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1、摘摘 要要长信大厦是为了满足公差旅游、休闲、外出的需要,而为旅客提供住宿、参观、社交、娱乐等多种服务,位于湖南省沅江市繁华地段的一座多功能建筑。建筑面积为 12943.9m2, 本建筑最高层为八层,建筑高度为 33.50m。该建筑地下一层为车库、配电室、水泵房、设备间等,室内地面标高为-3.50m;地上八层,一层为商铺,层高为 6.0m;二层为茶艺大厅和包房,层高为 5.0m;三层为厨房、包房和餐厅,层高为 5.0m;四、五层为客房、会议室、办公室,层高为 3.0m;六、七层为客房、会议室,层高为 3.0m;八层为多功能大厅和仓库,层高为 3.0m;具体布置如工程图纸所示。水源由市政给水管网提


3、成本较低;各热水使用场所不必设置加热装置,占用总建筑面积较少;使用较为方便舒适。本设计排水系统采用生活污水和生活废水合流排放,地下室污水采用单独排出,多根排水立管在建筑物顶部共用伸顶通气立管。雨水系统 采用外排水系统,设单斗雨水立管,雨水斗采用 87 型,材料为塑料。关键词:关键词:给水系统;消火栓系统;自动喷淋灭火系统;热水系统;排水系统;雨水系统。IAbstractJinTian Building is located in the downtown area of Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province. It is multi-functional, which

4、can provide passengers with accommodation, sight-seeing, social service, entertainment and other services so as to meet passengers requirements in their business travel, leisure travel and etc. The 33.50-meter high building has 8 floors and it covers 12943.9m2. The first floor underground is used as

5、 garage, switchgear room, water pump room, and equipment room etc. The floor elevation is -3.50m. For the 8 floors above ground, the first floor is shopping mall. The floor height is 6.0m. The second floor is designed as tea rooms and private rooms, 6.0m high. The third floor is used as kitchen, pri

6、vate rooms and restaurant, 5.0m high. The fourth and the fifth floors are used as guest rooms, meeting rooms and office rooms, 3.0m high. The sixth and the seventh floors are used us guest rooms and meeting rooms, 3.0m high. The eighth floor is multi-functional hall and warehouse, 3.0m. Please see t

7、he detailed layout as in the engineering drawing. Water is supplied by municipal water supplying network, with yearly average pressure 0.3Mpa. The water supply system is designed as zone water supply. The low zones are from the first floor underground to the third floor above ground. The high zones

8、are from the fourth floor above ground to the eighth floor above ground. Water supply for both the low zones and the high zones are by water pump and water tank. Fire control system adopts the combination of the fire hydrant system and the automatic spray firefighting system. For the fire hydrant sy

9、stem, the pipes are set as rings; two water pump adapters are set outside of the building. When there is not enough water, water can be supplied by firefighting trucks through water pump adapters. For the automatic spray firefighting system, independent automatic wet pipe sprinkler system is adopted

10、. This system can extinguish fire in time, and is of high efficiency. But there are disadvantages in this system. Since when the confined water in the pipe network leaks, it will affect and damage the building. IIBecause of the functions of the building, centralized hot water supply is adopted. Devi

11、ces and equipments can be heated at the same time, which makes maintenance and management easy. The heating equipment is of high efficiency and the cost of hot water is low. Heating devices and equipments do not have to be set where hot water is needed. It can thus save place and make it convenient

12、to use.For the water drainage system, it is designed as combined sewage and waste water discharge. The waster water in the underground floor of the building is discharged separate with water in other floors. For each vertical draining pipe, vent stack is set at the top of the building. For the storm

13、 water system, outside storm system is adopted. There is single rain strainer, and it is “87” type. The material is plastic.Key words: water supply system, fire hydrant system, automatic spray firefighting system, hot water system, water drainage system, storm water system.III目目 录录摘要摘要.IAbstractAbstract.II 第第 1 1 章章 工程概况工程概况.11.1 设计依据.11.2 原始材料.11.3 设计内容.1第第 2 2 章章 室内给水系统室内给水系统.32.1 给水方式的选择.32.2 给水系统的分区.82.2.1 给水系统竖向分区的必要性 .82.2.2 给水系统竖向分区的要求 .82.2.3 本建筑给水竖向分区 .82.3 室内给水系统组成.82.4 给水管道设备安装要求.82.5 增压设备及其构筑物.9第第 3 3 章章 室内外消防系统室内外消防系统.103.1 消火栓给水系统.103.1.1 消火栓给水系统说明 .


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