United states can afford to give high school diplomas to all who sitthrough four years of instruction,regardless of whether any visible results can be discerned.We live in anarrowed world where we must be alert,awake to realism:and reali

147、sm demands a standard which eithermust be met or result in failure.These are hard words,but they are brutally true .If we deprive ourchildren of the right to fail we deprive them of their knowledge of the world as it is.原题:我们可以向我们的孩子提供第二个机会是允许他们有失败的权力。德 . 纽伊写道: “ 不仅是一种特权,也是一种考验。 ” 如果没有人可以失败,那它算什么考验,

148、算什么自由呢?美国可以向所有在高中读者完四年课程而不管其是否取得任何明显收获的学生发放毕业文凭的日子已经一去不复返了。我们现在生活在一个外变得很狭隘的世界里,们必须同对现实保持警觉,有所认识;而现实主义要求树立一个要么成功要么失败的标准。这些话听起来很刺耳,但都是残酷的事实。如果我们剥夺了孩子的失败权力,实际上我们就剥夺了他们如实地认识世界的机会。Owners/founders are extremely driven and dynamic.Often they excel at more than one skill.In manycases,production expects are

149、also marketing geniuses or skilled financiers. Replacing them may requiremore than one person.Therefore,family business owners should determine exactly how the businessfunctions by create his or her own chart.There charts should then be compared.The differences will pointto gaps in the management st

150、ructure and highlight areas of misunderstanding and differences inperception.业主/企业创建者不仅进取心强,而且精力充沛。他们往往擅长于多种技能。在很多情况之下, 他们即是生产专家又是营销天才或经验丰富的金融家。要接替他们的工作则需要很多的人。因此家庭企业主应当通过制定组织机构图来明确规定该企业怎样运作。参予交接过程的每个主要成员也应当制定他们自己的组织构图。然后, 对它们进行比较。各机构之间的不同点将表明管理体制上的差异、存在误会的主要方面及观念上分歧。Few business,even family busines

151、ses,grow without the help of loyal employees.More often than not,theyhold key position in management.Therefore,you must keep your employees informed about long-rangesuccession plans.Key management must have a clear picture of where they stand and what theirresponsibilities will be in a succession-ma

152、nagement structure.Develop a compensation and benefitstructure that is sufficient to attract an retain key managers as well as to motivate them to perform in thebest interests of the business and the family.没有忠心耿耿雇员,很少企业能够发展壮大,即使是家庭企业也是如此。这些尽职的雇员多半担任了主要管理职务。因此,应当将关于产业继承的长远计划随时通报给他们,而主要的企业管理人员必须清楚知道他

153、们在产业交接管理机构中的职责。改进企业的劳保福利制度以吸引和留住主要部门经理,激发他们的积极性,使他们能为企业和业主的最大利益而工作unit2Historically , jeeps reputation as a go-anywhere vehicle dates back to the Second World Warwhen.在历史上, 吉普车以其能适应各种路况的出众性能而著称于世。 这种美名可以追溯到二战期间,当时由威利斯公司提供的最初型号的吉普车载着盟军部队驰骋于太平洋沿岸及欧洲战场。一书认为, “吉普”这个名字起源于美国军队决定把这种车辆叫做GP(for General Purpo

154、se)即多功能车之意。而后,GP 这两个字母的读音被误发成为“吉普” ,并成为威利斯公司享有的商标名称。1988 年吉普为克莱斯勒公司所有,此后该公司投入了大量资金更新改造吉普车的生产设备,提高吉普车的产量并开发各种新车型应市。 克莱斯勒公司称吉普车在战争年代享有的盛名以及其坚固耐用的形象无疑会有助于它在和平时期树立其作为休闲娱乐车的新形象。 该公司说, 吉普为休闲,越野车开发了新市场,它有强劲的 4 轮牵引装置(商业上称为 4 轮驱动) ,过去军用吉普车曾因此而享誉四方。Unit3Some observers suggest that perhaps what we are seeing i

155、s not a real change at all,that,like the sexualrevolution,it is not really a revolution in behavior but in expression.It may be,says one Connecticutpsychoanalyst,that an identifiable group that has existed all along is simply coming out of thecloset,like homosexuals.The spirit of the time is to do y

156、our own thing and not hide it,and these peoplemay reflect an increased frankness and openness rather than any real change.一些观察家提出,我们正在看到的这种现象根本就不是什么重大变化,或许它和性革命一样, 不是人们行为上的而是表达方式上的一种剧变。 一位住在康涅狄格州的精神分析学家说,“ 也许,一直就有那么一群与众不同的人存着。只不过他们现在从隐蔽外走了出来,公开 表明了他们的观点,就像同性恋者那样。我们这一时代的潮流就是干你想干的事而不是加以掩饰。这些人身上所反映的不是什

157、么变革而是人们现在越来越坦率直言的这样一个现象。In recent decades it has become clear that for a distinct minority of American women the traditionalmother role in the seclusion of the home is no longer acceptable.For many the family is of diminishingimportance.Thedevelopmentofeducationforwomenhasbeenacrucialfactorinthischa

158、nge.Today,over 80percent of all women complete four years of high school as compared to only 35percent in 1940.This is related to the fact that marriage now occurs a year later for the averagewoman.The proportion of women aged 20 to 24 who are single increased from 28 percent in 1960 to 40percent by

159、 the mid 1970s.Childbearing is being postponed so that,compared to the 1960s,10 percentfewer women bear their first child in the two years immediately following marriage.Furthermore,morewomen today remain childless.Work,older age at marriage,and childlessness are the basic changes thathave taken pla

160、ce in womens roles in recent years.在最近几十年的时间里,人们渐渐地明白了一个事实,那就是:为数不多的妇女已不再接受并愿意扮演深居简出的传统母亲角色。 许多人认为家庭的重要性正日益消失。 妇女受教育程度的提高是造成这一文化的重要因素。 如今, 百分之八十的妇女完成了四年制的高中学习。 而在 1940 年,完成这一阶段学习的妇女仅占百分之三十。 这与现在美国妇女平均晚一年结婚有关。 二十岁至二十四岁未婚者从 1960 年的 28% 上升到 20 世纪 70 年代的 40% 。人们推迟了生儿育女的时间,只有不到 10% 的妇女是在结婚后两年内生孩子。除此之外,越来

161、越多的妇女不想要孩子。工作、晚婚、不要孩子是近年来妇女作用发生变化的主要表现。Unit4The new combination of age and poverty in several countries in Latin America and Asia will createmany problems that are already familiar to industrial countries,but with far fewer resources to tacklethem.Ethical dilemmas over the use of scarce resources wi

162、ll be magnified.Financing of health care andpensions could be a nightmare.在不少拉丁美洲和亚洲的国家,老年化和贫困将引起许多新问题, 而这些问题对于工业化国家来说并不陌生, 但是这些国家拥有资源少得多。在使用有限资源时所遇到伦理道德问题将更为突出,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能成为这些国家面临的一件棘手的事。In many countries, older people are still too small in number,and for the most part too politicallypassive,t

163、o act as an effective pressure group for long-term policies to further their own interests.Butthat is changing as their numbers increase,and they learn to flex their political muscles.By 2030,itwould be a bold politician who neglected one voter in three -especially as older people in general turnout

164、 to vote in much bigger numbers than others.在许多国家,老年人的人数太少,政治上多半相当被动,以致无法成为一个能对长期政策施加有效压力来促进自身利益的团体。但随着其数量增多,这种状况正在改变,他们知道需要集结政治力量。到 2030 年将没有一个政治家大胆到敢于忽略三分之一这部份老年选民特别老年选民一般参加投票的人数要比其他选民多。Unit5As the poet Edmund Spenser put it almost four hundred years ago, Nature, who is the “greatestgoddesse,” art

165、s as a sort of earthly lieutenant of God, and Spenser represents her as both a mother andjudge. Her jurisdiction is over the relations between the creatures; she deals Right to all.indifferently,for she is “the equal mother of all And knittest each to each, as brother unto brother:” Thus, in Spencer

166、,the natural principles of fertility and order are pointedly linked with the principle of justice, which wemay be a little surprised to see that he attributes also to nature. And yet in his insistence an indifferentnatural justice, resting on the brotherhood of all creatures, not just of humans, Spe

167、nser would now besaid to be on sound ecological footing.正如诗人埃德蒙 . 斯宾塞在将近四百年前所说的那样,大自然是 “ 最伟大的女神 ” 。她似乎担任了上帝驻地球的总督的职务。斯宾塞把她描写成一位母亲和法官。她管辖着所有的生物之间的往来,并不分厚薄地给予他们权利,因为她是一位公正的母亲。她把他们紧密地联结在一起,就象兄弟姐妹。因而,在斯宾塞看来,生物繁殖及生物秩序的自然规律与公正原则显而易见地是联系在一起的。当我们得知斯宾塞认为大自然也具有公正原则的时候我们或许有点吃惊。然而,斯宾塞不仅以人类的手足之情而是以所有生物的手足之情为依据来坚

168、持自然界有这么一位“ 公正的 ” 法官。要是在当今,我们会说斯宾塞是以生态学作为其可靠依据的。If our proper relation to nature is not opposition, then what is it? This question becomes complicated anddifficult for us because none of us, as I have said, wants to live in a pure primeval forest or in a pureprimeval prairie; we do not want to be eat

169、en by grizzly bears; if we are gardeners. We have a legitimatequarrel with weeds; if, in Kentucky, we are trying to improve our pastures, we are likely to be enemiesof the nodding thistle. But, do what we will, we remain under the spell of the primeval forests andprairies that we have cut down and b

170、roken; we turn repeatedly and with love to the thought of them andto their surviving remnants. We find ourselves attracted to the grizzly bears, too, and know that they andother great, dangerous animals remain alive in our imaginations as they have been all through humantime.如果我们人类和大自然的固有关系不是相互对抗的,那

171、么,它又是什么样的一种关系呢?对我们来讲,这个变得相当复杂难解,因为正如我先前所讲过的那样,我们中没有人想在未经开发的原始森林里或在未经改造的原始大草原上生活,我们不想被大灰熊吃掉。假如我们是园艺家,我们有正当的理由去抱怨园内的杂草。在肯塔基州,如果我们准备改良牧场,我们就很可能成为那一片随风摆动的大蓟的敌人。但是,如果我们还随心所欲,想做什么就做什么,那么,我们就会对那些曾经被我们砍伐破坏了的原始森林和草原着迷,我们会一而再而三地想起它们,想起那些幸存的原始森林和原始草原。我们还会感到大灰熊深深地吸引着我们。我们知道,在整个人类时期我们会一直想起大灰熊及其他一些危险动物unit 6Surel

172、y ambition is behind dream of glory ,of wealth, of love, of distinction, of accomplishment, ofpleasure, of goodness. What life does with our dreams and expectations cannot, of course, bepredicted. Some dream, begun in selflessness, end in rancor; other dreams, begun in selfishness, endin large-heart

173、edness. The unpredictability of the outcome of dreams is no reason to cease dreaming.毫无疑问,雄心大志期望的是荣誉、财富、爱情、非凡、成就、欢乐与善良美德。当然,伴随我们的抱负与希望,我们的生活将会是怎样,这些总是无法意料的。有些想法的出发点是丝毫不为自己,但结果却是结下深仇;而有些计划原意是为了自己,但到头来却是为他人做了善事。计划、设想的结果虽然难以预测,但仍无理由阻止计划与设想的进行。It is not difficult to imagine a word shorn of ambition. It

174、would probably be a kinder world demands,without abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Suck work as theydid would not be for themselves but for the collectivity. Competition would never enter in. Conflictwould be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. Th

175、e stress of creation would be at an end. Artwould no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its function. The family would becomesuperfluous as a social unit, with all its former power for bringing about neurosis drained away.Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart

176、attack or stroke caused bytumultuous endeavor. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and on with ambition longdeparted from the human heart.不难设想,没有抱负与雄心的社会将会是怎样的。它很可能是一个比较随和的社会:没有要求,没有矛盾,也没有失望。人们有时间深思。他们所做的工作不是为了自己,而是为了集体、从来没有竞争,冲突将被消灭,紧张已成为过去,不再需要创造力。艺术不再是高深莫测的,它的作用纯粹是为了欢庆与颂扬。家庭作为一个社会的单元将

177、成为多余的,它以前的束缚力已消失。 长寿会增加, 因为死于紧张、 辛劳的工作所引起的心脏病与中风的人会越来越少、 思虑将不复存在。人类长期地摆脱抱负和欲望的压力,日子会过得越来越舒坦。Unit7B 翻译英语(写英文)1.当今的大学生,尽管他们努力的像是自己成才,但对未来还是很模糊的。 (establish oneself)Todays university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelingsabout their future.2.一个人如果不能找到自我以

178、外的中心,就不能实现他的自我价值。所以,理想的本科教育必须使学生超越自我。 (transcend)A man cannot find himself without finding a center beyond hi. So the idealism of the undergraduateexperience must help the student transcend himself.3.我们强烈的希望在大学所学到的知识在今后的工作与学习中能起到重要的作用。(reveal oneself)We eagerly hope that the lessons leaned in the un

179、iversity will reveal themselves in our performance inthe workplace and further education.4. 四年的本科学习是走向成功生活的唯一道路,这种说法是无法接受的。 (go unchallenged)It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to success inlife.5.在对一个关键的问题作结论时,如果只相信所谓的专家而不相信自己,不根据调查的结果,不根据实验的数据

180、,那是在冒险。 (run the risk of ;blind faith in )We run the risk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings ofinvestigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts.6.我们的事业需要一批受过良好教育又能关心他人的年轻人,他们能团结一致,相互学习,积极参加四化建设。 (band together

181、:participate in)Our task needs a large group of well-informed, caring young people who can band together, learn fromeach other, and actively participate in the four modernizations.7.如果这所新学校要有生命力的话,它培养的学生不仅要有扎实的基础和熟练的专业技能,还要有奉献精神。 (be to endure ;commit oneself)If it is to endure, the new school shoul

