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1、At the Bank 银行服务 脱口而出 What is the procedure for opening an account? 开户要办什么手续? Is there any minimum for the first deposit? 有最低起存存款额吗? Heres your bankbook. Please remember your code number and keep it secret. 这是您的存折。请记住您的密码,并且保密。 I want to deposit some money into my account. 我想在我的账户上存点儿钱。 Can I inquir

2、e about the balance of my checking account? 我可以了解一下我的支票账户上有多少钱吗? Whats the interest rate for the savings account? 储蓄存款的利率是多少? Term deposits bear a higher rate of interest than current accounts do. 定期存款利率比活期存款利率高。 Do you want to withdraw all money from your account? 您想把账户上的钱全部取出来吗? Im sorry. The code

3、 number doesnt coincide with the one you gave us when you opened your account. 很抱歉,密码与您开户时的密码不一致。 Im expecting a remittance from Sydney. Has it arrived? 我在等一笔由悉尼汇来的款项,到了吗? 对答如流 Dialogue One May I help you? 需要帮忙吗? Yes, I want to put some money in the fixed account. What is the interest rate of the ac

4、count? 是的,我想存定期。请问定期储蓄的利率是多少? The interest rate of a fixed account varies with the amount and the maturity period. What amount and for how long are you thinking of depositing? 定期储存的利率是根据存款的金额和存期决定的。您想存多少钱?存多久? Im interested in a twelve-month deposit, and I want to deposit 5,000 yuan. 我想就存一年,存 5000 元

5、。 In that case, the interest rate is one point six four percent per annum. 这样的话,是年利率 1.64%。 All right. Here is the money. 好的,给你钱。 Thank you. Would you please give me your identity card? 谢谢。请给我您的身份证。 OK. Here you are. 好的,给你。 Dialogue Two May I help you? 我能为您做些什么? I want t deposit some money in my acc

6、ount. 我想在我的账户上存些钱。 How much do you want to deposit in your account? 您想存多少? 600 yuan. 600 元。 Well, please write down your account number, your name and the account on the deposit slip. 好的,请在存款单上写明您的账号、姓名以及存款金额。 Here you are. Is that all right? 给你。这样行吗? Fine. Would you please give me your passbook? 很好

7、。请把存折给我。 Here are the passbook and the cash. 给您存折和现金。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Dialogue Three What can I do for you, sir? 我能为您做什么事,先生? Ive got a matured certificate of time deposit here. Can I get it out today, please? 我这里有一张到期的定期存款单。我今天可以取出来吗? Certainly. Would you please fill in this withdraw slip? 当然可以。请填一下

8、这张提款单好吗? OK. 好的。 May I have your certificate and your ID, please? 请把您的存款单和身份证给我好吗? Here you are. 给你。 50, 000 yuan, right? 50 000 元,对吗? Thats right. 是的。 Here is your money and your ID. Please check it. 这是您的钱和身份证,请检查。 Thank you. 谢谢。 You are welcome. 不用客气。 Dialogue Four Is there anything I can do for y

9、ou? 有什么能帮忙的吗? Yes, Ive come to inquire about my remittance form Shanghai. Has it arrived? 是的,我是来查询一笔从上海来的汇款,已经到了吗? Whats your name, please? 请问您叫什么? My name is Wang Ming. 王明。 One moment, please. Im sorry, sir. But the remittance does not appear to have arrived yet. 请稍侯。对不起,先生,您的汇款还没有到。 How long does

10、it take for the remittance to arrive here? 汇款一般要多久才能到? That depends. If the money was sent by cable, it would take about one or two days. But if it was sent by airmail, it would take at least one week. 那要视情况而定。如果是电汇,要一两天时间,但如果是信汇的话,至少要一个星期。 Well, then Ill come again tomorrow. 好的,那我明天再来。 Or would you

11、 like us to phone you when the money arrives? 要不钱寄到时,我们打电话通知您好吗? That would be very kind of you. 您真是太好了。 Would you please tell me your phone number so that well ring you up as soon as the remittance arrives? 您能否把电话号码告诉我,以便汇款一到就可以给您打电话。 My number is 80482746. 我的电话号码是 80482746。 OK. Good-bye. 好的,再见。 Th

12、ank you. Good-bye. 谢谢您,再见。 出口成章 外汇 An exchange rate is a price of foreign currency. Just like any other piece, it is determined by the demand for the particular currency and the supply of that currency. The domestic demand for a foreign currency arises out of the need higher to pay bills for imports

13、 from that country or the desire to make financial investments in that country. The domestic supply of the foreign currency arises from receipts for exports to the country or from investments by the country. 外汇就是外币的价格,与其他商品价格一样,也是由市场对该货币的需求和供应所决定的。会因为需要支付从某国进口商品的账单或者希望在某国进行金融投资而增加国内对该国货币的需求,也会因为对某国的出口所得或该国前来投资而增加该国货币对国内的供应。


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