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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福阅读长难句详解120句(12)-智课教育旗下智课教育本文和大家分享的是托福阅读长难句精选400句(12),正在进行 托福阅读备考的学生可以一起来看看文中解析的句子,希望能给大家的 托福考试带来帮助。 托福阅读长难句历来是阅读的难点,想要攻克长难句必须注意在平 时进行积累。这次为大家整理了托福阅读 长难句详解120句,对每个句 子的结构都进行了详细解析,本文带来的是56-60,大家可以在备考中 进行学习。 56.In addition to having to be a generalist while specializing in what may se

2、em to be a narrow field,the researcher is faced with the problem of primary materials that have little or no documentation. (what引导的从句作specializing in的宾语) 除了在专攻似乎是一个狭窄领域时不得不成为多面手以外,研究人 员还面临着关于原始材料的文献很少或者根本没有这一问题。 分句1:in addition to 分句2:what may seem 分句3:the researcher is分句4:that has little 1和2嵌套 1和3

3、并列 3和4嵌套 57.Moreover,the degree to which cones are naturally slightly open or tightly closed helps determine which bill design is the best. (句子主干是the degreehelps determine,从句to which cones are naturally slightly open or tightly closed作degree的定语) 而且球果自然地轻微开口或紧紧关闭的程度有助于确定哪种喙的设 计是最好的。58.It was she,a Ba

4、ltimore printer,who published the first official copies of the Declaration,the first copies that included the names of its signers and therefore heralded the support of all thirteen colonies. (It waswho为强调句;the first copies为前面the first official copies的同位语) 就是她,一位巴尔的摩的印刷商,出版了独立宣言的最早的官 方版本,即包括独立宣言签署者名

5、字并因此预告所有13个殖民地的 支持的早期版本。 分句1:it was 分句2:who publish 分句3:the first 1和2嵌套 2和3嵌套 59.By comparison with these familiar yardsticks,the distances to the galaxies are incomprehensibly large,but they too are made more manageable by using a time calibration,in this case the distance that light travels in one

6、 year.与这些熟悉的尺度相比,到太空的距离远得难以理解,但它们也通 过使用一个时间的标尺而变得更加容易对付了,在这种情况下是光在一 年内走过的距离。 分句1:the distance 分句2:but they too 分句3:that 1和2并列 2和3嵌套 60.The primary reason was skepticism that a railroad built through so challenging and thinly settled a stretch of desert,mountain,and semiarid plain could pay a profit. (that引导的从句作skepticism的同位语) 主要原因是存在一种怀疑主义,人们怀疑途经如此富于挑战性、人 口稀疏的大片沙漠、山脉和半干旱平原的一条铁路能否获得利润。分句1:the primary 分句2:that a railroad 1和2嵌套 以上是本期为大家带来的托福阅读长难句详解120句(12),阅读除 了句型之外还要注意词汇,希望大家在不断的坚持中提升自己的阅读能 力,最后智课教育祝大家都能取得理想的托福考试 成绩。


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