182、d help the students not only acquire a sold basic education andbecome competent in a specific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others.8.如果大学生对于考试过于投入,就有可能把能力与奉献放到次要的地位,这样说一点也不过分。(push to the fringes)It is not too much to say that if undergraduates excessively devote themselves to exa

183、minations, the willpush competence and commitment to the fringes.9.我甚至没有跟他说话,当然更不用说与他讨论有关你们学校的改建问题。 (much less )I didnt even speak to him; much less discuss the reconstruction of your school with him.10.有人认为考试是很重要的,但也有人认为考试有不少弊端。所以考试留下了一个未能解决的问题考试对教育有什么影响?(open question )Some people think examinatio

184、ns are second to none, but some think examinations have a lot ofdisadvantages. Examinations leave us an open essential question - what influence do examinationsexert on education?1、他不但是位出色的银行家和公认的贸易专家,而且还是经验丰富的企业主管。He is an experienced banker and an acknowledged trade expert, not to mention an excel

185、lent managingdirector.2、意大利一个和平组织的志愿者不顾危险,以开赴伊拉克首都巴格达组成“人体盾牌” ,以阻止美国轰炸该地。Regardless of danger, volunteers from an Italian organization for peace have gone to Baghdad, thecapital of Iraq, to form a body shield for the purpose of preventing the US from bombing the place.3、在这个家庭里,没有人比朱迪更能致力于经营房地产生意。Nob

186、ody in the family is more dedicated to operating the real estate business than Judy.4、由于经济不景气,房地产经纪人正处于或降低房价或减少销售量的两难境地。Because of the economic depression, real estate agents are in the dilemma of whether to lower prices orlet sales fall off.5、史密斯先生往往靠慎重投资而获取巨额利润。More often than not, Mr. Smith earns

187、 great profits by careful investment of his capital.6、约翰在学校里各门功课的成绩都不怎么样,但在体育方面倒是身手不凡。John did not make much of a mark in his studies at school, but he excelled at sports.7、有条不紊的职责交接是家庭企业长期繁荣的一个条件。Ordrly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business

188、.8、在制定投资计划之前,你最好对投资前景有个清楚的了解。Youhad better have a clear picture of prospects before formulating a plan for investment.9、尽管雕塑费时,但是仍有一些人以雕塑为职业。Although sculpture is a time-consuming art, there are still some people following it as a profession.10、这家电脑软件公司正处于从独资经营到合资经营的转化过程中。Unit2The software company i

189、s in the midst of being transformed from an individual proprietorship to a jointventure.1.汽车诞生后发展很快,不久就替代了马。The automobile was improved very rapidly after it was invented and soon displaced horses.2.由于汽车污染环境并严重伤害身体,甚至杀人,我们可能不得不消减私人拥有汽车的数量而更多地依赖公共交通系统。We may have to cut down on the number of privatel

190、y owned cars and depend more on public masstransit systems because cars pollute and maim or even kill people.3.汽车轮子给我们带来了更好、更为便利的交通时,它也应对诸如空气污染,交通事故,交通拥挤之类的许多问题负责。While wheels (automobiles) have brought with them better or more convenient transportation, they areguilty of many sins, such as air poll

191、ution, traffic accidents and traffic congestion.4.美国人对汽车的热爱以及他们较大的工作流动性是出了名的Americans are noted for their love for cars and great job mobility.5.要是燃料质量和效率的提高和技术的进步能大大减少汽车的排放量,那该多好啊If only advances in fuel quality and efficiency and in technology would radically reduce the emissionsfrom automobiles.6

192、.在美国,高度发达的公路网使在各地之间来来往往成为可能A highly developed highway network has made possible the easy movement from coast to coast in theUnited States.7.一想到这条林荫大道的建设速度,参观者都能够感到很吃惊;这条路不久前还在开挖及铺设排水管The very thought of the speed at which the beautiful avenue was constructed electrified every visitor;the road had on

193、ly recently been torn up to lay drain-pipes not long ago.8.环境保护主义者严厉谴责了汽车,认为汽车是产生空气污染的主要原因Environmentalists have denounced automobiles, believing they are a major factor in the production ofdirty air.9.由于有便利的公共交通,在大都市的市郊,许多新建的住宅群拔地而起Many new residential complexes have risen up in the suburbs of metr

194、opolitan cities because of theavailability of convenient public transportation.10,尽管非常喜欢汽车,许多人还是相信广泛地使用公共交通系统能缓解交通拥挤Despite their love for cars, many people lend credence to the extensive use of the public transportsystem, which can cut down on traffic congestion.Unit31.Some professional observers b

195、elieve that young people today are no longer interested in politics andcauses, but rather, have become increasingly preoccupied with issues closer to themselves.一些职业观察家认为, 现在的年轻人不再对政治和事业感兴趣; 他们越来越关注与他们自身关系更为密切的问题。(preoccupied with)2.The higher a womans educational attainment, the more likely she is

196、to go out of the private settingof the nuclear family and to realize herself in the community.一个妇女 所获得的教育程度越高,就越有可能走出小家庭这个环境,到社会上去实现自我(belikely to ,realize oneself)3. As far as I am concerned, what really lies behind the decision of some married couples not to start afamily is that they are so narci

197、ssistic and have no margin of love to spare others.就我而言, 一些已婚夫妇做出选择不要小孩的真正原因是他们非常自恋, 以至于他们没有多余的爱给别人。 ( start a family ,lie behind,have no margin,spare )4. The company put on the market a registered invention even without asking the inventorspermission, which goes against the patent law.这家公司甚至在未征求发明人

198、同意的情况下, 就将其一项注册过的新发明投放市场。 这一行为违反了专利法。 (go against)5. Urged by some other countries, the United Nations has pressured the country to give up developingand using nuclear weapons.在一些国家的敦促下,联合国对该国施加压力,迫使其放弃研制和实用核武器。 (pressure sb todo )6. According to the rule that every member should remain childless, M

199、r. And Ms white have noalternative but to withdraw from the Non-Parent Association, for they will attain parenthood soon.按照每个会员必须是无子女的这一规定,怀特先生及其太太只好退出 Non-Parent 协会,因为他们很快就要当父母了。 (alternative ,parenthood)7. He expects to reveal, by presenting a soap opera, the complexity implicit in real life.他期望通过

200、上演一部肥皂剧来揭示现实生活所固有的复杂性。 (implicit)8. In virtually every country, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and child abuse loom as most challengingsocial problems.几乎在每个国家,嗜用麻醉品、酗酒和摧残儿童都有变为最令人深思的社会问题的趋势。 (loomas )9. When interviewed, these elderly people rationalized why they were ambivalent about todays youngpeople.

201、在接受采访时,这些老年人合理的解释了为什么会对当今青年人产生矛盾心理的原因。 (beambivalent about ,rationalize)10. Many college students are far more concerned with how to get a highly-paid job on graduation andhow to receive a quick promotion in the competitive society.不少大学生更关心怎样在毕业后谋得一份报酬优厚的工作, 怎样在这个充满竞争的社会里迅速得到提升。 (be concerned with )

202、unit41 总的来说,人变得越来越有同情心;不少家庭收养了来自市孤儿院的孤儿。 (take in,orphanage)1.Generally, people have become more compassionate and quite a few families have taken in an orphanfrom the municipal orphanage.2一个有工作的妇女既要照顾她的孩子和老人,又要设法保有这份工作,是一件非常困难的事情。 (hold down)2.It is a demanding task for a working woman to look afte

203、r her parents and her children while holdingdown a job.3 起先,我们对他们初次在异国他乡生活感到担忧,但是结果他们在那个国家生活得相当不错。(work out)3. At first we were worried about their first stay in a foreign country, but things there worked out muchbetter for them.4 今天,中年人的孩子比他们父母的孩子要少得多;40 年后人口老化问题可能成为他们孩子的沉重负担。 (weigh on)4. Todays m

204、iddle-aged people have fewer children than their parents did, and the aging populationproblem may weigh on them in about 40 years.5 希望目前的教育改革能为学生更好地迎接社会的挑战作好准备。 (set up)5.It is hoped that the current reform in education will better set students up to meet the challenges fromsociety.6 政府想把一部分健康护理的负担转

205、嫁给个人; 但是家庭成员并不总是有空的, 因为他们不能离开工作来照顾生病的老人。 (break away from)6. The government intends to transfer some of the health-care burden to the individual family; butfamily members are not always available for the task because they cannot break away from their jobs tolook after the sick elderly.7 对养老院床位的需求越来越

206、大,我们不得不想尽一切办法腾出床位。 (free up)7.There is an increasing demand for beds in the nursing home, and we have to try every possible meansto free them up.8 随着该国老男人的日益增多,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能使政府感到恐惧。(scare the devil out of)8.With the increase of elderly population in this country, financing health care and pensions

207、 could scarethe devil out of the government.9 这对年轻夫妇不得不作出牺牲,以避免使他们年迈的慈父伤心。 (let down)9.The young couple has to make some sacrifice to avoid letting their old beloved father down.10 他们在照顾年迈多病的老父时所经历的一切使他们更具有同情心并向养老院捐了款。(go through)10.What they had gone through in looking after their sick old father m

208、ade them more compassionate,and they made a donation to the nursing home .Unit51 大多数自然资源保护主义者认为,在良好的生态环境中人类最易兴旺发达,而各种野生动物的生存则是这种良好生态环境标志。(conservationist, survival)1. Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of thishealth is the survival of a diver

209、sity of wild animals.2 史密斯先生出示了大量的证据来表明:在某种程度上,如果我们破坏大自然,那就是毁灭我们自己。 (diminish, to some extent)2. Mr. Smith produced abundant evidence to indicate that we, to some extent, diminish ourselves if wediminish nature.3 西方各国的许多城市已经转换到使用新的可减少污染含量的汽油,我们中国有些城市也已经这样做了。(be true of)3. Many cities in Western coun

210、tries have switched to a new gasoline formula that reduces the pollutioncontent. This is also true of some cities in China.4 正如英国诗人埃德蒙,斯宾塞在一首诗里描写的那样,大自然不仅是位母亲,而且是位法官,管辖并公正地对待人类和所有的生物。(jurisdiction, do justice to)4. As depicted in a poem written by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not only

211、a mother but ajudge, having jurisdiction over and doing justice to all creatures.5 政府的一项调查研究得出的结论是:除了过分拥济和公共交通很差外,该市面临的最大问题是噪音和污染。(be up against)5. A government study concludes that besides overcrowding and poor public transport, the biggestproblems the city is up against are noise and pollution.6 与

212、所有其他动物不一样,人类具有根据自己的判断而行事的能力。(act on)6. Unlike all other creatures, humans have the ability to act on their judgment/ understanding.7 难道你不同意健康而无财富比有财富而不健康要好得多的这种说法吗?(be preferable to)7. Dont you agree with the statement that health without wealth is preferable to wealth without health?8 即使那些工业经济的拥护者也

213、不得不公开承认:人类与大自然之间发生的任何冲突往往对双方都不利。(acknowledge, at the expense of)8. Even those defenders of industrial economy have to acknowledge openly that any conflict betweenhumans and nature often occurs at the expense of both.9 如果你的朋友善意地指出你的一个缺点,你不仅要欣然接受,而且应当感谢(point out)9. If your friend kindly points out a

214、fault you have, take what is said not merely pleasantly, butthankfully.10 人与野生动物之间的差别之一就在于,前者能就他们改变自然的种类及规模作出明智的选择。(as to)10. One of the differences between humans and wild animals is that (or lies in that) the former canmake a wise choice as to the kind and scale of the change they make to nature.U

215、nit 61.尽管她在最近的选举中成功了,但她主要仍是位作家而不是政治家。In spite of her recent election success, she remains first and foremost a writer, not a politician.2.讲到抱负,人们往往把它与地位、名誉和权力连在一起,因此,长期以来许多人不愿意谈论自己的梦想。Ambition is always identified with rank, fame and power. Therefore many people have been unwillingto talk about thei

216、r dreams for a long time.3.毫无疑问,如果一个人想成名,就需要有理想,因为理想是走向成功的基础。但是理想并不就是野心。Surely, if you want to be famous, it is necessary for you to have ideals, because it is behind theaccomplishment, but different from ambition.4.野心常被认为是带有贬义的。这是因为有些一心追求自己利益的人不择手段地要达到目的,损害了他人。Ambition is often regarded as being co

217、mmensurate with bad sense because the single-minded havetried to achieve their goals by fair means or foul and often harm others.5.真正有野心的人常常表现的很谦虚,事实上只考虑自己。Truly ambitious people seem to be modest but actually they are on their own.6.毫无疑问,有的人对名誉和地位看得很重,然而他们却不公开承认。Certainly some people are very inter

218、ested in their rank and fame. But what has happened is that they donot own up to it.7.有些人想方设法出人头地,但又不表露出来,我们必须看到其中虚伪的一面。Some people try to go on in life at all costs but refrain from appearing ambitious. We should be awarethat there is a note of hypocrisy.8.虽然人们攻击他,认为他有野心,但没有一种攻击足以使他放弃自己的追求。Although

219、 he has come under attack and has been considered ambitious, none of them are strong enoughto make him give up on his dreams.9.不难想象,没有理想与抱负的世界会是怎样的。这只是一个没有进步、令人厌烦的社会。It is not difficult to imagine a world shorn of ambition. It would probably be a world with no progressand no development.And, of cour

220、se, it would be a tedious world.10.社会的发展有赖于一批有理想有抱负的人,而理想与抱负是鼓舞人们前进的动力。所以说理想和抱负是社会的一个重要部分。To develop our society, we need a large number of people who have both ideals and ambition, becauseboth of these have the power to inspire people to further efforts. Therefore, both are important forsociety.Uni

221、t7B choose a word or a phrase from the indicated paragraph to fill in each of the following blanks.Change the word form where necessary.(para .)1.The race was her last chance to win a place in the national team so everything was at stake2.Theywere obligedto sell their house in order to pay their deb

222、ts.3.The government needs to find out whata climate ofopinion is before it introduces any furtherchanges in the health service.4.Not being a specialist in the subject I dontfeel well-equippedto answer such questions.5.Ihave failed to pass the examinations again and again.Why is success always beyond

