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1、P1 环保型 - 灭菌消毒剂 D-125 Vaccine for the Surface 外用疫苗Disinfectant Products Redefining Clean 重新定义清洁的消毒剂产品世界市场占有率第一位H3N2 H5N1 H1N1 AIDS VIRUS NORO VIRUS HUMAN CORONA VIRUS 等 142 种有害菌杀灭消毒Microgen Formulations Microgen 配方Bring Clean to a Whole New Level with 142 Kill Claims 灭杀 142 种病毒,将清洁提升到一个全新高度P2 Microge

2、n Formulations Microgen 配方Bringing Clean to a Whole New Level with 142 Kill Claims 142 种杀毒应用将清洁提升到一个全新高度Microgens unique D-125 formulations is one of the most widely tested and effective disinfectant cleaners globally available, and one of the most used and trusted brands in the industry. The produc

3、t label is supported by more than 142 claims Microgen 独有的 D-125 配方,是一种在全球范围广泛测试过并且有效的消毒清洁剂,并且是这个行业中使用最多、最值得信赖的品牌。产品的标签支持多达142 种应用。An additional 62 claims are currently being tested. 还有更多 62 种应用目前正在测试中。?美国 EPA 登记可杀灭142 种细菌的世界唯一消毒产品?3M GE SWISHER NOVATIS ECOLAB COLGATE HOLLAND AMERICA LINE 等世界最高水准灭菌消毒

4、剂公司提供原料?拥有世界销售网络(美国加拿大欧洲亚洲联合国等)各项认证:P3 Disinfectant Products Redefining Clean 重新定义清洁的消毒剂产品D-125 Vaccine for the Surface 外用疫苗What is D-125? 什么是 D-125??Made in USA 美国制造 ( EPA 认证产品)在美国通过最严格的产品品质管理认证?Killing list ?灭杀清单- 在美国灭菌消毒剂不能再FDA认证而只有在EPA才可登记备案- 美国国家机关EPA对 142 种细菌病毒注册登记- 世界级公司3M GE SWISHER NOVARTIS

5、 ECOLAB 等国际知名企业生产消毒液时使用D-125 原液生产消毒产品销售?世界级微生物关联美国科学家Prince family 普林斯家族产品?(Herbert Prince, Daniel Prince, Robert Prince) (赫伯特 ?普林斯,丹尼尔?普林斯,罗伯特?普林斯)-经历 40 年科研发展遍及美国及全世界的超级灭菌产品灭菌消毒教科书执笔人Viral control and Transmission 病毒控制和传播父亲: Dr. Herbert Prince 罗伯特 ?普林斯医生儿子: Dr. Daniel Prince 丹尼尔 ?普林斯医生P4 世界级研究机关所选

6、择的产品研究机关为了安全经过了严格的审查消毒液处理细菌及致命性病毒时的效果,最终自身研究机关及研究员都采纳并使用的产品NOVARTIS 诺华公司采用D-125 的理由是因为Microgen 通报的信件Health, Safety however it is very contagious among birds and can be lethal for some domesticated birds, including chicken, ducks and turkeys. 禽流感,全名为鸟禽类流行性感冒,是一种通常携带在野禽胃中的病毒。禽流感有许多不同的变种,很容易在鸟类之间产生。一般情

7、况下,这些鸟并不会因为感染病毒而得病;但是禽流感在鸟类之间很容易传染,而且对于一些家禽是致命的,包括鸡、鸭和火鸡。Can people catch Avian flu ? 人会得禽流感吗?Avian flu viruses do not usually infect humans, although there have been a number of reported cases recently. When humans do become infected it is almost always the result of bird-to-human infection where t

8、here is direct or close contact with an infected bird. Human-to -human infection is very rare. 虽然这几年有不少报道的案例,但是通常禽流感通常并不会传染给人。已证实的人被传染禽流感的案例,几乎都是在人和感染病毒的禽类直接接触时,由禽类传染给人。人传染人的案例很少见。Why is there such a focus on Avian flu? 为什么要重点研究禽流感?Currently there is a strain of Avian flu, Avian influenza A (H5N1),

9、which is causing concern and has gained the attention of global health organizations and the media. This particular strain is extremely contagious and deadly among birds. Since mid-2004 there have been a number of outbreaks within bird populations in Asia countries including Tibet, China, Japan, Lao

10、s, South Korea, Indonesia, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russia (Siberia), Thailand, and Vietnam. Recently, outbreaks among migratory birds have been reported in Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt and Jordan. 最近有一种禽流感变种,名为甲型流感病毒(H5N1) ,已经造成各界关注,并引起世界各国卫生组织和媒体的关注。这种特定变种在鸟类之间传

11、播迅速并且很致命。自 2004 年中期到现在,在很多亚洲国家和地区的鸟类中爆发过这种病毒,包括西藏、中国、日本、老挝、韩国、印尼、柬埔寨、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、蒙古、俄罗斯(西伯利亚地区)、泰国和越南。最近,土耳其、罗马尼亚、克罗地亚、科威特、以色列、埃及和约旦等国曾报道在候鸟中爆发了这种病毒。If the Avian flu, including the H5N1 strain, rarely infects humans why is there such concern ? 如果包括H5N1 变种的禽流感很少会传染给人,为什么禽流感如此受关注?It is true that the H5

12、N1 does not usually infect humans, although recently there have been over 100 cases world-wide of humans contracting H5N1. The concern surrounding the H5N1 strain has to do not with the current H5N1 strain, but what it could become. This concern lies in the fact that all influenza viruses mutate. Tw

13、o different strains of virus, one human the other animal can join together in the human body and swap RNA and then mutate into a new stain all together. Because of this, the human flu that will infect millions this year is not the same virus which infected humans last year. It is because of this con

14、stant change in the flu viruses that flu vaccines are not always as effective year to year. When developing the latest flu vaccine scientist must try to anticipate how the human influenza viruses will change in order to develop a vaccine which will be effective against a strain which does not yet ex

15、ist. 确实,H5N1 通常并不会传染给人,尽管这几年在世界范围内出现超过100 多次人接触H5N1的案例。围绕 H5N1 变种的这些关注并不在H5N1 本身, 而是它有可能产生的变种。这种关注基于一个事实,那就是所有流感病毒都会发生变异。两种不同的病毒变种,一种是人类的,一种是动物的,可以在人体内结合并交换RNA ,然后变异成全新的病毒变种。正因为这样,今年传染数百万人的人流感和去年的流感并不是同一种病毒。这是因为,流感病毒会持续变化,而流感疫苗却不是常年有效。在开发最新的流感疫苗时,科学家必须试着预见人类流感病毒如何变化,以便开发出一种疫苗,对尚不存在的病毒变种有效。Has this h

16、appened in the past? 以前发生过禽流感吗?Yes, in the last 100 years there been three influenza pandemics. The following excerpt is taken from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website: (www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic/keyfacts.htm) 是的,在过去的100 多年中,发生过三次大流感。下面的内容摘自美国疾病控制中心(CDC)的网站:(www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic/keyfacts.htm) During the 20th century, the emergence of several new influenza A virus subtypes caused three pandemics, all of which spread around the world within a year of being detected. 在 20 世纪,一些新的甲



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