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1、Unit 1 1.电台热线电话radio phone-in 电台热线吸引了越来越多的人参与到讨论问题当中来。The radio phone-in attracted more people to take part in the discussion of the issue. 2. 彻头彻尾的虚伪姿态thoroughly hypocritical posture 他说他真的想要帮助穷人,但我们知道这只是他彻头彻尾的虚伪姿态。He said he really wanted to help the poor, but we knew it was a thoroughly hypocritic

2、al posture. 3. 被慷慨地赋予这些特性be more lavishly bestowed with these attributes 通常认为中国人诚实、努力,他们被慷慨的赋予这些特征。We usually think Chinese are honest and hardworking and are more lavishly bestowed with these attributes. 4. 露马脚 give the game away 她说她爱他,但她的眼神露了马脚。She said she loved him but her eyes gave the game awa

3、y. 5. 废除猎狐 abolish fox-hunting 现在越来越多的人想要废除猎狐。Now more and more people want to abolish fox-hunting. 1.在西方国家,拥抱是打招呼的一种方式。Giving a hug is a way of greeting in Western countries. 2. 我意识到他把我的沉默误解为生气。I realized that he had misinterpreted my silence as anger. 3. 你毕业后想从事什么职业?What profession would you like

4、to follow after your graduation? 4. 研究表明,81%以上的教师不满意自己的薪水。Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary. 5. 和朋友们一起看电影是非常令人愉快的事情。It s very agreeable to see a movie with friends. Unit 21.西湖的美因四季而不同,但总能吸引 游客( lose its grip on)The beautiful West Lake in different season

5、s never loses its grip on tourists. 2.很多热心人都在深切关注 著那走失孩子的命运(care about)Many warm- hearted citizens are caring deeply about the missing boys fate.3. 这首歌将在我们脑海里萦绕 数月。 (haunt) The song would haunt us for months. 4. 尽管我很快就 使他相信 我是清白的 , 但他从此却不把我当好朋友了。(convince) Although I so on convinced him of my innoce

6、nce, he doesnt regard me as good friend ever since. 5. 一次又一次的争吵最终导致 了这场打架。(culminate in )A series of quarrels culminated in the fight. 1. 你应该对你的行为感到十分羞愧。(be/feel ashamed of) You should feel downright ashamed of your actions. 2. 你跟她结婚是不现实的。3. It is not realistic for you to marry with her. 3. 她不愿意跟这个野

7、蛮的男人呆在一起。She is not willing to stay with the savage man. 4. 人们用水晶仿造钻石。People imitate diamonds with crystal.5.这盲孩一直幻想着自己有一双美丽的大眼睛。The blind girl always dreams up a pair of beautiful big eyes. Unit 3 1. 这个年龄的男孩喝酒合法吗?Is it legal for boys of that age to drink alcohol? 2 把她的电话号码记下来,以防忘记。Note down her tel

8、ephone number in case you forget 3. 在考试期间,学校里有一种压抑的氛围。There is a subdued atmosphere in the school at exam time 4. 每个人都对她的突然离开有点儿困惑不解。Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden departure. 5. 我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料。We spent days going through all related reference material. 1. stand in awe of 使人心生敬畏来自世界各地

9、的观光客敬畏的游览雄伟的长城。The tourists from all over the world stand in awe of the grandness of Great Wall. 2. as white as snow/sheet/wool/flour 洁白如雪 /惨白这种材质的纸,洁白如雪。The paper made from this material is as white as snow. 3. capture the worlds attention 令全世界瞩目中国人民最近几年所取得的辉煌成就令全世界瞩目。The fabulous achievements of C

10、hinese people in recent years have captured the worlds attention.4. make pale in comparison 相比之下黯然失色皇宫旅馆的美丽让其它宾馆黯然失色。The beauty of the Palace Hotel makes other hotels pale in comparison. 5. overwhelmed by the praises/compliments 好评如潮随着皇宫旅馆对公众的开放,好评如潮。As the Palace hotel opened its door to the public, it was overwhelmed by compliments.



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