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1、基于 STM32 的双馈感应风力发电系统的研究基于 STM32 的双馈感应风力发电系统的研究摘 要风力系统的开发和利用是世界新能源研发的重点和热点,风力机是对风能 进行捕获的装置,是整个系统重要的能量来源,对风能“追捕”的效果直接影 响着整个系统的效率。而捕获后的风能需要通过电机将能量转换成可供人类使 用的电能,因此对电机的选择也是至关重要的。现在风力系统中大多使用双馈 电机进行能量的转换,双馈电机可以根据风速调节自身转子侧三相电的频率、 幅值、相位,大大提高了对风能的利用效率,并且可以对有功无功进行调节, 提高了输入电网电能的质量,减小了并网冲击。 本文通过对风机系统的研究,对最大风能追踪系

2、统进行研究,并根据风速 的不同,根据不同风速对风能进行相应的利用,对系统的离网和并网控制进行 了研究,其中并网后的控制方式有转速调节和功率调节两种控制方式。并建立 了双馈电机的数学模型,通过数学推导,将数学模型进行简化最终通过对转子 电流的控制,对发电机进行有功、无功调节。无位置传感器是未来位置检测技 术发展的趋势,本文通过定转子的电流、电压的瞬时值对电机的位置进行估算。本文通过对风力机进行了建模,并对最大风能追踪系MATLAB/Simulink统进行了建模与仿真,并对双馈电机并网前空载运行进行了建模与仿真,对并 网后的转速闭环控制和功率闭环控制进行了仿真。并对本文提出的电流、电压 位置观测法

3、,对电机的位置观测进行了仿真。并对空间矢量控制进行了建模与 仿真。最后建立了实验平台,通过公司的为核心控制器,一TISTM32F103RB 台由直流电机拖动的双馈电机、通过双功率变换器对电机实现变速恒频PWM 控制。关键词关键词 双馈电机;无位置传感器;功率调节;矢量控制;变速恒频Double-fed induction wind power generation system based on STM32 researchAbstractDevelopment and use of wind energy systems in the world is the new R & D focus

4、 and hot ,wind turbine is a wind energy capture device, He is an important source of energy for the entire system, wind energy “hunt“ effect directly affects the efficiency of the entire system. And after capture wind energy through the motor is converted into electrical energy for human use, Theref

5、ore, the choice of the motor is also essential. Now wind systems mostly use DFIG for energy conversion, Depending on the wind speed DFIG to adjust their side of the three-phase electrical rotor frequency, amplitude and phase, will greatly enhance its efficiency in the use of wind energy, and active

6、and reactive power can be adjusted,and improve the quality of electricity fed into the grid,and reducing the impact on the grid.By studying the fan system, for maximum wind energy tracking system to study, and depending on the wind speed,depending on the wind speed wind turbine could be adjusted acc

7、ordingly, For off-grid systems and grid controls were studied, After which the control grid has speed control and power conditioning control modes. And a mathematical model of DFIG,through mathematical deduction, The mathematical model can be simplified by controlling the final rotor current, For ge

8、nerators active and reactive power regulation.No position sensor location detection technology is the future trend of development, this paper to estimate the position of the motor stator and rotor by the instantaneous value of current and voltage. Based on the wind turbine is modeled, and the maximu

9、m MATLAB/Simulinkwind energy tracking system modeling and simulation, And doubly-fed machine and network load operation carried out before the modeling and simulation, and closed- loop control of speed and power after the closed-loop control network simulation. The proposed position and observation

10、by current and voltage, Observations on the location of the motor simulation. And space vector control modeling and simulation. Finally, the establishment of an experimental platform, TIs chips as STM32F103RBthe core controller, DFIG by a DC motor drag, dual power converter by the motor to achieve V

11、SCF control.Keywords Doubly-Fed Induction Generator, speed sensorless, power regulation, vector control,variable-speed constant-frequency目 录摘 要.II Abstract .III第 1 章 绪论 .1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 .1 1.2 风力发电技术概述及其发展现状 .2 1.2.1 直驱式风力发电机的特点 .3 1.2.2 双馈异步风力发电机 .3 1.3 双馈式风力发电机的特点及优势 .4 1.3.1 双 PWM 的拓扑结构.4 1.3.2 位置检测技术 .5 1.4 研究意义及所做工作 .6 第 2 章 双馈风力发电系统及其控制策略 .8 2.1 风力机的特性 .8 2.2 双馈电机变速恒频运行的原理 .11 2.2.1 双馈电机的特性 .11 2.2.2 变速恒频系统的运行原理 .12 2.3 并网前双馈电机发电系统控制方式研究 .12 2.3.1 空载并网方式 .132.3.2 带负载



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