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1、大学生村官人才工程策略探究摘 要随着我国经济发展的不断深入,高校人数的扩招,大学生的就业形势进一步严峻。中央和各级地方政府适时推进大学生村官计划,并将“一村一名大学生”深入到基层农村的建设中。经过几年的实践,大学生村官在新农村建设和社会发展中做出了重要的贡献。但是,作为一项全新的探索和实践,它也出现了很多问题,如很多大学生投机心理严重,不愿去偏僻的自然村,加之社会机制不健全,配套措施不完善,信息沟通不对称等,使很多大学生村官在自己的岗位上没有发挥出应有的作用。 。本文将主要针对以上问题进行分析,提出一些相应的建议和策略,如高校开设村官专业,三位一体教学,进行“订单式”人才培养;建立全国联网系统

2、促进高校、大学生、人才需求地三方之间的信息沟通;村委会合理用人,善用人“智” ,对大学生村官进行科学的绩效考评;采取优惠政策吸引人才,留住人才。文章将从学校、政府、人才需求地三个层面重点阐述如何培养适应农村现状的创新性、科技型人才,使他们能够更好的为新农村建设服务。关键词:大学生村官,人才工程, “订单式”培养AbstractWith the deepening of Chinas economic development, the number of college students enrollment, the employment situation is further severe

3、ly. The central and local governments real-time advance the college-graduate village official plan, and take this plan of “a college student a country” into the basic-level countryside construction. After years of practice, college-graduate village official in the new rural construction and social d

4、evelopment made important contribution. But, as a new exploration and practice, it also had many problems, such as a very small number of students intend to attend some remote urbans, there are speculation and social psychology. Besides imperfect mechanism, corresponding measures and asymmetric info

5、rmation communication is also existed, etc.This article mainly advanced some relevant suggestions and strategies to resolve the above problems, such as universities offer professional, “order“ trinity teaching talent cultivation, establish national network system to promote the information among col

6、lege students, colleges and the countrysides.The country governments should choose and employ persons village “wisdom“ and make scientific performance evaluation for college students. Besides preferential policies should adopted to attract and retain talents. Of course, the emphasis of this article

7、is how to cultivate science and technology talents which can suit for the innovative rural situation.Key words:College-graduate village official,Talent project,“Order type“ cultivation目 录前言.11 研究的背景及意义.21.1 大学生村官计划的由来和现状.21.2 大学生村官计划的产生.31.2.1 历史必然性.31.2.2 建设社会主义新农村的必然要求.31.2.3 缓解就业压力的重要举措.41.2.4 大学

8、生砺炼和成长的舞台.42 大学生村官计划出现的问题.62.1 大学生村官计划不尽如人意.62.1.1 角色困境:非农非工非官.62.1.2 工作困境:能力难以施展.62.1.3 出路困境:人才流失.62.2 大学生村官缘何不能胜任.72.2.1 传统观念,认识偏差.72.2.2 培训不足,缺乏管理.82.2.3 高校教育,令人堪忧.82.2.4 信息盲区,体制不健全.93 大学生村官人才工程策略的基本构想.103.1 正面宣传,提高认识.103.1.1 政府,媒体,高校三方合力宣传.103.1.2 转变大学生传统思想,树立正确认识.103.2 高校“订单式”人才培养模式.103.2.1 “三位一体”创业教育模式.113.2.2 “双师”教学,培养高效人才.123.2.3 因地选才,重推“科技型”人才.123.3 疏通信息盲区,促进三方沟通.133.3.1 学校与学生:原料选择过程被忽略.133.3.2 学校与人才需求地:供求信息应该充分流通.133.3.3 人才需求地与学生:信息交互性薄弱.143.4 优惠条件,留住人才.


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