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1、摘 要随着互联网时代的到来,传统的商业模式已发生了深刻改变,高效的电子商务系统已经开始被认为是现代企业制胜的法宝,电子商务的高效、安全、节约、全球化等诸多优点,能有效地提高企业在现代商业活动中的竞争力。网上购物系统是典型的 B/S 网络服务模式,属于 BTOC 电子商务类型。本文将简述网上数码商城系统项目起源、总体架构、设计思想、开发技术和网上数码商城系统后台管理模块详细设计及其实现技术。 本系统用 JSP 在网络上架构一个动态的电子商务网站,它是在 Window sXP 下,以 SQL Server 2000 为数据库开发平台,Tomcat 网络信息服务作 为应用服务器,采用 JSP(Jav

2、a Server Pages)技术开发的网上购物系统。他 分前台部分和后台部分,前台部分由用户使用,主要包括用户注册,购物车 管理,订单管理,个人资料管理等功能;后台部分由管理员使用,主要包括 商品管理,处理订单,用户信息管理等功能。建立后的网站系统是一个动态 、交互式、具有商品提供、系统管理、用户留言等功能的电子商务网站。关键词 JSP;购物车管理;网上购物;订单管理AbstractThis paper mainly discusses the realization of online Digital commercial city technology. With the advent

3、of the Internet era, the traditional business model has undergone profound changes, and efficient e-commerce system has begun to be considered a magic weapon for winning modern enterprise, e-commerce efficiency, security, economy, globalization, and many other advantages, can be effective to enhance

4、 their activities in the modern commercial competitiveness. Soon, there will be 60 per cent of the commercial activities in the operation of the Internet, you ready? Online Digital commercial city is a typical B / S mode network services belonging to B to C e-commerce types. This article will briefl

5、y online Digital commercial city Origin system, the overall architecture, design thinking, the development of technology and online Digital commercial city system management module background detail design and implementation techniques. The system is trying to use JSP in a dynamic network of e-comme

6、rce websites structure, which is in Windows XP, SQL Server 2000 for database development in platform, Tomcat application server as a network information services, use JSP (Java Server Pages) technology development online shopping system. Prospects and the background of some of his hours, the prospec

7、ts of users, including users registered, a shopping cart management, order management, personal information management, message board management functions; Background in part by managers, including commodity management, processing orders, customer information management, information management, and

8、other functions links.Keywords JSP shopping management Order management Online Digital commercial information.目 录摘要.I Abstract .II第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 课题背景.1 1.2 网上商城介绍.1 1.3 目的和意义.1 1.4 系统设计思想.2 1.5 本系统技术概述.2 1.5.1 JSP 动态网络技术与 Tomcat .3 1.5.2 Tomcat 中连接池机制 .3 1.5.3 JDBC 数据访问技术.4 第 2 章 可行性研究.5 2.1 业务流程图.5 2.2 市场可行性分析.6 2.3 经济可行性分析.6 2.4 技术可行性.7 2.5 运行可行性.72.6 本章小结.8 第 3 章 需求分析.9 3.1 需求分析概述.9 3.1.1 需求分析的过程.9 3.1.2 需求层次.10 3.2 本系统的需求分析.10 3.2.1 数据流图.11 3.2.2 数据字典.12 3.3 本章小结.14 第 4 章 总体设计.15 4.1 总体设计过程


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