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1、外研版初中英语八上外研版初中英语八上全册教案及导学案全册教案及导学案外研版八年级上册英语教案初二英语(上)Module 1 Unit 1 教学设计教材分析:教材分析:Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习给别人提建议的方法。其中活动 1 要求将所给表示学习 活动的词汇分类;活动 2 要求根据录音判断对话主题;活动 35 听读包含建议的对话并完成填表、答问 等任务。活动 6 学习英语中的连读法;活动 7 根据提示口头练习给别人提建议的方法。 教学目标:教学目标:To get to know the key vocabulary.To understand the dialogue 3.To

2、be able to talk about the problems in learning English.教学重点:教学重点:Key points: translate, correct, grammar, pronunciation, spelling, try to do, Why dont you? How about? 教学方法教学方法 Listening and speaking. 教具准备教具准备 Tape recorder 教学流程教学流程Teachers ActivityStudents Activity1.Warming-up1.Ask the students to i

3、ntroduce themselves first,2.Tell them the importance of learning English and how to learn English. 3.Say: Now we are going to learn a lot about English, such as grammar ,pronunciation, vocabulary, and how to listen, speak, write and read English. Now please look at activity 1 on page 2. Ask students

4、 to read the words aloud and try to match them with the headings. Its best if you can tell them something about each of the item. Make sure students understand each of the items (And try to include the words in activity 2 as well!). Take “Grammar” for example: T: Grammar is part of English. It helps

5、 us form words and sentences. It helps us check our speaking and writing. For example, you can say “I am Daming.”, but you cannot say “I is Daming.” Thats grammar. Check the answers by asking some students to read the words. 1.Introduce themselves first. 2.Listen to the teacher to say about the impo

6、rtance of learning English and how to learn English. 3.Read the words aloud and try to match them with the headings外研版八年级上册英语教案2.In put and practiceTalk about English learning. T: English is a widely-used language. People in more than one hundred countries speak English. And many more countries take

7、 English as second language. Learning English is fun, and of course not an easy job. But what is in English? What are we going to learn about English? Do you know? Encourage students to speak out what they have in mind. S: Well learn English letters and words. S: Well learn to speak English. S: Well

8、 learn how to talk to foreigners. Speak out What they are going to learn about English?3.Out Put1. Listening (2)First encourage students to tell the meaning of words in activity 2 and try to give some examples for each item, and then ask them to listen to the conversations and match them. T: Next we

9、 are going to listen to some short conversations. In the conversations, Daming, Lingling and Miss Li are talking about English learning. Listen carefully and try to match these conversations with the words in the box in activity 2. But before this, can you first tell me the meaning of these words? A

10、sk students to tell the meaning of these words either in Chinese or English and then listen to the conversations. Check the answers. Ask students to try to give the reasons why they choose the words. 2. Listening and reading (35) Listening Ask students to listen to the conversation between Ms James

11、and her students carefully with books closed. Then ask students to listen again and finish activity 4. Check the answers with the class. Reading Ask students to work in pairs and read the conversation repeatedly and then ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Then ask and answer the questions i

12、n pairs. 1.Listen to the conversations and match them, tell the meaning of these words either in Chinese or English and then listen to the conversations again. 2.Listen to the tape and finish activity 4. 3.Read the conversation repeatedly and act out the conversation in pairs. Then ask and answer th

13、e questions in pairs4. Practice Speaking (6, 7) Ask students to listen to and repeat the sentences in activity 6. T: When we speak English, we often read some syllables (one ending with consonant and the 1.Repeat the sentences in activity 2.Work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in activity

14、7.外研版八年级上册英语教案other beginning with a vowel) together. Now listen to the recording and repeat these sentences. After a few minutes, ask students to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in activity 7. Sample conversation: S1: What should I do to improve your grammar? S2: You should do more e

15、xercises. S1: What else? S2: Try to read more English books and newspapers. S1: Ill try to. S2: And dont forget to read some grammar books. S1: Thanks very much. 5. Feedback Give suggestions. Use should, can or Its a good idea to 1.speak English more in class 2.listen to China Radio International 3.

16、read aloud in the morning 4.write new words in groups 5.read English newspapersFinish the following exercises and have a check.6.Summing-up7.Homework1.Read the conversation in activity 3 repeatedly. 2.Finish activities 1-4 on page 112 in Workbook.外研版八年级上册英语教案Grade8 Module1 Unit2教教 学学 设设 计计课课 型型Reading and writing教材分析教材分析本模块为本学期的第一课,教师要充分利用这一模块的内容,培养学


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