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1、有用句型第一段:介绍自己的观点和立场(1) 、A 和 B 观点进行比较支持 A 1、From my point of view, it is more advisable/sagacious (有洞察力的)to choose A rather than B. 2、When it comes to _, tradition has it that _. Nevertheless (然而,不过), in my part, I prefer A rather than B as my inclination. (提出新观点)3、At the risk of address the issue too

2、 direct, the advantage of A always outweighs that of B. 4、As far as I am concerned, I have a preference for A over B. 5、In most cases, the most difficult decision for A is that whether to realize the evident merit (优点、长处)of_. 6、 While A is guilty(犯罪的、 有罪的)of some of the faults of B, its strength is

3、apparently seen. 7、A is preferable in many ways, and perhaps the most basic is that_. 8、 Certainly I am aware of that both methods have potential(潜在的) pitfalls ( 缺点) , nevertheless from my point of view, I vote for A. 9、In my point of view, A is as important as, if not more important than B. So it i

4、s sagacious to choose A. 10、 When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that _, but others, in contrast, deem(认为、相信)A as the premier(首要的、首位的)choice and that is also my point. 支持 B 1、When asked about _, the majority would support A. Others, however, like me, regard B as their pro

5、pensity (倾向) . 2、While the majority may stick to the idea that A is _, I would like to prefer B. 3、 The dilemma(困境)is whether it is advisable/sagacious to stand behind A without examination to B. 4、The effect of comparison is heightened by the unique advantages B enjoys. 5、Despite that A has a uniqu

6、e advantage over B, it cannot compete with B in many cases. 6、Despite the fact that A enjoys considerable advantage of _ , it cannot be compared with B in several main aspects. 7、Although A possesses (占有)substantial(实质的)advantage over B, it cannot compared with B in more concrete (具体的)advantages. 8、

7、The advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. (2) 、阐述自己看法1、When faced with_, quite a few people claim that_, but other people think of _ as_. 2、Among countless factors which influence_, there are two/three conspicuous(明显的)aspects as follows. 3、My arguments for this point are listed as follo

8、ws. 4、The reasons are presented (陈述)below. 5、This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points. (3) 、表达肯定观点1、If I were forced to agree with one of the two methods, my choice would be for_. 2、Both patterns of _ present advantages and disadvantages. However_. 3、After pondering (

9、衡量)this question on many occasions, I finally reached the opinion that is something worthy to do and I cannot skip (跳过)it. 4、Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that_. But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that_. 5、When it comes to_, we fend comfort in the idea that_

10、. 6、 Some people argue that as if it is a general truth that_. But to be frank (坦白地说) , I cannot agree with them for the following reasons. 7、There are numerous reasons why_, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. 8、There are three premier causes as follows. 9、Until recently

11、, _was view as the prime argument. But people are taking a fresh(全新的)look it. 10、 No issue is more important now than the one that_ is widely held by _. (4) 、表达否定观点1、 Despite the fact that majority hold the opinion that _, I doubt whether the argument can bear much analyses. 2、To take it to an extre

12、me (极端) , the majority would argue that _ is essential for _. 3、Perhaps the most typical occurrence (偶然事件)of this is_. 4、At first thought, it may seems to be an attractive idea, but it does not bear closer analysis when we find_. 5、Superficially (表面看来) , it seems to be a sound solution, but when car

13、efully weighing in the mina(迈纳,重量单位),we find that_. 6、 A scrutiny(仔细的审查)of these arguments would reveal how fallacious(谬误的)they are. 7、On the surface of it, this may seem to be a good solution, but if thinking again, we would point out some drawbacks. 8、A close inspection(检查)of these arguments would

14、 reveal how flimsy (脆弱的)they are. 9、To assume that is destined to miss the following points. 10、 Putting too much emphasis on _ may result in obscuring (混淆)other facts. 11、 However sound the arguments of _ may be, they only skim(掠过)the surface of the problem. (5) 、表达中立观点Nowhere in the world has the

15、issue of _ been so much debated (争论)like in our society. 文章第二大段第一观点的阐述:肯定观点的表述:1、We may look into every possible reason, however, foremost reason for_ is_. 2、I agree with the statement that_ without reservation (保留)since_. 3、Beyond enormous obvious reasons, however, there lies more in-depth cause. 4

16、、No one could neglect (deny) the fact that_. 5、The reasons for_ varied, nevertheless, they lie in the fact that_. 6、Certainly no other reason in my decision is more crucial (关键性的)than the one as follow. 7、 In term of substantive level, the reason mentioned below seem to be advisable and deserve more consideration. 8、The main reason for my propensity for_


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