when was he born

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《when was he born》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《when was he born(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、11.Deng Yaping _ born in 1973.A. is B. was C. were D. are2.- Whos that?- _ Yao Ming, a famous basketball player. A. He B. This C. Its D. That3.- _ did Tara learn ice skating?- For three years.A. How long B. How old C. How many D How often4.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _on a big rock b

2、y the side of the path.A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest.( v. 休息)5.Tiger woods started _ when he was only ten months old.A. golf B. golfer C. golfing D. to golfing6.In a small village there are my _ grandparents.A. alive B. loving C. life D. lively7.Hes always the first _ school every

3、morning.A. get to B. got to C. getting to D. to get to 8. The little boy wrote a _ letter to his uncle . A. fivehundredwords B. fivehundredwordC. fivehundredsword D. fivehundredswords9. 学生们停止了谈话。_10.学生们停下来去听老师讲话。_11.他们继续玩游戏。_12.我七岁的时候就开始学英语了。13.这孩子年龄太小孩不能上学。_14.老师让我们写一篇八百字的作文。_1When was he born? 他是什

4、么时候出生的?be born 的意思是“出生于” ,指某人某个时候出生于某地,指的是过去的情况,故谓语须用过去时。又如:He was born in Beijing in 1982.2. Whos that? Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.那是谁?是邓亚萍。她是中国一位杰出的乒乓球运动员。Whos that? 用来询问对方的姓名、身份。 that 指比较远的那个人。这种情况一般很少用Whos she/he?对 Whos that? 回答用 that 或 it。3. How long did Charles

5、Osborne hiccup? He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.查里斯奥斯本打嗝打了多长时间?他打了 69 年零 5 个月。how long 询问时间的长短时,用时间段回答。hiccup 为延续性动词,可以和表示时间段的时间状语连用。4. When did he stop hiccupping?他什么时候停止打嗝的?(1) stop to do sth 意为“停下来去做某事” 。2(2) stop doing sth 意为“停止做某事” 。如:The students stopped talking.学生们停止了谈话。 (3) 与它们相反的句式是:

6、go on to do sth “继续做某事(与刚才一事不同) ”和 go on doing sth “继续做某事(与刚才同一件事) ”。如:He finishes his homework and goes on to study English. 他完成了作业,接着继续去念英语。 5. You are never too young to start doing things.你多早开始做事都不为过。too.to. (“太以致不能”)是否定的结构,用于简单句;so.that.(“如此以致”)是肯定结构,用于复合句。副词 too/so 后面跟形容词或副词,to 后面跟动词,that 后面跟从

7、句。如:The child is too young to join the army. 这孩子年龄太小还不能参军。He is so strong that he can lift the heavy box. 他这么强壮,搬得动那个重箱子。注意:如果在 too.to.结构中含有 not 或 never 等否定词时,则表示肯定。如:One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。start 后面用动名词时,与用不定式意思相近或相同。如:We started to study English when we were at primary school.我们在小学时

8、就开始学英语了。We started studying English when we were at primary school. 我们在小学时就开始学英语了。6. Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his grandson.阿瑟是一位慈爱的祖父。他与他的孙子一起度过了他所有的业余时间。loving adj.(1)仁慈的,示爱的A child needs two loving parents. 孩子需要慈爱的双亲。【拓展 1】alive、live 、lively 的区别:(1)live 读lai

9、v,指东西“活的” ,可以替换为 living。如:This is a live fish. 这是条活鱼。(2)alive 作表语,指人“活着的” ,如果作定语,则放在名词的后面。如:Is she still alive? 她还活着吗?They are the happiest children alive. 他们是活着的最开心的孩子。3)lively 读laivli有生气的、活泼的、快活的如:She is as lively as a kitten. 她像小猫一样可爱。7. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year histor

10、y of the Chopin International Piano Competition to win this prize.他也是在有七十年历史的肖邦国际钢琴比赛中第一位获此荣誉的中国钢琴家。(4) 这个句子很长,但它是个简单句。句中的 in the 70-year history of the Chopin International Piano Competition 是个介词短语,可以看作句子的时间状语,这样句子的主要成分就是:He was also the first Chinese pianist to win this prize. 其中所含的句型是be the first.to do.,意思是“是做的第一人” 。如:Women and children were the first to get into the lifeboats. 妇女和儿童是首批登上救生船的。3句中的 70-year 是复合形容词,量词一定用单数形式。且只能做前置定语。


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