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1、外研版初中英语九上外研版初中英语九上全册导学案全册导学案外研版九年级上册英语导学案目目 录录Module 1 Wondors of the worldModule 2 Great booksModule 3 Sporting lifeModule 4 Great inventionsModule 5 MuseumModule 6 Save our worldModule 7 AustraliaModule 8 PhotosModule 9 Cartoon storiesModule 10 FitnessModule 11 PopulationModule 12 Summer in LA外研版九

2、年级上册英语导学案1初三上册英语导学案初三上册英语导学案Module 1 Wondors of the worldUnit 1 What is a wonder of the world ? (课前预习课前预习) )I.预习目标:1、初步理解对话 2、理解记忆本对话中的新词和短语II.预习过程:A、读 P2 上的对话,在文中划出下列单词,然后注出音标,写出词义。wonder/ / band/ / review/ / ancient/ / composition/ / grade/ / pyramid/ / pupil/ / meeting/ / call/ / event/ / B、读 P2

3、上对话,在对话中找出下列短语并划出。 1、什么事? 2、开会 3、那对我来说是个新闻 4、注意听、认真听 5、做评论 6、采访某人 7、写作文 C、读对话,回答下列问题。(1)What,s the meeting about? (2)What is Becky Wang? (3)What,s Daming,s homework? D、导学导练1、辨析 happen 与 take place、Happen 的用法(1)happen 动词,意为“发生,通常表示事情是偶然发生的”eg. The story happened on a cold winter evening.(2)sth .happe

4、n to sb.表示“某事发生在某人身上”外研版九年级上册英语导学案2eg.What happened to her?(3)happen to do 碰巧做某事eg.I happened to meet my old friend on the road just now.take place,指“发生”时,较为正式,不带有偶然之意,并经常用来指事先排好的事情发生了。eg. New changes have taken place after the Olympic Games in Beijing.2、Any more ideas? 还有其他的主意吗?Any more“更多的,还有”作定语修

5、饰名词,常用于疑问句或否定句中。3、Anyone else?其他人呢?Else, “别的,其他的”作定语,常用于不定代词或疑问副词之后。E、练一练,译汉语1、我们碰巧遇见了我们的英语老师。2、Tony 出什么事了? 3、故事发生在一个炎热的下午。 4、别的你还要什么? _ Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world ? (课堂练习课堂练习) )I.学习目标 1、理解对话,并能复述 2、掌握本单元单词和短语II.课堂学习1、检查预习情况 2、复习单词 3、Read P2、do A4。 外研版九年级上册英语导学案34、Discuss language difficul

6、ties in groups to help each other. 5、Listen and repeat.6、Read aloud in pairs 7、Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.While Betty, Lingling and Tony are h a meeting, Daming comes in. The meeting is about s a school magazine, Becky Wang-a famous s started a school magazina c New standard, when she

7、was a p at their school. They want to start one, too. Betty has w down some ideas, Theyll write a d of school e and tell everyone about the school concerts, the dance club, and the school basketball m Theyll write the articles themselves, Tony said he would do some r about their favourite bands and

8、movies . Lingling said she would do an i with Becky Wang. Daming suggested(建议)starting a program called: Homework Help: They want to give some advice on how to get good g , Do you want to know how their magazine is? Youll see it in Module 2 and Module 3 Really brillinant.8. Retell or recite the fill

9、ed passage :III.当堂训练A、单项选择1、If you want to say something, please .A、to write down B、write them down C、write it down D、write down it2、There,re some ideas how to get grades.A、in B、on C、at D、to3、-We won,t have classes tomorrow, do you know? - A、I think I know B、You,re telling a lie(谎言) C、I hope so D、Re

10、arlly? That,s news to me.4、-What happened you? -I fell off my bike and hurt myself.外研版九年级上册英语导学案4A、with B、to C、about D、forB、完成句子5、Our teacher will write (一些评论) about our school magazine.6、 (注意) John, Don,t talk.7、The reporters are doing (采访) Yao Ming now.8、 (一个叫王涛的男孩) phoned you last night.9、Can you

11、 write a _ _ (作文) about his favourite movies.10、Look at that building .Its the _ _ (古老的) building in this town.IV.教后反思_Module 1 Wondors of the worldUnit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.( 课前预习课前预习)I.预习目标1、掌握 P4-P5上的单词及短语 2、理解 P4上的课文II.预习过程A、单词类:读 P4 上的课文,先在文中划出下列单词,然后注出音标,写出词义,大声朗读,不会读的圈出。名词 distance / / canyon / / ground / / view/ / 注意下面单词的多种词性及词意,注出音标,写出词意。Clear / / v. a. face / / v. n. light / / a. n. 按括号内的要求写出下列单词外研版九年级上册英语导学案5nature(形) answer(同义) top(反义) appear(反义) large(近义词) under(近义) rise(过去式) 过去分词) B、短语类,在 P4上划出下列短语,并大声朗读三遍。1、大清早、凌晨 2、从出来


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