223、 my grasp6.They were forced tocutbackproduction for lack of raw materials.7.Wemissed the last bud so there was no choiceother thanto walk home.8.Awoman who canrise abovesuch disadvantages is clearly exceptional.9.They onlycare aboutthemselves and the accumulation of their wealth.10.Britainis bounded

224、in the south by the English Channel and Canada bounds the UnitedStates on the north.一单元1、No matter how good a company is,it is the markets perceptionperceptionperceptionperception that counts.2、Chief executives are given responsibilityresponsibilityresponsibilityresponsibility and effective leadersh

225、ip can make a difference inorganizational performance.3、Anumber of studies have indicated that effective leadership can make a difference inorganizationalorganizationalorganizationalorganizational performance.4、The Internet boom is creating new opportunities for marketingmarketingmarketingmarketing,

226、advertising,and design experts.5、Company leaders cannot expect too severe punishment if their strategiesstrategiesstrategiesstrategies fail to deliver.6、If the company financial health is good and its assetsassetsassetsassets sufficient,it can create capital by voting toissue additional shares of co

227、mmon stock.7、It is said that frequent transitionstransitionstransitionstransitions form cold to warm weather this spring have caused muchillness.8、The word dilemmadilemmadilemmadilemma is used to indicate that the fungus is both helpful and harmful in its effects.9、RivalryRivalryRivalryRivalry in bu

228、siness is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest personregardless of his or her social class background.10、The government provides employment and training services for workers,and compensationcompensationcompensationcompensation forthose who are temporarily out of work.11、B

229、ely is whizwhizwhizwhiz at football ,he attracts fans of all ages and all races.二单元12、These original documents are invaluableinvaluableinvaluableinvaluable to the company and they should be well preserved.1, Hotels and restaurants are an integralintegralintegralintegral part of the city; without the

230、m ,the citys tourist industrycould not exist.2, Customers will come back ,later in life, when they are betterbetterbetterbetter offoffoffoff and want to buy more expensivethings.3, One of the most impressive projects he has seen in Pudong is the sprawlingsprawlingsprawlingsprawling airport.4, Mexico

231、 City is at an elevation of 7,300 feet; three million vehicles clog its streets and in the thinair ,engines release twice as many emissionsemissionsemissionsemissions as they would at sea level.5, By 1988 roughly the same large proportion of blacks as of whites lived in metropolitanmetropolitanmetro

232、politanmetropolitan areas.6, Heavy floods caused by deforestation have recently led Thailand to banbanbanban all logging even thoughthe country depends on timber and its products as an important source of employment and foreignexchange.7,People in the middle class or higher, whether they live in dev

233、eloped or less developed countries,are mostly urban, and they are they are on move by car incessantlyas commuterscommuterscommuterscommuters, as vacationers.8, No matter how often we reminded our children, they never cleaned their rooms; the cultureculturecultureculture in theroom became so bad that

234、 we couldnt even open their door.9, Our university canteen is large enough to accommodateaccommodateaccommodateaccommodate all the students and teaching staff.10, During the Second WorldWar,many jewish people n Germany were displaceddisplaceddisplaceddisplaced and murdered.Unit31. One of the worst c

235、rimes in war is to givegivegivegive one of your own people awayawayawayaway to the enemy.2. The students are really going at their studies now that the examinations are near.3. The director said that what he was really dreaming of was a company of actors all imbuedimbuedimbuedimbued withwithwithwith

236、the same spirit.4. Voters tend to identifyidentifyidentifyidentify the Party withwithwithwith unfair treatment of poorer and weaker member of society,which is unfortunate.5. The company hashashashas risenrisenrisenrisen aboveaboveaboveabove i i i its early problems, and is now doing well.6. It used

237、to be a matter of honor among schoolboys that the guilty member of the class would ownup and so save the others from punishment.7.Wehave to allowallowallowallow forforforfor the possibility that we might not finish the project on schedule.8.Ihavent been abroad for more than five years, so I think Il

238、l treattreattreattreat myself totototo a holiday in Spainnext year.9. Dog-eat-dogDog-eat-dogDog-eat-dogDog-eat-dog situation is one where everyone is trying to get the best they can for themselves,not caring about what happens to anyone else.10.Youcan buy medicine to cure your headache over thetheth

239、ethe countercountercountercounter at many shops.Unit7CIn the following sentences, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word in thebrackets.1.I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry two subjects at whichIhadbeen completelyincompetent(competence)2.If the hitch-hi

240、ker in the US will remember that he is seeking theindulgence(indulgent) ofdrivers to give him a free ride,and is prepared to give in exchange entertainment and company,andnot to go to sleep, he will come across the remarkable ,almost legendary,hospitality of the Americanof the West.3.The countryside

241、 was ,in fact,famous for the abundance and variety of its bird life,and when theflood ofmigrants (migration)was pouring through in spring and autumn people traveledfrom great distances to observer them.4.One question that was solemnly studied in all three probes (probe) concerned the action of there

242、feree Did he act in time to stop the fight?5.The human brain is the mose delicate and complex (complexity)mechanism in all creation and ithas a lacework of millions of highly fragile nerve connections.6.Telephone may create unnecessary suspense (suspend)and anxiety,as when you wait for anexpected ca

243、ll that doesnt come;or irritating delay,as when you keep ringing a number that is alwaysengaged (engage).7.Winners care about the world and its peoples.They are not isolated from the general problems ofsociety.They are concerned,compassionate(compassion)and committed (commitment)to improvingthe qual

244、ity of life.8.Theres general feelin0g that the president has been too tolerant (tolerable)of corruption.9.Did you apply for that job?well,I was very tempted (temptation)but in the end I decide notto.10.The problems of poverty,homelessness and unemployment are all interconnected(connect)1. If somethi

245、ng is of your choice, you should choose it rather than it being chosen for you bysomeone else.2. They believed there were inextricable links between poverty, environmental degradation andmilitary activity.3.Although shorn of his official powers, the ex-president still has a lot of influence.4. Wheth

246、er the job has involved producing definition for the Collins Concise Dictionary, teachingas an academic at Victoria University in wellington, New Zealand, or writing magazine columnsand speaking on radio, Professor Gordon has never lost his delight in the nuances of the language.5. Marriages based o

247、n love, rather than the arranged version, have become increasingly popular incountryside.6. If you have a social conscience, you worry about people who are poor, ill, old, etc. and try tohelp them.7. Participatory sports, art and television are becoming more popular than ever before.8.Welive in an a

248、cquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.9. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully weighing therisks and benefits.10. His intimacy with Japanese people made him a likely choice as ambassador.D Error detection and

249、correction1.AJudging from the interest the public took in the matter,there must be quite a few people whosecretly believe or hope that thissimpleexplanation in the true one.2.According toTimemagazine,a conference was held recentlyB in whichthe participants tried tocome up with an appropriate name fo

250、r the age we live in.3.Creating and maintaining a healthy scientific culture is the aim of science management,and itinvolves tending to both the intellectualC andthe institutional conditions of basic research.4.Now there is a lot of quarreling between people who uphold the truth of old weather rhyme

251、s andpeople who are reluctant toD believein them.5.Primarily,the banker-customer relationshipAis one of/ is that of debtor and creditorwho iswhich depending on whether the customers account is in credit or is overdrawn.6.Teenagers acceptance of the idea that the yB must get a college degree stems pa

252、rtly from theadvice they get in high school .7.The Higher Education Institute has found that students with a C average in high school were sixtimes asClikelyto drop out of college as those with anAaverage.8.Piling up debts from student loans hurts those who never finish college or who finish but are

253、 Dunemployed .9.However ,their ultimate success will require improvements in their academic preparation,Caswell as/ and changes in the attitudes of parents,high schools and colleges.10.There must surely be many B simpler and more effective way of assessing a persons trueabilities.1.Book publishers f

254、ind it it it it eveneveneveneven harder(A)harder(A)harder(A)harder(A) than Hollywood film production totototo comecomecomecome upupupup with(B)with(B)with(B)with(B) newscripts and new stars that(C)that(C)that(C)that(C) catch the publicpublicpublicpublic imagination(D)imagination(D)imagination(D)imag

255、ination(D).2.One reason why science is so respected these days is that(A)that(A)that(A)that(A) the image of the scientist is is is is ofofofof oneoneoneonewho(B)who(B)who(B)who(B) dispassionately collects data in(C)in(C)in(C)in(C) an impartial search for(C)for(C)for(C)for(C)truth.3.BurdenedBurdenedB

256、urdenedBurdened with(A)with(A)with(A)with(A) a population that is agingagingagingaging quickly(B)quickly(B)quickly(B)quickly(B),eating badly,smoking too much, notnotnotnottakingtakingtakingtaking enoughenoughenoughenough exercise(C)exercise(C)exercise(C)exercise(C) and suffering the consequence,Japa

257、ns national health service is onononon thethethethebrinkbrinkbrinkbrink ofof ofof (D)(D)(D)(D)bankruptcy.4.During the first year of his coalition government,Mr Jospin who made honesty(A)honesty(A)honesty(A)honesty(A) a a a a centralcentralcentralcentraltheme(B)theme(B)theme(B)theme(B)of his campaign

258、 has appeared repeatedly totototo havehavehavehave gonegonegonegone backbackbackback on(C)on(C)on(C)on(C) his word(D)word(D)word(D)word(D).5.The theatre is is is is mainlymainlymainlymainly concentratedconcentratedconcentratedconcentrated in(A)in(A)in(A)in(A) London,where there are at least forty th

259、eatresfunctioning(B)functioning(B)functioning(B)functioning(B) and a successful play can continue totototo run(C)run(C)run(C)run(C) for many months or even(D)even(D)even(D)even(D) years.6.Daniel Yankelovich,a prominent(A)prominent(A)prominent(A)prominent(A) opinion researcher,considers the most dist

260、inctive(B)distinctive(B)distinctive(B)distinctive(B) changein American values of the last twenty years totototo havehavehavehave been(C)been(C)been(C)been(C) an increasing emphasis on(D)on(D)on(D)on(D) thepursuit of self-fulfillment.7.No one would objectobjectobjectobject totototo seeing(A)seeing(A)

261、seeing(A)seeing(A) these problems solved(B)solved(B)solved(B)solved(B) if the solutions were simple andinexpensive of(C)of(C)of(C)of(C) effort and if we were fully inininin accordaccordaccordaccord on(D)on(D)on(D)on(D) social goals.8.FacedFacedFacedFaced with(A)with(A)with(A)with(A) rapid change and

262、 fear and uncertainty totototo gogogogo withwithwithwith it(B)it(B)it(B)it(B),individuals asasasas wellwellwellwell as(C)as(C)as(C)as(C)nations sometimes seek to return to the ways of the past asasasas a a a a solution(D)solution(D)solution(D)solution(D).9.The Great Society Democratic coalition was

263、built from the top among the best educated and thosemost committed totototo expanding(A)expanding(A)expanding(A)expanding(A) individual rights,and form the bottom among those with thethethethelowestlowestlowestlowestincomes(B)incomes(B)incomes(B)incomes(B)anddisadvantageddisadvantageddisadvantageddi

264、sadvantagedminority(C)minority(C)minority(C)minority(C)voterswhofaced(D)faced(D)faced(D)faced(D)widespreaddiscrimination.10.The crowd,anxiouslyanxiouslyanxiouslyanxiously awaiting(A)awaiting(A)awaiting(A)awaiting(A) the arrival of the soccer team,pressedpressedpressedpressed against(B)against(B)agai

265、nst(B)against(B) the fenceseparatingseparatingseparatingseparating (C)(C)(C)(C)then from the playingplayingplayingplaying field(D)field(D)field(D)field(D).Unit21, It is absurd to spend more money on highways(A), The wise solution for(B) C C C C overcrowdedovercrowdedovercrowdedovercrowdedroads is(D)

266、 public transportation.2, Americans have not thought(A) their cities B B B Bworthyworthyworthyworthy of(C) receiving financial support from thefederal government(D).3, Mr. Fleming was surprised to see me A A A A sittingsittingsittingsitting behind his desk, He gave me a startled(B) look,then smiled

267、and said,“I didnt(C) know you were in town(D)”4, His behavior became more and more unusual until(A) , just as(B) his family was on the vergeof(C) sending him to a mental hospital, he had D D D D recoveredrecoveredrecoveredrecovered.5, Cancer(A) of the mouth and throat is more likely(B) to occur in(C

268、) heavy smokers and drinkersthan D D D D inininin nonsmokersnonsmokersnonsmokersnonsmokers andandandand nondrinkersnondrinkersnondrinkersnondrinkers.6, When people understand the importance of work, they lend their mental strengths(A). But whenthey get excited about(B)the work, all their energy gets

269、(C)D D D D pouredpouredpouredpoured into the job.7, Public opinion is still largely(A) B B B B unawareunawareunawareunaware ofof ofof or indifferent to(C) the need to preserve rarespecies, whether(D) for cultural or for scientific reasons.8, The exponential growth of population and its attendant ass

270、ault on(A) the environment is(B) so C C C Crecentrecentrecentrecent that it is difficult for people to conceive how much(D) damage is being done.9, Because migration on a scale(A) large enough(B) to alleviate the pressure is C C C C outoutoutout ofof ofof thethethethequestionquestionquestionquestion

271、 ,there are no other possibilities(D).10,The fundamental problem is that no one, not doctors(A) ,or social workers or even addictsthemselves, really B B B Bunderstandsunderstandsunderstandsunderstands what(C) it is that(D) drives a person to addiction.Unit31 The greater thethethethe reputationreputa

272、tionreputationreputation (A)(A)(A)(A)of the business school,the greater the risk that(B)that(B)that(B)that(B) its graduatesC.will rely onmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagement theory(D)theory(D)theory(D)theory(D) instead of personal creativity.2 Among men ,the typical worker between thethethethe a

273、ges(A)ages(A)ages(A)ages(A) 45 and 54 hashashashas been(B)been(B)been(B)been(B)with his(C)his(C)his(C)his(C)presentemployer 12 years and about a third D.havebeen there 20 years or more.3 Form the viewpoint of the insured(A)insured(A)insured(A)insured(A) person,an insurable risk is one(B)one(B)one(B)

