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1、城市公共交通管理系统设计与实现城市公共交通管理系统设计与实现学生姓名:xxx指导老师:xxx所在院系:xxx所学专业:xxx研究方向:xxxxxx 大 学xxxxxx月Bus line inquiry systemName: xxx Tutor: xxxCollege: xxxMajor: xxxDirection: xxxxxx UniversityxxxMay xxx城市公共交通管理系统设计与实现摘 要公交管理系统是城市道路交通的重要组成部分,是城市发展的必然产物,是联系国民 生活、社会生产和流通领域的关键环节。城市公交管理系统的发展处于一个较落后的水平, 人们可以获得信息的方式较少,为了

2、解决这种问题,提出了基于 JAVA 的城市公交查询系统。本文首先对公交管理系统的需求进行了分析,包括功能需求和非功能需求;接着介绍 了系统总体设计思路、方案选择和数据库设计;随后详细阐述了系统主要功能模块的实现 过程;最后给出系统的测试方案。本公交管理系统主要具有公交查询、用户管理和线路管 理功能。公交查询包括车次、站点、等方案的查询;后台车次管理功能主要是添加车次和 站点功能、更新车次和站点功能、删除车次和站点功能。本系统采用 JSP 技术,Oracle 构 建后台数据库。 本系统的使用在方便广大市民,提高市民乘车效率的同时,也为信息化技术在城市现 代化建设中,提供了有益的探索。关键词:关键

3、词:JSP;ORACLE;JDBC;公交管理城市公共交通管理系统设计与实现City public traffic management system AbstractPublic transport inquiry system is an important part in traffic and transportation domain, and its also the inevitable result of social economys development in urban areas. As an important part of urban transportation

4、 system, urban public transportation system is acting a key role in human living, in social production and in transportation domain .But the inquiry system of public transportation developments is in a comparatively backward level. The general passengers have less way to obtain the information. In o

5、rder to solve this kind of problem, an inquiry system of public transport based on JAVA is designed. This paper firstly analyzed the requirements of Transit management system, including functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Then introduces the comprehensive design of the system, s

6、ystem scheme selection and design of database. Then expounded the implementation process of the main functional modules of the system. Finally offers the test plan of the system. The public transport inquiry system includes bus enquiries, the bus number managing on the backstage and the consumer man

7、aging. The bus enquiries has included the inquiry of trips, sites, transfer and so on. The function of consumer message mainly collects suggestions from consumer to modify and perfect the system functions. The functions of bus number managing are mainly to add, update and delete the bus number and t

8、he station on the backstage. The system is based on JSP language and built by ORACLE database. Using the system is not just convenient for the general pubilc, improving work efficiency, but also provides beneficial exploration for the information technology modernization in the city.Keywords: JSP; O

9、RACLE; JDBC; Transit management城市公共交通管理系统设计与实现目 录摘 要.IAbstract.II1 前言.- 1 -2.1 研究背景.- 1 -2.2 意义.- 1 -2.3 现状.- 1 -2.4 研究内容.- 2 -2.5 开发环境.- 2 -2.6 本章小结.- 2 -3 系统需求分析.- 3 -3.1 系统调研.- 3 -3.2 系统目标.- 3 -3.3 系统的功能需求.- 3 -3.3.1 系统需求描述.- 3 -3.3.2 系统的功能.- 4 -3.4 系统非功能需求.- 4 -3.5 本章小结.- 5 -4 系统设计.- 6 -4.1 系统总体设计.- 6 -4.2 系统方案选择.- 7 -4.3 系统数据库设计.- 9 -4.3.1 数据库设计.


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