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1、 戲曲中蕭太后形象之虛實戲曲中蕭太后形象之虛實 李孟君 建國技術學院通識教育中心 摘要摘要 蕭太后諱綽,名燕燕,是遼景宗之皇后,北府宰相蕭思溫女。由於遼景宗身體孱弱, 她入宮不久便參與國事,聖宗即位之後,她攝位執政,總計統治大遼共約四十年。 面對朝中反對勢力的暗流及克紹先夫收復大宋的遺願,她展現了過人睿智及靈活的 外交手腕。澶淵之役,親御戎車,指麾三軍,賞罰信明,將士用命。在她的治理下, 大遼達到鼎盛時期,被譽為一代賢后。由於她是難得的女皇,而且一生頗為傳奇, 所以戲曲中頗多渲染她文治武功、感情世界的作品,呈現出她的多種樣貌。有的強 調她雄才大略、胸襟寬闊,有的強調她窮兵黷武、殘暴陰狠,形象差

2、距頗大。事實 上,她有文韜武略,但爭議也不小,如大權獨攬,遲遲不歸政於其子,而且在臨朝 主政的過程中,與她的兩個姐姐反目成仇,寵愛韓德讓而引來耳語。戲曲與歷史是 有差別的,雖然戲曲可以藝術的觀點加以渲染,但也不該離史實太遠,蕭太后的性 格是多面性的,將以上戲曲的形象綜合起來,就是一個完整的蕭太后形象。 關鍵字:戲曲、遼國、蕭太后、女性形象關鍵字:戲曲、遼國、蕭太后、女性形象 19 The Image Of The Queen Mother Shiaw TayHow In The Traditional Operal Lee, Meng-chun The Graduate Institute o

3、f Chinese Literature ABSTRACT The Queen mother Shiawtayhows name was Shianianian, she wasliaujiing tzongs empress. liaujiingtzongs is too week to govern the country, so The Queen mother Shiaw acted for her responsibilities. When Shenqtzong ascended the throne, she assumed the throne in place of the

4、legitimate ruler. She ruled The Liau country totally fourty years. The Queen mother Shiawtayhow faced the reactionaries and the aspiration to recover lost territory, She showed her high wisdom and flexible strategy. The CharnJuan battle, she personally to drive chariot and to direct three armies. Du

5、ring the period of her ruling, The Liau country had achived a great prosperity. But in the traditional opera, Shiawtayhow had a different image, Some emphasized her extremely capable and broadminded, Some emphasized that she was a warmonger. In fact, she was a successful ruler, but there were much d

6、isputes in her, for example, she centralized power in her hands to deal with major issues, and she fighted with her sisters. She doted on HarnDerRanq that caused some rumor. Traditional opera is different from history, it can color with paint, but can not far from historical truth. The Queen mother Shiawtayhows image was rich and color, If It can touch us, it would be a good traditional opera。 Key words:traditional opera, Shiawtayhow, The Liau country, woman image 20


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