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1、新视野第三册 6 单元测试(含答案)Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) (Each item: 3) Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.The cost of helping someone with AIDS drugs

2、 is high. Pills cost a lot of money. In Africa, AIDS drugs may cost more than a person makes in one year. At the same time, some American hospitals throw away a lot of pills. One man, named Lee Wildes, didnt think this was fair, so he decided to do something about it. Wildes lives in a small apartme

3、nt in San Francisco. Every month, he sends AIDS drugs, which wouldve been thrown away, to Africa. His act of kindness has not been noticed much in his home country. In Africa though, he is well known. Many people in Africa send him e-mails, asking him for the medicine they need. Lee was a nurse. He

4、knows that drugs worth of millions of dollars are thrown away. Five years ago he learned he was sick with HIV. Following this discovery, he took a vacation to Africa and saw many people there with AIDS. His visit caused him to begin sending drugs to Africa. Lee talks with doctors in Africa by mail,

5、e-mail and telephone. With their help, he has gotten the names and addresses for a hundred people in six African countries. He fills the pill orders and he records what pills he sends to them. He even returns to Africa, once a year, to see the people hes helping. Giving left over drugs away is again

6、st the law, as is giving out drugs without a license. However, it is not likely hell be taken to court for his kindly efforts. People who have discovered his actions have not caused problems for him. They know that 25 million Africans are sick with AIDS, and they dont want to prevent him from helpin

7、g. 1. Why arent more Africans taking AIDS drugs?A. They dont want to take something that was thrown away.B. They dont think that the drugs work.C. They cant work when taking them.D. They dont have enough money.2. What does Wildes do every month?A. Mail medicines to Africa.B. Take a trip to Africa.C.

8、 Throw away AIDS drugs.D. Send e-mails to Africans.3. What did Wildes learn five years ago?A. Drugs are thrown away.B. He has AIDS.C. Africans need drugs.D. Hospitals are not fair.4. With whom does Wildes have phone conversations?A. A San Francisco nurse.B. 100 sick Africans.C. American doctors.D. A

9、frican doctors.5. What do people think of Wildes actions?A. They think he shouldnt break the law.B. They think he is doing good work.C. They think he will be taken to court.D. They think he is prevented from helping.1.D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. BQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.I d

10、ont have a strong village feeling. There is a little pub and that is where most people go, although I tend to avoid it. The village always wants to know what you are doing and if you dont have too much contact with it in the pub, then they dont learn too much. I just keep them guessing. The new peop

11、le want a great community center. People who have just arrived in a village always want to do something in it or to it. What exactly they are going to have in this center I dont know. They keep talking about amenities (公共设施). I suppose they mean a car-park and a big smart room. The young village peo

12、ple dont want this. When their work is over they want to go off in their cars to the bright lights of Ipswich. The new people are often just kidding themselves that they are real village people. They dont just want to be accepted; they really want to take over the traditions. This is why they have c

13、ome to live in a village. They want to do things for the village and it is all very exhausting if you happen to be an old villager and you just want to be left alone. What I cannot understand is why a person who has got the wit (才智) to make enough money to come and live comfortably in the country, a

14、nd have a centrally-heated house and a car, should want to put on entertainment in a hut (小屋). These people are just playing at village lifekidding themselves that they are genuine country folk. They wear us out. When their work is done they want to play in the village and when our work is done we w

15、ant to play outside it. I suppose that sums it up. 6. We can learn from this passage that the writer _.A. doesnt learn about what village people are doingB. tells the other village people about the pubC. never tells people anything about himselfD. doesnt often go to the village pub7. According to th

16、e passage, the young village people _.A. want their pleasure outside the villageB. dont like going to the community centerC. dont like the new peopleD. want to see the latest group in the village8. In the writers opinion, the new people _.A. want to get rid of the old ways of the villageB. want to be left alone by people in the villageC. know that they arent accepted by people in the villageD. do things that change the villag


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