274、one(B) C.for which theprobability of loss is not so high asasasas to(D)to(D)to(D)to(D)require excessive premiums(保险费).4 The software is ideal for situations where(A)where(A)where(A)where(A) companies need to keep an accurate track ofB.whichmembers of the staff have taken courses and howhowhowhow the

275、ytheytheythey (C)(C)(C)(C)perform onononon themselves(D)themselves(D)themselves(D)themselves(D).5 The absolute increase in population,A.coupled with such trends as(B)as(B)as(B)as(B) urbanization and greatermobility,clearlyclearlyclearlyclearly presents(C)presents(C)presents(C)presents(C) serious thr

276、eats,especially for the lesslesslessless developed(D)developed(D)developed(D)developed(D)countries.6 The great American supermarket is a wonderful place with A.a much greater variety of healthyhealthyhealthyhealthyfood(B)than(C)hasfood(B)than(C)hasfood(B)than(C)hasfood(B)than(C)has everevereverever

277、been(D)been(D)been(D)been(D)available before.7 Witnesses(A)Witnesses(A)Witnesses(A)Witnesses(A) from the neighborhood B.find it difficult to explain why(C)why(C)why(C)why(C)they didntdidntdidntdidnt call(D)call(D)call(D)call(D)thepolice.8 A.Acquiring education is the principal way of gaining(B)gaini

278、ng(B)gaining(B)gaining(B)status in a culture that(C)that(C)that(C)that(C) generallystresses skillfulness and upward(D)upward(D)upward(D)upward(D) mobility.9 With thethethethe doctors(A)doctors(A)doctors(A)doctors(A) encouragement,the patient tooktooktooktook heartheartheartheart (B)(B)(B)(B) and pul

279、led C. himself togetherto follow the doctorsdoctorsdoctorsdoctors advice(D)advice(D)advice(D)advice(D).10 The purpose of muchmuchmuchmuch of(A)of(A)of(A)of(A) the currentcurrentcurrentcurrent (B)(B)(B)(B) zoological research is to find ways to preserveC.endangered animals whosewhosewhosewhose specie

280、s(D)species(D)species(D)species(D)are on the edge of extinction.Unit51 That being said(A)the new means(B)of broadcasting and communicating throughout the worldincreaseincreaseincreaseincreases s s s(C)(C)(C)(C)the complexity of television even further(D).2 Alcoholics, for example(A), have a death ra

281、te nearly three times mere than thatthatthatthat ofofofof thethethethe generalgeneralgeneralgeneralpopulationpopulationpopulationpopulation(B)(B)(B)(B); ; ; ;they represent a third of all suicides(C)and are seen times more likely thannonalcoholics to suffer(D)fatal accidents.3 As with(A)any isolated

282、 and largelylargelylargelylargely self-self-self-self-containedcontainedcontainedcontained(B)(B)(B)(B)community the agricultural village was(C)often the object of a fierce(D)loyalty among its inhabitants.4 As one of the researchers inininin chargechargechargecharge ofof ofof(A)(A)(A)(A)NIVOTs tomato

283、 program(B),Iuse genetic(C)engineeringtechniques to make tomatoes more resistant to certain types of fungi(D).5 The writer has a vague impression(A)of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of(B)mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated it in his mind and it is natural enough th

284、at heshould not(C)find a precise expression for a c c c confusedonfusedonfusedonfused(D)(D)(D)(D)idea.6 In theory(A), the building regulations laid down(B),by the government ensues that the houses aresafe from fires, but the safetysafetysafetysafety provisionsprovisionsprovisionsprovisions(C)(C)(C)(

285、C)themselves could be introducing(D)a new hazard whichhas little or nothing to do with the fact that wood burns.7 Despite(A)the presumption thatthatthatthat( ( ( (B)B)B)B)too many Americans are not working hard enough,Americansresponded to their changing(C)economic fortunes(D)by working much harder.

286、8 Many forms(A)of apparatus have been devised bybybyby whichwhichwhichwhich(B)(B)(B)(B)a more accurate knowledge(C)of bloodpressure can be obtained(D).9 Sall proved beyond(A)a reasonable doubt that man is capable of curing all of his ills(B)once heputputputput( ( ( (C)C)C)C)all his efforts into the

287、task at hand(D).10 Research by(A)A.T Kearney, an American management consultancy, into market leaders in Chinasuggests that the successful companies have tended to be those that(B)have thought big(C)and tried tograb as muchmuchmuchmuch ofof ofof(D)(D)(D)(D)the national market for their main product

288、as possible.Unit 61. It is required by law that a husband has to pay the debts of his wife until formal notice is giventhat he no longer has to pay themdD2. Much asAIhave traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whateverthe job.3. Einsteins advocacy of civil disobedience and

289、public encouragement of people to refuseconscription did little to D endearing himself to his colleagues.4. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, high-technology firms are those companies whoseresearch and development expenditures and C number of technical employees are twice as great asthe a

290、verage for all manufacturing firms.5. The text and dialoguer below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Westernsocieties which can create misunderstanding if D ignored6. Although we arrived at roughly the same conclusion, Mr. Sanders saw the thing quite Ddifferently from the wayIsaw it.

291、7. The problem of making a robotArespond to the presence of objects in different places such assteps of the staircase has already been solved.8. Without a degree and with no experience of doing office work, the young nab wasC no morefit to be a secretary than any of us.9. One sign that she is making

292、 progress in art courses such as painting or photography is B that shebegins to realize how much there is to learn.10. SinceIonce learned English in Canada and later on visited Canada a number of times, mycolleagues and the university students have been asking me again and again about thecharacteris

293、tics of Canadian English.(对)unit7E choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Eachword can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.(完形填空)When todays high-school seniors are asked what they plan to do after graduation,most say that they

294、intend to get a bachelors degree. They have been told that their generation has onlyone way to winby getting at least a bachelors degree, in the hope that it will eventually lead to a professionaljob.In a recent survey of high-school seniors conducted by the National Center for EducationStatistics,8

295、5 percent of the respondents said they planned to get a bachelors degree.And,although 20years ago only 45 per cent of high-school graduates went on to college,today 68 per cent actuallymatriculate ,with the majority enrolling in four-year or two-years programs designed to allow themto transfer to fo

296、ur-year institutions.According to conventional wisdom,the rapid rise in the number of students attending college is causefor national celebration.But our research suggests that,instead ,it may be cause for nationalconcern.Why? Because for many young people,the one way win paradigm is not attending,g

297、iventheir academic talents and the labor-market projections.Students ranking below the top third of theirhigh-school graduating class too often fail to earn a bachelors degree if they enroll in college.Thecost of such failurein both dollars and unmet expectations is rising and beginning to erodepubl

298、ic confidence in our system of higher education.Unit120 空Asmall family-owned company,Eisai,was one of the original manufacturersmanufacturersmanufacturersmanufacturers of vitamin E,and itmaintained a strong research commitment to naturalnaturalnaturalnatural pharmaceuticals.Over the year,it develope

299、ddrugs for the treatmenttreatmenttreatmenttreatment of cardiovascular,respiratory,and neurological diseases.The companyexperiencedexperiencedexperiencedexperienced steady,modest growth,and in 1992 sales reached 197 billion yen and profitsapproachedapproachedapproachedapproached 13billion yen.Althoug

300、h it was the sixth-largest Japanese pharmaceutical company,Eisaiwas a relativelyrelativelyrelativelyrelatively small player in an industry in which globalglobalglobalglobal competition was increasing whilegrowth in the domestic market was slowing down.In1993,Haiuo Naito took over as president form h

301、is father.Before that,he had chairedchairedchairedchaired Eisaisfive-year strategic planing committee.During that time,he had become convinced that the companysfocus on the discovery and manufacture of pharmaceuticals was not sustainablesustainablesustainablesustainable for long-termgrowth against l

302、arge,global competitors.Two years after becoming president,Naito formulated aradical new visionvisionvisionvision for Eosai that he called Human Health Care.It extendedextendedextendedextended the companys focusform manufacturing drug treatments for specific illness to improvingimprovingimprovingimp

303、roving the overall quality of life, Toaccomplishaccomplishaccomplishaccomplish that mission,Eisai developed a wide arrayarrayarrayarray of new products.And that,in turn,wouldrequire broad involvementinvolvementinvolvementinvolvement and commitment.He encouraged innovative activityactivityactivityact

304、ivity and created anenvironment in which employees efforts would be accepted and rewardedrewardedrewardedrewarded Soon there proposalsproposalsproposalsproposals for130 additional HHC projects and by the end of 1996,73 projects were under way.Now,the companyhas moved form sixth to fifth place in the

305、 Japanese domesticdomesticdomesticdomestic pharmaceutical industry,and Eisaiscustomers and competitorscompetitorscompetitorscompetitors view the company sa a leader in health care.Unit220 空Today it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tires of the automobile movemovemovemove Americat

306、hrough work and pay. Wheels spin, and people drivedrivedrivedrive off to their jobs. Tires turn , and people shopfor the weeks food at the big supermarket downdowndowndown the highway. Hubcaps whirl, and the whole familyspends a day at the lake. Each year more wheelswheelswheelswheels crowd the high

307、ways as 10 million new cars roll outof the factories. One outoutoutout of every six Americans works at assembling cars , driving trucks, buildingroads, or pumping gas.America withoutwithoutwithoutwithout cars.Its unthinkable.Buteven though the majoritymajoritymajoritymajority of Americans would find

308、 it hard to imagineimagineimagineimagine what life would be likewithout a car, some have begun to realizerealizerealizerealize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidentsare increasing steadily, and large cities are plaguedplaguedplaguedplagued by traffic congestion.Worst of all, perh

309、aps, is theair pollution caused by the internal-combustion engine. Every car engine burnsburnsburnsburns hundreds of gallonsof fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds of the smog thatthatthatthat hangs over large cities. Some ofthese gases are poisonous and dangerous totototo ones health, especi

310、ally for someone with a weak heartor a respiratory disease.Oneanswer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. Thats whatwhatwhatwhatseveral major automobile manufactures are trying to do. B B B Butututut building a clean car is easier said thandonedonedonedone. So far

311、, progress has been slow. Another solution is to eliminate car fume altogetheraltogetheraltogetheraltogether by gettingrid of the internal-combustion engine. Inventors are now working onononon turbine-powered cars, as wellas on cars powered by steam and electricityelectricityelectricityelectricity.

312、But most of us wont be driving cars run on batteries orboiling water for a while yet. Many auto makers believe that it will take years to develop practicapracticapracticapracticalmodels that are powered by electricity or steam.Unit3(1)20 空Children are now leaving home in late adolescence an earlier

313、age than in the past. Adolescentsare no longer involved in making an economic contribution to the family.In factfactfactfact,their majoreconomic impact is as consumers.Therefore ,the family has little reason to keep the child home asan economic contribution.It is becoming increasingly common for you

314、ng people to leave home forcollege or to live with someone else when they becomeemployed .Not only do family havefewer children but they have them in school and out of the home at younger ages than in the past.The most surprising findings with regard to children show a negative impact an marriage du

315、e tochildren。There has been much evidence that children contribute to greater conflict and uncertaintyin a marriage. Studies show that general life satisfaction is the highest for people when they areyoung married,and childless.Other studies show that American couples with children at home tendto ha

316、ve lower marital satisfaction than those without children.For both men an women,reports ofhappiness and satisfaction drop and dont rise again until the children are grown and about toleave the nest.unit4(1)15 空In the worlds rich countries,when you retire at 65 you can expect to live,on average,for a

317、nother15 or 20 years.A hundred years ago you would,on average,have been already (1)dead.(1)dead.(1)dead.(1)dead. The late 20thcentury has (2)brought(2)brought(2)brought(2)broughtto many the ultimate gift:the luxury of aging.But (3)like(3)like(3)like(3)like anyluxury,aging is (4)expensive.(4)expensiv

318、e.(4)expensive.(4)expensive. Governments are fretting about(苦恼)the (5)cost(5)cost(5)cost(5)cost already;but theyalso know that far (6)worse(6)worse(6)worse(6)worse is to come:Over the next 30 or 40 years,the demographic changes oflonger lives and fewer (7)(7)(7)(7) birthsbirthsbirthsbirths will forc

319、e most countries to rethink in fundamental ways theirarrangements for (8)(8)(8)(8) payingpayingpayingpaying for and looking after older people.In 1990 18% of people in OECD countries were (9)aged(9)aged(9)aged(9)aged over 60.By 2030 that (10)figure(10)figure(10)figure(10)figure willhave risen to ove

320、r 30%.The (11)share(11)share(11)share(11)share of the Oldest old(those over 80),now around 3%, it set todouble.The vast (12)majority(12)majority(12)majority(12)majority of these older people will be consumers, not (13)producers(13)producers(13)producers(13)producers .Thanksto state transfers,being o

321、ld in developed countries mostly no longer means being (14)poor(14)poor(14)poor(14)poor .The oldpeople will expect (15)decent(15)decent(15)decent(15)decent pensions to live on;they will make heavy demands on medical(16)services;(16)services;(16)services;(16)services; and somewill need expensivenursi

322、ng care.Yet while their numbersare(17)expanding(17)expanding(17)expanding(17)expanding fast,numbers of people at work-who will have to foot the bill -will stay much the(18)same(18)same(18)same(18)same,so each worker will have to carry a much heavier(19)burden(19)burden(19)burden(19)burden.Mass survi

323、val to a ripe old age will not be (20)confined(20)confined(20)confined(20)confined to rich countries.Most developingcountries populations are now much younger than the developed worlds,are starting to age fast.Unit5(1)20 空The _survival _1_of wilderness - of places that we do not change, where we all

324、ow the existenceeven of creatures we _2_perceive_ as dangerous - is necessary. Whether we go to those placesor not, we need to know that they exist.Wedo not need just the great _3_public_wildernesses, butmillions of small private or semiprivate ones. Wilderness can 4 occupy_comers of factory grounds

325、and city 5_lots_ -places where nature is given free _6_hand_, where no human work is done,where we go only as guests.Wego to wilderness places to be _7_restored , to be instructed in thenatural economies of _8_fertility_ and healing, to admire what we cannot make. And we go in orderto return with _9

