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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料用托福口语聊聊书籍那点事-智课教育旗下智课教育用托福口语聊聊书籍,用托福口语聊聊书籍那点事 本文和大家分享的是用托福口语聊聊书籍那点事,正在准备托福口 语考试的学生可以一起来看看下面的介绍,希望能对大家的托福考试成 绩提高有所帮助! 托福口语考试中读书类话题是最常见的一种,那么面对书籍类的新 托福口语话题时,如何表达才能说出自己的新意和特色呢?智课教育考 试为大家收集两个关于书籍话题的托福口语模板,希望能给大家提供一 定的借鉴。 A book I think is most useful. The book Im going to talk about is

2、The Art of War written by a Chinese strategist named Sunwu. Its magic power has attracted many people due to its everlasting wisdom. Originally this book was mainly used to help commanders to win victories in wars. Now the strategies in the book have been applied in fields of business, politics, man

3、agement, etc. I have learned a lot of useful experiences and strategies from it which have benefited me a lot. For example, I have learned how to cope with complex issues in interpersonal communication. Besides, this book also helps me know a lot about the society at that time and thus form a compre

4、hensive view of Chinese history. Which one do you prefer? Magazine, novel or poem? Well, I prefer poem. A poem is usually quite short but it contains a lot of great things, such as the philosophical principles and the elegant style of expressions as well as the rich feelings. I find it is an enjoyme

5、nt of beauty to read poems. I like both Chinese poems and English poems. In fact I can recite many classical Chinese poems and this benefits me a lot. These edifying poems have improved my mind and have made me understand many things such as how to raise my moral level and how to contribute to my country. Those principles and thoughtsunderlying the poems have been deeply rooted in my mind. Also, in many cases I can use a sentence of a poem to express my feelings and ideas. 以上就是关于书籍话题的托福口语模板介绍,希望能帮助大家打开 一些新托福口语的展开思路,托福口语要想拿到高分,多练习、多借鉴 、多积累都是必不可少的。


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