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1、新农村建设中乡村治理机制研究以阿瓦提县为例 I摘摘 要要全面建设社会主义新农村,是党中央国务院重视加强“三农”工作的又一重大举措,也是各级党委政府工作的重点。新疆南疆少数民族地区,经济发展水平相对较低,思想观念和科学文化水平相对落后,贫困发生率高,这些情况都决定了南疆少数民族地区的新农村建设不同于其它地区。新农村建设在扩大农村基层民主、搞好村民自治、发挥农民主体作用,使村民自治组织充满活力等方面具有重大意义。它不但要求基层政府民主管理乡村事务,而且通过改革理顺县、乡(镇) 、村之间的权力关系,使乡镇政府的权力、责任、能力达到行政上的均衡状态,使村委会成为名副其实的村民自治组织。文章通过分析阿瓦

2、提县乡村治理机制的运行困境及原因,阐述了在新农村建设背景下对阿瓦提县乡村治理机制进行改革的必要性,并提出了阿瓦提县乡村治理机制的改革思路。关键词关键词: : 新农村建设新农村建设 乡村治理乡村治理 改革改革新农村建设中乡村治理机制研究以阿瓦提县为例 IIAbstractBuilding new rural areas of socialism is another significant measure committed by State Council of the Central Committee of the Party and State Department paying att

3、ention to reinforcing “three agriculture “ jobs ,it is a focus of the governments and Party committees of all levels. Southern Xinjiang areas,inhabited by the minority nationalities , has a relatively lower level of economic development, the notion and scientific and cultural level have fallen behin

4、d relatively ,so it is very poor , these conditions have all decided that rural construction southern Xinjiang areas inhabited by the minority nationalities is to be unlike other areas.ew rural construction lies to expanding rural areas democracy at the grassroots level ,and to doing well in self-go

5、vernance among villagers , bringing the peasants into play,and to making self-governing organization of the villagers be full of a vigour ,which is of great importance. It not only demands grass-roots democratic governments managing country affairs and put authority relations between the county , co

6、untryside (town) , village in order by reforming ,but also makes authority , capacity and duties of the villages and towns government reach balance, and makes the village committee become self-governing organization of the villagers true to selfs name. New rural construction contains political、econo

7、my、culture and society target the thesis has has expounded the necessity to reform rural -governed mechanism under the background of New rural construction by analysing the A Wa T County countrys difficult positions and causes ,It has suggested train of thoughts of reformation :Reinforce rural area

8、democracy and encourage democratic participation , perfect self-governance among villagers governing a pattern, push forward “villages and towns rebuilding “ , construct benefit -expressing mechanism actively, the upkeep country public stability unites , construct service-typed government, center on

9、 boosting the country developing, push forward country industrialization actively and city and town-rization.key words: new rural construction the country governing The peasant reform新农村建设中乡村治理机制研究以阿瓦提县为例 III目录目录中文摘要IIIAbstract.II第 1 章绪论.11.1 选题的背景及研究的意义.11.2 国内相关研究综述及本文的切入点.41.3 研究方法与结构.51.3.1 研究方法

10、.51.3.2 论文结构.61.3.3 技术路径.6第 2 章 社会主义新农村建设背景下阿瓦提县乡村治理机制进行改革的必要性.72.1 社会主义新农村建设的宏观背景和总体思路.72.2 乡村治理机制的发展历程及作用考察.8第 3 章 阿瓦提县目前社会主义新农村建设现状及现行乡村治理机制的运行困境.113.1 研究区概述.113.2 村民自治的运行困境.123.3 乡镇基层政权难以推动有效治理.143.4 乡村关系、县乡关系难以理顺.16第 4 章 现行乡村治理运行困境产生的原因.174.1 村民委员会与乡镇政权及村党支部的冲突.174.2 农村基层干部队伍队伍激励保障机制建设不健全.194.3 乡镇政权难以吸引优秀的乡村治理人才.20第 5 章 阿瓦提县社会主义新农村建设的目标及乡村治理体系.215.1 社会主义新农村建设应坚持的理论基础.



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