326、_renewed _knowledge by which we judge the health of our human economy andour _10_dwellings_. As we return from our visits to the _11_wilderness_, it is sometimes possibleto imagine a series of fitting and decent _12_ transitions_ from wild nature to the humancommunity and its supports: from forest t

327、o woodlot(林地) to the13_agricultureof three cropsand pasture to orchard to meadow to garden to household to neighborhood to village to city - sothat _14_even_when we reached the city we would not he entirely _15_beyond Key to thetranslation from English to Chinese_ the influence of the nature of that

328、 place.Unit6(1)15 空There is a strong view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does thismean that success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That the efforts ofmen and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events? now

329、not allsuccess, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating. Which are and whichare not is something one soon enough learns on ones own. But even the most cynical secretlyadmit that success exists; that achievement counts for a great deal; and that the true myth is that theacti

330、ons of men and women are useless. To believe otherwise is to take on a point of view that islikely to be deranging. It is, in its implications, to remove all motives for competence, interest inattainment, and regard for posterity.Wedo not choose to be born.Wedo not choose our parents.Wedo not choose

331、 our historical epoch,the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing.Wedo not, most of us,choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm ofchoicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorab

332、ly ordishonorably, with purpose or in drift.Wedecide what is important and what is trivial in life.Wedecide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matterhow indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions areours

333、to make.Wedecide.Wechoose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In theend, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.Unit7Unit7Unit7Unit7(1 1 1 1)20202020 空空1.Governor Rockefeller was shocked by what happened and appointed a committee to assess theresponsibility.2.Oliver Bar

334、rett IV and Jennifer started talking about marriage,thinking they were made for eachother .But as a banker and squeamish parent,Oliver Barrett III refused to give his blessing to theproposed alliance .3.One outcome of the rapid advance of technology is the breakdown of the traditional division oflab

335、or between the sexes.4.Away from their profession ,scientists are inherently no more honest or ethical than otherpeople.But in their profession they work in an arena that puts a high premium on honesty.5.Arthur is captured and visited by Montanelli . Arthur reveals his identity to Montanelli,who isd

336、elighted to find that he is still alive.6.The wording of the agreement is ambiguous, so both interpretations vare valid.7.Alot of the summer jobs available here are only tolerable if youre young and dont mind workinghard.8.She is isolated from the general problems of society and never participates i

337、n any of ourdiscussion.9.The government is selling off the railways,in pursuit of its policy of privatization.10.She criticized my writing but in a way that was very constructive -I learned a lot from her.Unit1(2)1, The programs to teach young children enabling skills are now being advocated fromfro

338、mfromfrom coastcoastcoastcoast totototocoastcoastcoastcoast.2, There can be but little double that his ancestors were thethethethe greatgreatgreatgreat unwashed.unwashed.unwashed.unwashed.3, Many people still revererevererevererevere their late premier though he passed away many years ago.4, There a

339、re some legitimate reasons for some scientists to denouncedenouncedenouncedenounce the practice of cloning.5, When Lincoln got his Christmas gift, a video game , he toretoretoretore upupupup the box to get to the cartridge andpopped it into the game machine immediately.6, ShortShortShortShort ofof o

340、fof the President himself, probable no one could have convinced people of the feasibility ofhis welfare programs.7, Sumo wrestlers areareareare notednotednotednoted forforforfor their strength, while fencers, for their nimbleness.8, He bought a bicycle and started to ride to work as he could no long

341、er put up with the constrictionconstrictionconstrictionconstrictionof movement in the packed bus.9, The judge pronounced that the accused man waswaswaswas guiltyguiltyguiltyguilty ofofofof murder and sentenced him to lifeimprisonment.10, Until a relatively short time ago, traveling abroad was limite

342、d to people who were wellwellwellwell offoffoffoff orprosperous business people.Unit3(2)1.The traditional family with only the husband working can be found most often during the earlieryears of marriage when children are being born and caredcaredcaredcared forforforfor .2.The first thing to do in se

343、eking a position is to determine exactly what you want to do,not inininintermstermstermsterms ofofofof a vague objective but with a definite goal.3.Sociologists will manage to find out what lieslieslieslies behindbehindbehindbehind the violence that occurs among affluentfamilies.4.The Rev.Septimus H

344、arding? Yes,it ringsringsringsrings a a a a bellbellbellbell. . . .Hes a character in some novel,I believe,butI cant remember which one.5.Energy shortage,soaring inflation,rampant unemployment and the threat of war have made adultAmericans nervous,and that sense of pervasive worry has been passedpas

345、sedpassedpassed onononon totototo the nations youth.6.The idea of trying to cheat the income tax authorities wentwentwentwent againstagainstagainstagainst his principles;he had a strongsense of civic responsibility.7.Football fans began lininglininglininglining upupupup early in the morning at the b

346、ox office to buy cup-tie tickets.8.The chairman gave me a hint that he would like me to think of some ready way of stooping Tomfrom chimingchimingchimingchiming inininin the proposal.9.If anyone can think of a better course of action,I amamamam openopenopenopen totototo suggestions.10.School childre

347、n broughtbroughtbroughtbrought upupupup in a Western heritage do not know about Shamba Bolongogo,whoafter 3centuries is still remembered for his great reforms and inventions and for his love of peace.Unit4(2)1.His education in business school has setsetsetsethim upupupup to step into any kind of bus

348、iness and run it.2.She advised John ,You should not let your child study in a foreign country;she wouldnt fitfitfitfit ininininthere.3.The young lecturer is popular with his students and every student is is is is thankfulthankfulthankfulthankful forforforfor his assistancein their studies.4.With the

349、 possibility of redundancy in their minds,middle-aged workers have to work harder toholdholdholdhold downdowndowndown their jobs.5.Transnational corporations usually enjoy a wide reputation for fair dealing which they have builtbuiltbuiltbuiltupupupup over many years.6.He very much appreciated his c

350、hance to study here because of what he had gonegonegonegone throughthroughthroughthrough in hischildhood.7.Owing to the fact that each family has only one child,the responsibility of looking after theelderly will weighweighweighweigh heavilyheavilyheavilyheavily onononon theonly childgeneration.8.We

351、 hoped that trust would be built up among those four parties but it doesnt seem to be workingworkingworkingworkingoutoutoutout that way.9.The ruling party still won the general election although quite a few members had brokenbrokenbrokenbroken awayawayawayawayfrom the Party.10.Failing in the univers

352、ity entrance examination was bad enough,but even worse was the feelingthat i had letletletlet mymymymy parentsparentsparentsparents downdowndowndown.Unit5(2) 一题 2 空1._In short_, the National Research Institute of Police Science is responsible forsupporting, from a scientific angle, all police activi

353、ties, especially criminal investigation.2.The reasons for extremely high medical costs are many and can by no means be _attributedto_ inflation exclusively.3.The country _is up against _drug abuse, one Qf the mast challenging social problemsnowadays,4.Martin Luther King was endowed with a graceful a

354、nd spirit-stirring eloquence and almost allpeople, black or white, _were under the spell of_ his effective speech I HaveADream.5.The plan for introducing new technology _at the expense of _the existing work force willundoubtedly meet with fierce opposition.6.As a charity, the organization provides f

355、ood and shelter for peoples in need, _regardless of_the reasons for their need.7._Allowing for _ traffic delays, you had better start earlier if you want to catch Flight 818for NewYork City.8.All available evidence goes to show that the general _was involved in _ the conspiracy tooverturn the govern

356、ment.9.Mr. Harold Rosen, an obstinate man is always _acting on _ his own judgement; nobodycan have influence over him.10.Dutch speakers can usually understand German quite well, but strangely enough not _ viceversaUnit6(2)1.Ambition is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, a

357、s power, fame, wealth,etc., and the willingness to strive for its attainment.2. If sheer numbers provide any proof, Americas universities and colleges are the envy of theworld, for the United States3500 institutions were flooded with 407530 students from 193different countries last year.3. U.S. stud

358、ents pay for their education and demand a commensurate value for what they or theirparents-pay.4. Lord Oxford protected his sensitiveness by silence, by totally refraining from retort orcomplaint.5. The Jamestown settlers explored Virginia primarily for fishing and trading, and onlyincidentally inve

359、stigated traces of a lost colony on Roanoke Island.6. In a continuing effort to alleviate racial tensions on this campus, student leaders and facultyjoined to discuss the influences of conflict and diversity.7. The police deemed it necessary for the towns safety to arrest most speeders.8. Shortage o

360、f land and funding is to blame for the citys inadequate green space.9. If you do something on impulse, you do it because you suddenly want to, although you haventplanned to.10.In carrying out the plan we are bound to come across difficulties, but we are determined toovercome them all.Unit7(2)A 翻译中文A

361、rnold Toynbee has said that all progress,all development come from a challenge and a consequentresponse.Without challenge there is no response,no development,no freedom.So first we owe to ourchildren the most demanding,challenging curriculum that is within their capabilities.德 . 汤说过,一切进步,一切发展均来自挑战及由

362、此引起的反应。没有挑战就没有反应,没有发展,没有自由。所以,我们首先应该在我们孩子的能力允许的范围内为他们开设最严格最富有挑战性的课程。The second opportunity we can give our boys and girls is the right to failure.Freedom is not only aprivilege,it is a test,writes De Nouy .What kind of a test is it,what kind of freedom where no onecan fail?The day is past when the U

363、nited states can afford to give high school diplomas to all who sitthrough four years of instruction,regardless of whether any visible results can be discerned.We livein a narrowed world where we must be alert,awake to realism:and realism demands a standard whicheither must be met or result in failu

364、re.These are hard words,but they are brutally true .If we depriveour children of the right to fail we deprive them of their knowledge of the world as it is.原题: 我们可以向我们的孩子提供第二个机会是允许他们有失败的权力。 德 . 纽伊写道: “ 不仅是一种特权,也是一种考验。 ” 如果没有人可以失败,那它算什么考验,算什么自由呢?美国可以向所有在高中读者完四年课程而不管其是否取得任何明显收获的学生发放毕业文凭的日子已经一去不复返了。 我们

365、现在生活在一个外变得很狭隘的世界里, 们必须同对现实保持警觉,有所认识;而现实主义要求树立一个要么成功要么失败的标准。这些话听起来很刺耳,但都是残酷的事实。 如果我们剥夺了孩子的失败权力, 实际上我们就剥夺了他们如实地认识世界的机会。Owners/founders are extremely driven and dynamic.Often they excel at more than one skill.In manycases,production expects are also marketing geniuses or skilled financiers. Replacing t

366、hem mayrequire more than one person.Therefore,family business owners should determine exactly how thebusiness functions by create his or her own chart.There charts should then be compared.Thedifferences will point to gaps in the management structure and highlight areas of misunderstandingand differe

367、nces in perception.业主/企业创建者不仅进取心强,而且精力充沛。他们往往擅长于多种技能。在很多情况之下,他们即是生产专家又是营销天才或经验丰富的金融家。要接替他们的工作则需要很多的人。 因此家庭企业主应当通过制定组织机构图来明确规定该企业怎样运作。 参予交接过程的每个主要成员也应当制定他们自己的组织构图。然后, 对它们进行比较。各机构之间的不同点将表明管理体制上的差异、存在误会的主要方面及观念上分歧。Few business,even family businesses,grow without the help of loyal employees.More often t

368、hannot,they hold key position in management.Therefore,you must keep your employees informed aboutlong-range succession plans.Key management must have a clear picture of where they stand andwhat their responsibilities will be in a succession-management structure.Develop a compensationand benefit stru

369、cture that is sufficient to attract an retain key managers as well as to motivate them toperform in the best interests of the business and the family.没有忠心耿耿雇员,很少企业能够发展壮大,即使是家庭企业也是如此。这些尽职的雇员多半担任了主要管理职务。因此,应当将关于产业继承的长远计划随时通报给他们,而主要的企业管理人员必须清楚知道他们在产业交接管理机构中的职责。 改进企业的劳保福利制度以吸引和留住主要部门经理,激发他们的积极性,使他们能为企业和

370、业主的最大利益而工作unit2Historically , jeeps reputation as a go-anywhere vehicle dates back to the Second World Warwhen.在历史上,吉普车以其能适应各种路况的出众性能而著称于世。这种美名可以追溯到二战期间,当时由威利斯公司提供的最初型号的吉普车载着盟军部队驰骋于太平洋沿岸及欧洲战场。一书认为, “吉普”这个名字起源于美国军队决定把这种车辆叫做 GP(for General Purpose)即多功能车之意。而后,GP 这两个字母的读音被误发成为“吉普” ,并成为威利斯公司享有的商标名称。1988

371、年吉普为克莱斯勒公司所有,此后该公司投入了大量资金更新改造吉普车的生产设备,提高吉普车的产量并开发各种新车型应市。 克莱斯勒公司称吉普车在战争年代享有的盛名以及其坚固耐用的形象无疑会有助于它在和平时期树立其作为休闲娱乐车的新形象。该公司说,吉普为休闲,越野车开发了新市场,它有强劲的 4 轮牵引装置(商业上称为 4 轮驱动),过去军用吉普车曾因此而享誉四方。Unit3Some observers suggest that perhaps what we are seeing is not a real change at all,that,like thesexual revolution,it

372、 is not really a revolution in behavior but in expression.It may be,says oneConnecticut psychoanalyst,that an identifiable group that has existed all along is simply comingout of the closet,like homosexuals.The spirit of the time is to do your own thing and not hide it,andthese people may reflect an

373、 increased frankness and openness rather than any real change.一些观察家提出, 我们正在看到的这种现象根本就不是什么重大变化, 或许它和性革命一样,不是人们行为上的而是表达方式上的一种剧变。一位住在康涅狄格州的精神分析学家说,“ 也许, 一直就有那么一群与众不同的人存着。 只不过他们现在从隐蔽外走了出来, 公开 表明了他们的观点,就像同性恋者那样。我们这一时代的潮流就是干你想干的事而不是加以掩饰。这些人身上所反映的不是什么变革而是人们现在越来越坦率直言的这样一个现象。In recent decades it has become c

