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1、Unit 2 News mediaProduced by Zhang Shiming Goals: 1. 三口气准确清晰的读出词汇表中的单词。2. 大声流利地朗读课文(15 遍)并背诵第一段3. 熟记下列知识点,能列出用法要点,能应用。4. 学写一篇关于比较的文章I Vocabulary1. reliable adj 【课文经典句】Which of the news media above is the most reliable?单凭容貌来判断一个人是不可靠的. ( 常犯的错误!)拓展: rely sb / sth / doing rely on sb / ones doing sb to

2、do it that 联想: depend on你放心好了,他会准时来接你的。 (rely on it )如今,人们越来越依靠电脑来提高工作效率(improve work efficiency) 2. fire vi / vt 射击,开枪 解雇对猛烈发问n 火,火灾【课文经典句】The man was fired“别动,否则我开枪了”警察命令道。( 这回栽了!)公司因为他不按时上班而解雇他国会议员以尖锐的问题质问首相 (representatives, Prime Minister) 拓展: 着火 点火 纵火 着火(状态) 玩火 灭火 3. face vi / vt 面向 面临 (困难,危险)

3、【课文经典句】The man faced many difficulties.她转过身来面对着他那个建筑物面对着公园这家公司正面临着财务危机(financial crisis)由于面临太多的困难,我们未能按时完成任务拓展: 做鬼脸 在面前,面对 面对面 当着某人的面 露面 丢面子 挽回面子 勇敢面对 4. difficulty n 困难 【U】 难事【C】 have much /great/ no / little difficulty / trouble doing sth / with sth .It is / was difficult for sb to do sth拓展:have a

4、 hard time doing 处于困境中 费力地 轻而易举地 4. reason n vt / vi the reason for / to doThe reason why is / was that reason sb into / out of doing 【联想:说服某人做某事】 拓展: 由于 毫无道理的 合理地, 有道理的 为此 比较:reason / cause / excuse The of the accident lies in the fact that he was driving too fast.The for his being late was that he

5、 was caught in the traffic jam.The he explained to the teacher for his absence from class was just an .5. elect vt elect / make / appoint sb n (职务)【n 前不可有a / an】比较:elect / select / choose It is hard for me to from the five pairs. Mr Charles was chairman of the Education Commission.She a pair of sock

6、s to match her so shoes.6. inform vt inform sb of / that我用电子邮件通知他货物已到达。( 很讲信用) We watch TV, listen to the radio, surf the Internet and read newspaper to keep us informed of / about what happens at home and abroad.拓展:informal information a well-informed person 【联想:】 of warn sb ( not ) to dothat of re

7、mind sb ( not ) to doof convince sb ( not ) to dothat7. relate vt 联系,把联系起来; 讲述,叙述 能理解并同情,体恤【课文经典句】The also make sure that readers can relate to the stories.我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。请帮我找到有关这个主题的所有论文把这件事和他的所作所为联系起来, 这是十分自然的.许多成人并不了解儿童的想法. ( 深有同感 )他们之间有亲戚关系他向记者讲述了这件事的实际情况提示: relate to it is natural to forget t

8、hem if you fail to use them often.11. present vt adj present sth to sb = present sb with sth颁发,赠送,奉送校长把毕业证书授予每一位毕业生present sth to sb 提交,提出这份报告早就该提交了委员会将于六月向议会提交最后的报告(the committee, parliament ) be present at be absent from 有多少人出席会议所有在场的人都被他们的报告感动了。目前的情况 at present for the present ( present / gift n

9、礼物 )12. reflect 【课文经典句】After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions faithfully.玻璃可以反射阳光。湖里倒映着山。 文学总是反映当时的社会生活。她冷峻的神色透露了她内心的真正感受。 ( severe )我仔细地反思着我失败的原因。 ( reflect on )拓展:reflection 13. effort make an / ev

10、ery effort to do spare no effort to do with effort without effort 【课文经典句】My favorite article is that one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.爬到顶上的路很长,虽然费力却很值得。她好不容易才忍住了笑14. addict vt n 【课文经典句】I want to write about people you seldom read about, for example people w

11、ho have Aids or who are addicted to drugs.be addicted to 他对喝酒,吸毒,赌博和电子游戏上了瘾。拓展:addicted addiction addictive 15. ignore vt pay no attention to 【课文经典句】We shouldnt ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.他无视所有的禁止吸烟的警示,点了一支香烟司机不理会红灯,继续前行。拓展:ignorance n ignorant adj 16. tolerate vt The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people form all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerate



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