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1、贸大单词短语Ombudsman 申诉专员Omnibus account 客户汇集综合账户on-exchange transaction 场内交易Options contract 期权合约order 命令Ordinary member 普通成员Other collateral 其它抵押品out-of-the-money amount 价外值Overseas company 海外公司Overseas stock market 海外证券市场Panel member 上诉委员parties 各方party 当事一方Percentage figure 百分率数字Percentage level 百分率水

2、平performance 执行Period of insurance 保险期Permanent identity card 永久性居民身分证Person under investigation 受调查人Physically settled equity derivatives实物结算股本衍生工具Pilot programme 试验计划Pilot programme market maker 试验计划庄家Pilot programme securities 试验计划证券portfolio 投资组合possession 管有Prescribed country 订明国家Prescribed eve

3、nt 订明事件Prescribed fee 订明费用Prescribed gain 订明收益Prescribed limit 订明上限Prescribed manner 订明方式Prescribed purpose 订明目的Prescribed requirement 订明规定Presenting Officer 提控官Primary stabilizing action 基本稳定价格行动principal 主事人Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data私隐专员proceedings 研讯程序Professional accountant 专业会计师Prof

4、essional investor 专业投资者Prohibited person 受禁制人士property 财产prospectus 招股章程public 公众;大众Public announcement 公开宣告purchase 买;购买Qualified corporation 合资格法团Qualified lender 合资格借出人Qualified overseas scheme合资格海外计划Qualified shares 合资格股份Qualifying client 合资格客户Qualifying credit rating 合资格信贷评级Qualifying debt secu

5、rities合资格债务证券Ranking liabilities 认可负债recipient 接收人Reckless misrepresentation 罔顾实情的失实陈述Recognized certificate 认可证书Recognized certification authority认可核证机关Recognized clearing house 认可结算所Recognized counter party 认可对手方Recognized exchange company 认可交易所Recognized exchange controller 认可控制人Recognized future

6、s market 认可期货市场Recognized investor compensation company认可投资者赔偿公司Recognized occupational retirement scheme认可职业退休计划Recognized stock market 认可证券市场record 纪录Redeemable shares 可赎回股份Register of companies 公司登记册Register of directors and chief executives Interests and short positions董事及最高行政人员权益及淡仓登记 册Register

7、 of interests in shares and short positions股份权益及淡仓登记册registered 注册Registered company 注册公司Registered institution 注册机构Registrar of Companies 公司注册处处长registration 注册Regulated activity 受规管活动Regulated function 受规管职能Regulated investment agreement 受规管投资协议Regulated person 受规管人士regulations 规例Regulatory body 规

8、管机构Related assets 有连系资产Relevant agreement 有关协议Relevant authority 有关当局;监管当局Relevant authorized automated trading services有关认可自动化交易服务Relevant communication 有关通讯Relevant condition 有关条件Relevant contract 有关合约Relevant contravention 违例事件Relevant corporation 相关法团Relevant date 有关日期Relevant event 有关事件Relevant

9、 exchange company 有关交易所公司Relevant information 有关消息Relevant market 有关市场Relevant offer 有关要约relevant office-holder 有关人员Relevant overseas market 有关境外市场Relevant period 有关期间Relevant property 有关财产Relevant provisions 有关条文Relevant recognized exchange controller 相关认可控制人Relevant recognized market 有关认可市场Relevan

10、t securities 有关证券Relevant share capital 有关股本Relevant shares 有关股份Relevant time 有关时间remittance 转付remuneration 报酬Repealed Ordinance 已废除条例Repealed Securities Rules 已废除的证券规则report 报告Reportable matter 须报告事项Reportable position 须申报的持仓量Reporting currency 申报货币Reporting day 申报日Reporting period 申报期representatio

11、n 陈述representative 代表Repurchase transaction 回购交易Required liquid capital 规定速动资金Required liquid capital deficit 规定速动资金短欠数额respondent 答辩人Responsible officer 负责人员review 复核Rights issue 供股Risk Management Committee 风险管理委员会Rolling balance cash client 滚存结余现金客户rules 规章ruling 裁定SAAC see Securities Analysts Ass

12、ociation of ChinaSAC see Securities Association of China, TheSAFE see State Administration of Foreign ExchangeMainland ChinaSASAC see State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration CommissionSBLA see securities borrowing and lending agreementSCCLR see Standing Committee on Company Law ReformSCEFI

13、 see Steering Committee on the Enhancement of Financial Infrastructure, TheSCORE see Stock Options Reference EducatorSCP see Self Clearing ParticipantSEAQ see Stock Exchange Automated Quotations SystemUKSEAQI seeStock Exchange Automated Quotations System for International EquitiesUKSEATS see Stock E

14、xchange Alternative Trading ServiceUKSEC see Securities and Exchange CommissionUSSEHK see Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, TheSEIS see Stock Exchange Information Services LimitedSEOCH see SEHK Options Clearing House Limited, TheSESDAQ see Stock Exchange of Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotati

15、on SystemSFC see Securities and Futures Commission, TheSFATsee Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal2015 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题育明状元学员回忆一.词汇翻译(30 分)英译汉:从 10 个 terms 里面挑 5 个 translate and define them briefly in Chinese (共 15分,一个 3 分)1 added value tax增值税增值税是以商品(含应税劳务)在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。从计税原

16、理上说,增值税是对商品生产、流通、劳务服务中多个环节的新增价值或商品的附加值征收的一种流转税。实行价外税,也就是由消费者负担,有增值才征税没增值不征税。2 annual financial report年度财务报告年度财务报告是指年度终了对外提供的财务报告。通常将半年度,季度和月度财务报告统称为中期财务会计报告。年度财务报告作为综合反映企业单位年末财务状况、全年经营成果和现金流量的报告,在沟通企业单位管理层与财务会计报告使用者之间起着十分重要的桥梁作用。3 bull market牛市,旺市;多头市场。牛市,旺市指交易旺盛的市场形势,和“淡市相对。多头市场又称买空市场,是指股价的基本趋势持续上升时形成的投机者不断买进证券,需求大于供给的市场现象。4 law of diminishing marginal returns边际收益递减规律又称边际效益递减规律,或边际产量递减规律,指在短期生产过程中,在其他条件不变(如技术水平不变)的前提下,增加某种生产要素的投入,当该生产要素投入数量增加到一定程度以后, 增加一单位该要素所带来的效益增加量是递减的,边际收益递



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