374、lear that for a distinct minority of American women thetraditional mother role in the seclusion of the home is no longer acceptable.For many the family isof diminishing importance.The development of education for women has been a crucial factor inthis change.Today,over 80percent of all women complet

375、e four years of high school as compared toonly 35 percent in 1940.This is related to the fact that marriage now occurs a year later for theaverage woman.The proportion of women aged 20 to 24 who are single increased from 28 percentin 1960 to 40 percent by the mid 1970s.Childbearing is being postpone

376、d so that,compared to the1960s,10 percent fewer women bear their first child in the two years immediately followingmarriage.Furthermore,more women today remain childless.Work,older age at marriage,andchildlessness are the basic changes that have taken place in womens roles in recent years.在最近几十年的时间里

377、,人们渐渐地明白了一个事实,那就是:为数不多的妇女已不再接受并愿意扮演深居简出的传统母亲角色。许多人认为家庭的重要性正日益消失。妇女受教育程度的提高是造成这一文化的重要因素。如今,百分之八十的妇女完成了四年制的高中学习。而在 1940 年,完成这一阶段学习的妇女仅占百分之三十。这与现在美国妇女平均晚一年结婚有关。二十岁至二十四岁未婚者从 1960 年的 28% 上升到 20 世纪 70 年代的 40% 。人们推迟了生儿育女的时间,只有不到 10% 的妇女是在结婚后两年内生孩子。除此之外,越来越多的妇女不想要孩子。 工作、 晚婚、 不要孩子是近年来妇女作用发生变化的主要表现。Unit4The n

378、ew combination of age and poverty in several countries in Latin America and Asia will createmany problems that are already familiar to industrial countries,but with far fewer resources totackle them.Ethical dilemmas over the use of scarce resources will be magnified.Financing ofhealth care and pensi

379、ons could be a nightmare.在不少拉丁美洲和亚洲的国家,老年化和贫困将引起许多新问题, 而这些问题对于工业化国家来说并不陌生, 但是这些国家拥有资源少得多。在使用有限资源时所遇到伦理道德问题将更为突出,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能成为这些国家面临的一件棘手的事。In many countries, older people are still too small in number,and for the most part too politicallypassive,to act as an effective pressure group for long-ter

380、m policies to further their owninterests.But that is changing as their numbers increase,and they learn to flex their politicalmuscles.By 2030,it would be a bold politician who neglected one voter in three -especially asolder people in general turn out to vote in much bigger numbers than others.在许多国家

381、,老年人的人数太少,政治上多半相当被动,以致无法成为一个能对长期政策施加有效压力来促进自身利益的团体。 但随着其数量增多,这种状况正在改变, 他们知道需要集结政治力量。到 2030 年将没有一个政治家大胆到敢于忽略三分之一这部份老年选民特别老年选民一般参加投票的人数要比其他选民多。Unit5As the poet Edmund Spenser put it almost four hundred years ago, Nature, who is the “greatestgoddesse,” arts as a sort of earthly lieutenant of God, and S

382、penser represents her as both a motherand judge. Her jurisdiction is over the relations between the creatures; she deals Right toall.indifferently, for she is “the equal mother of all And knittest each to each, as brother untobrother:” Thus, in Spencer, the natural principles of fertility and order

383、are pointedly linked with theprinciple of justice, which we may be a little surprised to see that he attributes also to nature. And yetin his insistence an indifferent natural justice, resting on the brotherhood of all creatures, not justof humans, Spenser would now be said to be on sound ecological

384、 footing.正如诗人埃德蒙 . 斯宾塞在将近四百年前所说的那样,大自然是 “ 最伟大的女神 ” 。她似乎担任了上帝驻地球的总督的职务。 斯宾塞把她描写成一位母亲和法官。 她管辖着所有的生物之间的往来,并不分厚薄地给予他们权利,因为她是一位公正的母亲。她把他们紧密地联结在一起,就象兄弟姐妹。因而,在斯宾塞看来,生物繁殖及生物秩序的自然规律与公正原则显而易见地是联系在一起的。 当我们得知斯宾塞认为大自然也具有公正原则的时候我们或许有点吃惊。 然而, 斯宾塞不仅以人类的手足之情而是以所有生物的手足之情为依据来坚持自然界有这么一位 “ 公正的 ” 法官。要是在当今,我们会说斯宾塞是以生态学作为其

385、可靠依据的。If our proper relation to nature is not opposition, then what is it? This question becomes complicatedand difficult for us because none of us, asIhave said, wants to live in a pure primeval forest or ina pure primeval prairie; we do not want to be eaten by grizzly bears; if we are gardeners.We

386、havea legitimate quarrel with weeds; if, in Kentucky, we are trying to improve our pastures, we are likelyto be enemies of the nodding thistle. But, do what we will, we remain under the spell of the primevalforests and prairies that we have cut down and broken; we turn repeatedly and with love to th

387、ethought of them and to their surviving remnants.Wefind ourselves attracted to the grizzly bears, too,and know that they and other great, dangerous animals remain alive in our imaginations as they havebeen all through human time.如果我们人类和大自然的固有关系不是相互对抗的, 那么, 它又是什么样的一种关系呢?对我们来讲,这个变得相当复杂难解,因为正如我先前所讲过的那样

388、,我们中没有人想在未经开发的原始森林里或在未经改造的原始大草原上生活, 我们不想被大灰熊吃掉。 假如我们是园艺家,我们有正当的理由去抱怨园内的杂草。在肯塔基州,如果我们准备改良牧场,我们就很可能成为那一片随风摆动的大蓟的敌人。但是,如果我们还随心所欲,想做什么就做什么,那么, 我们就会对那些曾经被我们砍伐破坏了的原始森林和草原着迷,我们会一而再而三地想起它们,想起那些幸存的原始森林和原始草原。我们还会感到大灰熊深深地吸引着我们。我们知道, 在整个人类时期我们会一直想起大灰熊及其他一些危险动物unit 6Surely ambition is behind dream of glory ,of w

389、ealth, of love, of distinction, of accomplishment,of pleasure, of goodness. What life does with our dreams and expectations cannot, of course, bepredicted. Some dream, begun in selflessness, end in rancor; other dreams, begun in selfishness,end in large-heartedness. The unpredictability of the outco

390、me of dreams is no reason to ceasedreaming.毫无疑问,雄心大志期望的是荣誉、财富、爱情、非凡、成就、欢乐与善良美德。当然,伴随我们的抱负与希望,我们的生活将会是怎样,这些总是无法意料的。有些想法的出发点是丝毫不为自己,但结果却是结下深仇;而有些计划原意是为了自己,但到头来却是为他人做了善事。计划、设想的结果虽然难以预测,但仍无理由阻止计划与设想的进行。It is not difficult to imagine a word shorn of ambition. It would probably be a kinder worlddemands, w

391、ithout abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Suckwork as they did would not be for themselves but for the collectivity. Competition would neverenter in. Conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. The stress of creationwould be at an end. Ar

392、t would no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its function. Thefamily would become superfluous as a social unit, with all its former power for bringing aboutneurosis drained away. Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart attackor stroke caused by tumultuous endea

393、vor. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and onwith ambition long departed from the human heart.不难设想,没有抱负与雄心的社会将会是怎样的。它很可能是一个比较随和的社会:没有要求,没有矛盾,也没有失望。人们有时间深思。他们所做的工作不是为了自己,而是为了集体、从来没有竞争,冲突将被消灭,紧张已成为过去,不再需要创造力。艺术不再是高深莫测的,它的作用纯粹是为了欢庆与颂扬。家庭作为一个社会的单元将成为多余的,它以前的束缚力已消失。长寿会增加,因为死于紧张、辛劳的工作所引起的心脏病

394、与中风的人会越来越少、 思虑将不复存在。 人类长期地摆脱抱负和欲望的压力, 日子会过得越来越舒坦。Unit7B 翻译英语(写英文)1.当今的大学生,尽管他们努力的像是自己成才,但对未来还是很模糊的。 (establish oneself)Todays university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguousfeelings about their future.2.一个人如果不能找到自我以外的中心,就不能实现他的自我价值。所以,理想的本科教育必须使学生超越自我。 (tran

395、scend)Aman cannot find himself without finding a center beyond hi. So the idealism of the undergraduateexperience must help the student transcend himself.3.我们强烈的希望在大学所学到的知识在今后的工作与学习中能起到重要的作用。 (revealoneself)Weeagerly hope that the lessons leaned in the university will reveal themselves in our perfor

396、mancein the workplace and further education.4. 四年的本科学习是走向成功生活的唯一道路,这种说法是无法接受的。 (go unchallenged)It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to successin life.5.在对一个关键的问题作结论时,如果只相信所谓的专家而不相信自己,不根据调查的结果,不根据实验的数据,那是在冒险。 (run the risk of ;blind faith in )Wer

397、un the risk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings ofinvestigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts.6.我们的事业需要一批受过良好教育又能关心他人的年轻人,他们能团结一致,相互学习, 积极参加四化建设。 (band together:participate in)Our task needs a large group

398、of well-informed, caring young people who can band together, learnfrom each other, and actively participate in the four modernizations.7.如果这所新学校要有生命力的话,它培养的学生不仅要有扎实的基础和熟练的专业技能, 还要有奉献精神。 (be to endure ;commit oneself)If it is to endure, the new school should help the students not only acquire a sold

399、basic educationand become competent in a specific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others.8.如果大学生对于考试过于投入,就有可能把能力与奉献放到次要的地位,这样说一点也不过分。 (push to the fringes)It is not too much to say that if undergraduates excessively devote themselves to examinations, thewill push competence and comm

400、itment to the fringes.9.我甚至没有跟他说话,当然更不用说与他讨论有关你们学校的改建问题。 (much less )Ididnt even speak to him; much less discuss the reconstruction of your school with him.10.有人认为考试是很重要的,但也有人认为考试有不少弊端。所以考试留下了一个未能解决的问题考试对教育有什么影响?(open question )Some people think examinations are second to none, but some think examin

401、ations have a lot ofdisadvantages. Examinations leave us an open essential question - what influence do examinationsexert on education?1、他不但是位出色的银行家和公认的贸易专家,而且还是经验丰富的企业主管。He is an experienced banker and an acknowledged trade expert, not to mention an excellentmanaging director.2、意大利一个和平组织的志愿者不顾危险,以开

402、赴伊拉克首都巴格达组成“人体盾牌” ,以阻止美国轰炸该地。Regardless of danger, volunteers from an Italian organization for peace have gone to Baghdad, thecapital of Iraq, to form a body shield for the purpose of preventing the US from bombing the place.3、在这个家庭里,没有人比朱迪更能致力于经营房地产生意。Nobody in the family is more dedicated to opera

403、ting the real estate business than Judy.4、由于经济不景气,房地产经纪人正处于或降低房价或减少销售量的两难境地。Because of the economic depression, real estate agents are in the dilemma of whether to lower pricesor let sales fall off.5、史密斯先生往往靠慎重投资而获取巨额利润。More often than not, Mr. Smith earns great profits by careful investment of his

404、capital.6、约翰在学校里各门功课的成绩都不怎么样,但在体育方面倒是身手不凡。John did not make much of a mark in his studies at school, but he excelled at sports.7、有条不紊的职责交接是家庭企业长期繁荣的一个条件。Ordrly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business.8、在制定投资计划之前,你最好对投资前景有个清楚的了解。Youhad better h

405、ave a clear picture of prospects before formulating a plan for investment.9、尽管雕塑费时,但是仍有一些人以雕塑为职业。Although sculpture is a time-consuming art, there are still some people following it as a profession.10、这家电脑软件公司正处于从独资经营到合资经营的转化过程中。Unit2The software company is in the midst of being transformed from an

406、individual proprietorship to ajoint venture.1.汽车诞生后发展很快,不久就替代了马。The automobile was improved very rapidly after it was invented and soon displaced horses.2.由于汽车污染环境并严重伤害身体,甚至杀人,我们可能不得不消减私人拥有汽车的数量而更多地依赖公共交通系统。Wemay have to cut down on the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public masstr

407、ansit systems because cars pollute and maim or even kill people.3.汽车轮子给我们带来了更好、更为便利的交通时,它也应对诸如空气污染,交通事故,交通拥挤之类的许多问题负责。While wheels (automobiles) have brought with them better or more convenient transportation, theyare guilty of many sins, such as air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic congesti

408、on.4.美国人对汽车的热爱以及他们较大的工作流动性是出了名的Americans are noted for their love for cars and great job mobility.5.要是燃料质量和效率的提高和技术的进步能大大减少汽车的排放量,那该多好啊If only advances in fuel quality and efficiency and in technology would radically reduce theemissions from automobiles.6.在美国,高度发达的公路网使在各地之间来来往往成为可能Ahighly developed

409、highway network has made possible the easy movement from coast to coast inthe United States.7.一想到这条林荫大道的建设速度,参观者都能够感到很吃惊;这条路不久前还在开挖及铺设排水管The very thought of the speed at which the beautiful avenue was constructed electrified everyvisitor; the road had only recently been torn up to lay drain-pipes no

410、t long ago.8.环境保护主义者严厉谴责了汽车,认为汽车是产生空气污染的主要原因Environmentalists have denounced automobiles, believing they are a major factor in the productionof dirty air.9.由于有便利的公共交通,在大都市的市郊,许多新建的住宅群拔地而起Many new residential complexes have risen up in the suburbs of metropolitan cities because of theavailability of

411、convenient public transportation.10,尽管非常喜欢汽车,许多人还是相信广泛地使用公共交通系统能缓解交通拥挤Despite their love for cars, many people lend credence to the extensive use of the public transportsystem, which can cut down on traffic congestion.Unit31.Some professional observers believe that young people today are no longer i

412、nterested in politicsand causes, but rather, have become increasingly preoccupied with issues closer to themselves.一些职业观察家认为,现在的年轻人不再对政治和事业感兴趣;他们越来越关注与他们自身关系更为密切的问题。(preoccupied with)2.The higher a womans educational attainment, the more likely she is to go out of the privatesetting of the nuclear f

413、amily and to realize herself in the community.一个妇女 所获得的教育程度越高, 就越有可能走出小家庭这个环境,到社会上去实现自我 (belikely to ,realize oneself)3. As far asIam concerned, what really lies behind the decision of some married couples not tostart a family is that they are so narcissistic and have no margin of love to spare othe

414、rs.就我而言,一些已婚夫妇做出选择不要小孩的真正原因是他们非常自恋,以至于他们没有多余的爱给别人。 ( start a family ,lie behind,have no margin,spare )4. The company put on the market a registered invention even without asking the inventorspermission, which goes against the patent law.这家公司甚至在未征求发明人同意的情况下,就将其一项注册过的新发明投放市场。这一行为违反了专利法。 (go against)5.

415、 Urged by some other countries, the United Nations has pressured the country to give updeveloping and using nuclear weapons.在一些国家的敦促下,联合国对该国施加压力,迫使其放弃研制和实用核武器。 (pressure sbto do )6. According to the rule that every member should remain childless, Mr. And Ms white have noalternative but to withdraw f

416、rom the Non-Parent Association, for they will attain parenthood soon.按照每个会员必须是无子女的这一规定,怀特先生及其太太只好退出 Non-Parent 协会,因为他们很快就要当父母了。 (alternative ,parenthood)7. He expects to reveal, by presenting a soap opera, the complexity implicit in real life.他期望通过上演一部肥皂剧来揭示现实生活所固有的复杂性。 (implicit)8. In virtually eve

417、ry country, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and child abuse loom as most challengingsocial problems.几乎在每个国家,嗜用麻醉品、酗酒和摧残儿童都有变为最令人深思的社会问题的趋势。(loom as )9. When interviewed, these elderly people rationalized why they were ambivalent about todaysyoung people.在接受采访时,这些老年人合理的解释了为什么会对当今青年人产生矛盾心理的原因。 (beambivalent

418、 about ,rationalize)10. Many college students are far more concerned with how to get a highly-paid job on graduationand how to receive a quick promotion in the competitive society.不少大学生更关心怎样在毕业后谋得一份报酬优厚的工作, 怎样在这个充满竞争的社会里迅速得到提升。 (be concerned with )unit41 总的来说,人变得越来越有同情心;不少家庭收养了来自市孤儿院的孤儿 。 (takein,or

419、phanage)1.Generally, people have become more compassionate and quite a few families have taken in anorphan from the municipal orphanage.2一个有工作的妇女既要照顾她的孩子和老人,又要设法保有这份工作,是一件非常困难的事情。 (hold down)2.It is a demanding task for a working woman to look after her parents and her children whileholding down a j

420、ob.3 起先,我们对他们初次在异国他乡生活感到担忧,但是结果他们在那个国家生活得相当不错。 (work out)3. At first we were worried about their first stay in a foreign country, but things there worked outmuch better for them.4 今天, 中年人的孩子比他们父母的孩子要少得多; 40 年后人口老化问题可能成为他们孩子的沉重负担。 (weigh on)4. Todays middle-aged people have fewer children than their

421、parents did, and the aging populationproblem may weigh on them in about 40 years.5 希望目前的教育改革能为学生更好地迎接社会的挑战作好准备。 (set up)5.It is hoped that the current reform in education will better set students up to meet the challengesfrom society.6 政府想把一部分健康护理的负担转嫁给个人;但是家庭成员并不总是有空的,因为他们不能离开工作来照顾生病的老人。 (break awa

422、y from)6. The government intends to transfer some of the health-care burden to the individual family; butfamily members are not always available for the task because they cannot break away from theirjobs to look after the sick elderly.7 对养老院床位的需求越来越大,我们不得不想尽一切办法腾出床位。 (free up)7.There is an increasin

423、g demand for beds in the nursing home, and we have to try every possiblemeans to free them up.8 随着该国老男人的日益增多,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能使政府感到恐惧。(scare the devil out of)8.With the increase of elderly population in this country, financing health care and pensions couldscare the devil out of the government.9 这对年轻夫

424、妇不得不作出牺牲,以避免使他们年迈的慈父伤心。 (let down)9.The young couple has to make some sacrifice to avoid letting their old beloved father down.10 他们在照顾年迈多病的老父时所经历的一切使他们更具有同情心并向养老院捐了款。(go through)10.What they had gone through in looking after their sick old father made them morecompassionate, and they made a donatio

425、n to the nursing home .Unit51 大多数自然资源保护主义者认为, 在良好的生态环境中人类最易兴旺发达, 而各种野生动物的生存则是这种良好生态环境标志。(conservationist, survival)1. Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of thishealth is the survival of a diversity of wild animals.2 史密斯先生出示了大量的证据来表明:在某种程度上,如果

426、我们破坏大自然,那就是毁灭我们自己。 (diminish, to some extent)2. Mr. Smith produced abundant evidence to indicate that we, to some extent, diminish ourselves ifwe diminish nature.3 西方各国的许多城市已经转换到使用新的可减少污染含量的汽油, 我们中国有些城市也已经这样做了。(be true of)3. Many cities in Western countries have switched to a new gasoline formula th

427、at reduces thepollution content. This is also true of some cities in China.4 正如英国诗人埃德蒙,斯宾塞在一首诗里描写的那样,大自然不仅是位母亲,而且是位法官,管辖并公正地对待人类和所有的生物。(jurisdiction, do justice to)4. As depicted in a poem written by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not only a motherbut a judge, having jurisdiction over an

428、d doing justice to all creatures.5 政府的一项调查研究得出的结论是:除了过分拥济和公共交通很差外,该市面临的最大问题是噪音和污染。(be up against)5.Agovernment study concludes that besides overcrowding and poor public transport, the biggestproblems the city is up against are noise and pollution.6 与所有其他动物不一样,人类具有根据自己的判断而行事的能力。(act on)6. Unlike all

429、other creatures, humans have the ability to act on their judgment/ understanding.7 难道你不同意健康而无财富比有财富而不健康要好得多的这种说法吗?(be preferable to)7. Dont you agree with the statement that health without wealth is preferable to wealth withouthealth?8 即使那些工业经济的拥护者也不得不公开承认:人类与大自然之间发生的任何冲突往往对双方都不利。(acknowledge, at th

430、e expense of)8. Even those defenders of industrial economy have to acknowledge openly that any conflictbetween humans and nature often occurs at the expense of both.9 如果你的朋友善意地指出你的一个缺点,你不仅要欣然接受,而且应当感谢(point out)9. If your friend kindly points out a fault you have, take what is said not merely pleasa

431、ntly, butthankfully.10 人与野生动物之间的差别之一就在于,前者能就他们改变自然的种类及规模作出明智的选择。(as to)10. One of the differences between humans and wild animals is that (or lies in that) the former canmake a wise choice as to the kind and scale of the change they make to nature.Unit 61.尽管她在最近的选举中成功了,但她主要仍是位作家而不是政治家。In spite of he

432、r recent election success, she remains first and foremost a writer, not a politician.2.讲到抱负,人们往往把它与地位、名誉和权力连在一起,因此,长期以来许多人不愿意谈论自己的梦想。Ambition is always identified with rank, fame and power. Therefore many people have beenunwilling to talk about their dreams for a long time.3.毫无疑问,如果一个人想成名,就需要有理想,因为理

433、想是走向成功的基础。但是理想并不就是野心。Surely, if you want to be famous, it is necessary for you to have ideals, because it is behind theaccomplishment, but different from ambition.4.野心常被认为是带有贬义的。这是因为有些一心追求自己利益的人不择手段地要达到目的,损害了他人。Ambition is often regarded as being commensurate with bad sense because the single-minded

434、have tried to achieve their goals by fair means or foul and often harm others.5.真正有野心的人常常表现的很谦虚,事实上只考虑自己。Truly ambitious people seem to be modest but actually they are on their own.6.毫无疑问,有的人对名誉和地位看得很重,然而他们却不公开承认。Certainly some people are very interested in their rank and fame. But what has happened

435、 isthat they do not own up to it.7.有些人想方设法出人头地,但又不表露出来,我们必须看到其中虚伪的一面。Some people try to go on in life at all costs but refrain from appearing ambitious.Weshould beaware that there is a note of hypocrisy.8.虽然人们攻击他,认为他有野心,但没有一种攻击足以使他放弃自己的追求。Although he has come under attack and has been considered amb

436、itious, none of them arestrong enough to make him give up on his dreams.9.不难想象,没有理想与抱负的世界会是怎样的。这只是一个没有进步、令人厌烦的社会。It is not difficult to imagine a world shorn of ambition. It would probably be a world with noprogress and no development.And, of course, it would be a tedious world.10.社会的发展有赖于一批有理想有抱负的人

437、,而理想与抱负是鼓舞人们前进的动力。所以说理想和抱负是社会的一个重要部分。To develop our society, we need a large number of people who have both ideals and ambition,because both of these have the power to inspire people to further efforts. Therefore, both areimportant for society.Unit7A A A AMatchMatchMatchMatch thethethethe wordswords

438、wordswords underunderunderunder thethethethe columncolumncolumncolumnA A A Atotototo B B B B1. 1. 1. 1.viabilityh.h. h. h.workability2. 2. 2. 2.dynamici. i. i. i.full of vigor3. 3. 3. 3.interima. a. a. a.transitional4. 4. 4. 4.legacye. e. e. e.anything received form an ancestor5. 5. 5. 5.retaink. k.

439、 k. k.continue to have6. 6. 6. 6.demisen.n. n. n.end7. 7. 7. 7.assumel. l. l. l.undertake8. 8. 8. 8.assureg. g. g. g.make certain9. 9. 9. 9.liquidity d. d. d. d.quality of being changed form assets into cash10.10.10.10.highlight c. c. c. c.drawattention to1,pick up -d,increase in speed2,toll-f, tota

440、l number of death3, electrify -j, make sb very excited and surprised4, sprawl -a, spread the limbs about5,legitimate- I ,acceptable,valid6,transit -h, the act of passing across7,implement-g, carry out ; get done8, accommodate-e, adapt9,landscape-c ,a view of scenery on land10, mobility- b, easymovem

441、ent to a differentjobAB1. ultimatelyg. in the end2. intricatej. complicated3. encroachmenta. act of intruding gradually4. 4. fertilityf. fruitfulness5. pointedlyb. markedly6. indispensableh. absolutely essential7. legitimatei. that can be justified8. whatsoeverc. of any kind at all9. primevald. rela

442、ting to the first age of the world10. beneficente. having good effect1,Unlike Japanese workers,American employees have experienced great job mobilitymobilitymobilitymobility.2,The nations highway death tolltolltolltoll has increased every year since the invention of theautomobile.3,Wemust update our

443、 knowledge and accommodateaccommodateaccommodateaccommodate ourselves to the changing world.4, From the church tower, people can enjoy a very beautiful landscapelandscapelandscapelandscape formed by the two hillsand the valley.5, He was reading contentedly with his legs sprawledsprawledsprawledspraw

444、led over the arm of the couch , ignoring thetelephone ring.6,Youknow yourselfbetter than anyone else; do not undertake that project unless you canimplementlementlementlement it .7,Sickness is a legitimatelegitimatelegitimatelegitimate reason for a childs being absent from school.8, It snowed last ni

445、ght and transittransittransittransit across the icy bridge is so dangerous that the bridge has tobe closed for the time being.9, Some railroads once run by steam are now electrifiedelectrifiedelectrifiedelectrified to reduce the pollution and acceleratethe speed of railroad transportation.10 ,People

446、 who must drive a lot know the big difference gasoline can make in pickpickpickpick upupupup ,economy and smooth operation.Unit31 That _primeval_ ocean, growing in bulk as the rains slowly filled its basins, must have beenfaintly salty.2 There is no scientific evidence_whatsoever_ to support the vie

447、w that assisted suicideshould be declared acceptable and legal.3 Most people believe that the study of another nation, its society and culture, not only can befascinating but also _beneficent_.4Ascientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will _ultimately_ besolved.5 Lung cancer is

448、_pointedly_ linked with air pollution in cities with high concentrations ofindustry and vehicular traffic.6 The brain of a child has evolved to process speech, not _intricate_ written symbols thatrepresent speech.7 The problem that urban sprawl is_encroaching_ upon the unspoilt countryside deservesm

449、ore attention from the government and the public.8 Language is _indispensable_to human life because it gives meaning to otherwise randomexperiences.9 Adolf Berle drew a _legitimate_ conclusion that business people will undermine businessitself as well as their own welfare if they break the law.10 Ov

450、ercultivation and a long period of soil erosion has reduced the_fertility_ of much ofthe countrys farmland.Unit6C C C C useuseuseuse thethethethe correctcorrectcorrectcorrect formsformsformsforms ofofofof thethethethe givengivengivengiven wordswordswordswords totototo completecompletecompletecomplet

451、e thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing sentences.sentences.sentences.sentences.A. The board of directors required that Mr.Brown justifyjustifyjustifyjustify buying expensive equipment at atimewhen the company was practising strict economy.B. The outgoing flow of skills is not the only j

452、ustificationjustificationjustificationjustification for the failure of the factory.C. Can you prove that your radical actions against them were justifiablejustifiablejustifiablejustifiable?justifyD. The tourists were justifiablyjustifiablyjustifiablyjustifiably angry about the treatment they had rec

453、eived on the journey.E.Ido think that the general manager was quite justifiedjustifiedjustifiedjustified in dismissing his secretary.A.The army made a strategicstrategicstrategicstrategic withdrawal and then launched a counterattack against its enemy.B.Asking a management theorist to define strategy

454、strategystrategystrategy is rather like asking a philosopher to definetruth.C.StrategicsStrategicsStrategicsStrategics is a required course in millitary academy.strategyD.Can you name some of the corps commander,the staff officers strategistsstrategistsstrategistsstrategists?E.By order of the corps

455、commander,the staff officers strategizedstrategizedstrategizedstrategized the millitary manoeuvre.F.It was not until the war broke out that they realized that the islands were strategicallystrategicallystrategicallystrategicallyimportant.A.Those who have an advanced university degree or equivalent p

456、rofessional qualifications inthe fields of financefinancefinancefinance,banking and business administration are given priority.B.By improving the quality of its products and developing new designs,the firm overcame itsfinancialfinancialfinancialfinancial troubles.finanaceC.The orphanage received an

457、appreciable contribution form a wealthy German financier.D.Western governments need to reconsider their pledge to financefinancefinancefinance new reactors for the Ukraine inreturn for the closure of the Chernobyl power plant.E.FinanciallyFinanciallyFinanciallyFinancially, the joint venture was not

458、as successful as people had expected.A.Joan feels resentfulresentfulresentfulresentful that almost every colleague remains indifferent to her pleading.B.He obviously resentsresentsresentsresents us andIhad presumed it was the English he hated.resentC.She harbored a deep resentmentresentmentresentmen

459、tresentment towards her employer for having denied her a promotion.D.Mr White says resentfullyresentfullyresentfullyresentfully that his wife has spoiled their son by giving him too much money.A.Only the conductor can perceiveperceiveperceiveperceive the slightest variation form true pitch in each i

460、nstrument.B.Many investors had a clear perceptionperceptionperceptionperception of the grave situation in the gulf area and soon dicided not tostart new projects there.C.The fine shaders of color in the painting are hardly perceptibleperceptibleperceptibleperceptible.perceptionD.He made a very perce

461、ptiveperceptiveperceptiveperceptive comment on campaigns needed to combat juvenile delinquency.E.The commission agent declared that this sample was perceptiblyperceptiblyperceptiblyperceptibly different form the goods supplied.A.The wild life in Africa is extremely diversediversediversediverse and t

462、herefore two wildlife research have beenestablished there.B.The factory may seek to diversifydiversifydiversifydiversify its products to sell in different markets.diverseC.I think diversitydiversitydiversitydiversity of opinions makes for an interesting discussion.E.Earnings were not affected by the

463、 decline because of the company recent diversificationdiversificationdiversificationdiversification into otherlines.F.The band is going to given a diversifieddiversifieddiversifieddiversified musical program ranging form classical to modern.A.Should war break out,innumerous works of art,historical m

464、onuments and priceless historical recordswould be ruthlessly destroyeddestroyeddestroyeddestroyed.B.The destructivedestructivedestructivedestructive tornado resulted in great loss of life and property.C.The destructiondestructiondestructiondestruction caused by the earthquake left thousands of peopl

465、e homeless.destroyD.Adestructionistdestructionistdestructionistdestructionist is one who delights in or advocates devastation.E.The navy,in the sea warfare,only sent two destroyersdestroyersdestroyersdestroyers because there were no larger ships ready.F.Have you learnt how to distinguish destroyingd

466、estroyingdestroyingdestroying angel from mushroom?G.As reported in the magazine,Schwarzernegger,a Hollywood star,has become weak and destructibledestructibledestructibledestructiblebecause of his illnessA.No manufacturer does not wish to develop its domestic and foreign marketsmarketsmarketsmarkets.

467、B.Contaminated foods are not marketablemarketablemarketablemarketable:they provide more damage than nutrition.C.The car dealer marketsmarketsmarketsmarkets his cars at competitive prices.marketD.Mr.Swafford has been appointed as the marketingmarketingmarketingmarketing director of the film.E.The com

468、pany is a big marketermarketermarketermarketer specializing in gasoline.A.Sound policies and favorable environments are essential to the economic prosperityprosperityprosperityprosperity of any country.B.He tells me that his farm is prosperingprosperingprosperingprospering through good management an

469、d an absence of any calamities.C.Nepal,an agricultural country,has entered into a prosperousprosperousprosperousprosperous period od industrial growth.prosperD.The cherry-trees alone the riverbank are growing prosperouslyprosperouslyprosperouslyprosperously;they are bound to bear fruit this year.A.E

470、nglish is derivedderivedderivedderived in the main from the common Germanic stock.B.Mr.Olin King is really a workaholic;he must derivederivederivederive much pleasure from his work.deriveC.In my opinion,what he set up was nothing but a derivativederivativederivativederivative theory lacking original

471、ity.D.Knowledge of investment and financial markets including derivativesderivativesderivativesderivatives would be advantageous,whileexcellent communication and influencing skills are essential.1.a.On a large national scale where the government becomes involved,cooperation is seen as coercivecoerci

472、vecoercivecoerciveand destructive rather than voluntary and constructive.coercionb.Political opponents were put into camps during the war and coercedcoercedcoercedcoerced into force labor.2.a.The preoccupationpreoccupationpreoccupationpreoccupation of millions of Americans with status is said to hav

473、e intensified socialstratification in the country.preoccupyb.The president has been preoccupiedpreoccupiedpreoccupiedpreoccupied with the suffering of the victims since the damaging tornado.3.a.Most surveys find that people are reluctant to place themselves at either the top or the bottom of thesoci

474、al ladder.reluctanceb.Johnson had a reluctance to agree to their condition,but he didnt really have much choice.4.a.Tom changed from a friendly boy into a confused and moody adolescent .adolescenceb.As children enter adolescence,they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please,dowhat the

475、y please,and make decisions without parental interference.5.a.The law bans organized protests and ,by implication ,any form of opposition.implyb.What the boss has just said contains implicit approval of your work.6.a.Marriage can be threatened by children who arouse ambivalent between the parents in

476、 a variety ofway.Ambivalentb.there are many people,myself among the number,who have a somewhat ambivalent attitude towardproducing offspring.7.a.Both the couple should be responsible for emotionalmaintenance of the marriage and for raisingthe children and running the household.maintainb.Im inclined

477、to share your doubt in regard to the maintainability of the relationship between Dr.HelenKaplan and her husband.8.a.Young people today are more concerned with self-fulfilment and preserving privacy than thosewere in 1950s.privateb.Although party officials give the President their public support,many

478、 are saying in privatethat hemay have to resign.9.a.Reelings of patriotism are expressed more clearly and freely now,but there is little enthusiasm for areturn to military conscription during peacetime.enthusiasticb.The exhibition will be of interest to vintage car owners and other motoring enthusia

479、sts10.a.Drug users develop a tolerance for some drugs,that is, they have to take steadily increasingamounts to achieve a given level of effect.tolerateb.What these people want is a tolerable existencemore food,better shelter and peace.11.a.According to the statisticians ,the estimated number of peop

480、le afflicted by hunger and malnutritionis about 500 million.statisticsb.We spent more on health care than any other nation in the world,yet statistically show that we are notthe worlds healthiest nation.12.a.Language make rational though possible and enables us to reason,to draw logicalconclusions f

481、rom the evidence of our senses,and to generalize from one event to another.rationalizeb.Its unbelievable that Mary,a teenage girl,has learnt to view things with cold rationality.C. In the followingpassage, there are altogether10 mistakes, one in each boldfacedsentence.you may have to add a word,cros

482、s out a word.(改错新题型)By the 1950s,children in America came to be highly valued .however,the last 20 years haveevidence very sharp changes in values toward children. (1. have evidencedhas evidenced )As women entered the work force they moved away from strong motherhood responsibilitiesthat prevailed i

483、n the past.(2.that prevailedthat had prevailed )Closely associating with theincreaseofwomenintheworkforcehavebeensharplyreducefertilityrates.(3.associatingassociated ) When this element is added to a longer lifespan,manywomen now spend a smaller percentage of their lives raise children.(4.raiseraisi

484、ng )In1979,as few as 19 percent of U.S. Households were ones where the husband worked,the wifewas at home,and there were one or more children at hone .In general.it can he argued that thechild-centered approach on childrearing is rapidly disappearing.(5.onto )This means that anincreasing number of y

485、oung couples are planning their families with an eye on theircareers.(6.onto)The reluctance of most mothers to put their children into day-care centersandfull-timepreschoolsreflectsamiddle-classattitudetowardchildrenandchildrearing.(7.reluctancewillingness)Parents today,particularly women,see themse

486、lves ashavepersonalrights rightstoselfrealizationthroughmeaningful,productivework.(8.havehaving )In a family where both parents work, the children soon learn that theyare the center of the universe no matter how much they may want to be(9.are the centerarenot the center)There are many parents who be

487、lieve that their emotional needs are as importantas their childrens.This reflects in the increased proportion of divorces that involvechildren.(10This reflectsThis is reflected .)A A A A 选择题选择题1Youare looking a bit fragilefragilefragilefragile this morning;you must have had too much alcohol last nig

488、ht.A.A.A.A. weakweakweakweakB. drunkC. stressedD. Blank2 As she is allergicallergicallergicallergic to eggs,she cannot eat one without breaking into a rash.A.partialB.B.B.B. sensitivesensitivesensitivesensitiveC. accustomedD.relevant3 She still looks weak though her fever subsidedsubsidedsubsidedsub

489、sided after she took some medicine.A.caughtB.reduced C.C.C.C. camecamecamecame downdowndowndown D.got off4 Relations between the two countries began to deterioratedeterioratedeterioratedeteriorate in 1965.A.improve B.cease C.develop D.worsenD.worsenD.worsenD.worsen5 Economic activity has been organi

490、zed on the assumptionassumptionassumptionassumption of cheap and abundant oil fromthebeginning of the 20thcentury until the early 21stcentury.A.principle B.premiseB.premiseB.premiseB.premise C.theory D.notion6 AmidAmidAmidAmid the usual sound and fury,the main point may be lost;are the level and str

491、ucture of payproducing the kind of teachers the country needs?A.InA.InA.InA.In B.Between C.On D.At7 The government gave money to people to help buy homes outside of the cities.This system ofsubsidizedsubsidizedsubsidizedsubsidized housing caused many people to leave urban areas.A.invested B.provided

492、 C.sustained D.aidedD.aidedD.aidedD.aided8 The farm ministers from European countries scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxembougin hopes of easing the worldwide mad cow panicpanicpanicpanic.A.shock B.providedB.providedB.providedB.provided C.sustained D.aided9 In one scene of Modern Time,Charlie Cha

493、plin was shown trying desperatelydesperatelydesperatelydesperately to keep in timewith a rapid assembly line.A.pressingly B.extremely C.urgently D.hopelesslyD.hopelesslyD.hopelesslyD.hopelessly10 Owing to an acuteacuteacuteacute lack of lower-income housing,the municipal government is embarrassedby

494、the impressing housing issue.A.urgent B.graveB.graveB.graveB.grave C.stressful D.increasing11 The idea that machines could be made to fly seemed fantasticfantasticfantasticfantastic tow hundred years ago.A.original B.great C.eccentricC.eccentricC.eccentricC.eccentric D.terrificA A A A:Find an antony

495、m from the text for each of the following words.(同义词替换)1 simplicity _ complexity_2 domestic _ wild_3 deficiency _surplus_4 partially _indifferently_5 heavenly _earthly_6 deny _acknowledge_7 obscurely _ obviously/apparently_8 enlarge_diminish_9 natural _artificial _10 constructive _ destructive_奉献Gro

496、ups of bees work together to produce honey. Their great efforts are not selfish, however, as theamount of honey they produce is for an entire group rather than a single individual. The drawing above suggests that people should selflessly dedicate themselvesto their community as awhole. This spirit o

497、f dedication requires faith. Selfless hard work is an embodiment of responsibilityand strength. The health of nations requires a spirit of devotion. Chinese teachers, doctors and athletes who all workfor the benefit of their country, for example, aredevoting themselves regardless of fame or fortune.

498、They are dedicated to the society they live within. No matter what type of job one holds, one shouldwork hard and in earnest to improve ones community. The results of dedication, however, depend not only on ones willingness to give but also on onesability. If you are enthusiastic about devoting your

499、self to your country, but do not have the skills ittakes to do so, you cannot effect much change. The more competent, one is, the greater onescontribution. Therefore, it is essential that students focus on their studies and enhance their skills inorder to properly give back to society.AmbitonAmbitio

500、n is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. Itprovides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as JosephEpstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.”Indeed, onc

501、e we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful andspecifically orientated. This notion of life, as far asIobserve, is closest to truth and does apply toalmost all aspects of life.First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision y

502、ou make you haveto be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially asense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of theancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “Icame,Isaw,Iconquered.” And became a

503、nunrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition thataimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due timesecured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.In the second place, am

504、bition can bring ones potentials to the full. Ambition may well serve as acatalyst activating ones dormant potentials. Without ambition ones potentials will remain slumberinglike a dormant volcano.Acase in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambitionto be a useful person has

505、turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figurewhose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, theymay probably land on the moon.Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wronglydi

506、rected, ones ambition may bring havoc on him and others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquerEurope by whatever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost castEurope into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambitionwas to bec

507、ome the king of Scotland. However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of KingDuncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it mayruin others and ourselv

508、es.Apoet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can besad; life can even be painful. In my minds eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful andrewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.On AmbitionAfamous w

509、riter once said: “Being ambitious is like digging a hole under your feet. The deeper you go,the closer you are to the hell.”Lots of people including this writer believe that ambitious people will ruin the world. And they say thatambition is the most dangerous thing in the world. (It leads you to the

510、 hell!) Ive got 110 in a recentpsychology test, which meansIam very ambitious. According to that writer, I am much closer to thehell than those who got 60. So I should be feeling terrible: hot, cold, frightened, and regretted (for thedamageIdid to the world). But am I? No, Im feeling good. So I want

511、 to say thatItotally disagreewiththem1If a world without ambitious people will become as peaceful as heaven, then I dare say that this heavenis under developed.Even today, the society is still calling for ambition. Newspapers are flooded with the stories about howsome laid-off worker tried his/her b

512、est to make a living and is now boss of a company. Its ambitionthat stimulates hin/her to work hard. If he/she were not ambitious, he/she would probably sit back andlive on allowance. Recently, the government awarded several scientists and inventors. They have eithermade great discoveries or great i

513、nventions. They are no doubt ambitious people willing to dedicatetheir lives to their work. If they were not, they probably wouldnt have overcome so many difficulties.Thanks to their ambition, our country is developing faster and faster.Being ambitious is like digging a hole under your feet. Dig hard, then you will find water in a desert;oil under the sea; gold beneath the rock, and happiness in your life.


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