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1、#+852-51308709#2661 EducationEducation: 2007.09-2011.06 TheThe ChineseChinese UniversityUniversity ofof HongHong KongKong Hong Kong Bachelor of Business Administration, major in Economics.Admitted through China National College Entrance Exams, ranked 8th in province.2008.072008.09 UniversityUniversi

2、ty ofof California,California, LosLos AngelesAngeles (Summer(Summer Section)Section) Los Angeles ExperiencesExperiences: 2011.09-2012.02 PrudentialPrudential FinancialFinancial GroupGroup Financial consultant Hong KongProvided a wide range of financial consulting services and products to suit for cl

3、ients from different sectors in Hong Kong and Great China. Maintained customer relationship.2010.06-2010.07 KPMGKPMG Auditor Shenyang Assisted the audit team in editing audit file, processing and analyzing data, sending confirmation letters, etc.Got a full-time offer due to excellent performance.200

4、9.06-2009.07 GUOTAIGUOTAI JUNANJUNAN SecuritiesSecurities Research Assistant ShenzhenProvided in-house equities research including writing qualitative analysis as well as quantitative forecasting analysis on a variety of domestic and international large-cap public companies for investment management

5、 and mutual fund subsidiary.2008.05-2008.06 BankBank ofof ChinaChina Summer Intern Beijing Presented, sold, and provided sales referrals for various bank products and services, such as credit cards, special checking plans, etc.Responsible to 30+ customer inquiries, both over the phone and in person.

6、S Scholarshipscholarships & & AwardsAwards: 2009.04 Scholarship of Cheng She(only 3 candidates among the whole college). This scholarship is awarded to the students who achieve balance development. 2008.12 Scholarship of a investigation tour named “Investigation of Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai“ This sc

7、holarship covered all the expenses during the trip, which is about 5000 HKD. 2007.09 Full scholarship of 500,000 HKD offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This scholarship is awarded to the students who ranked top in the College Entrance Exams.ExtracurricularExtracurricular ActivitiesActiv

8、ities: 2009.12-2011.06 C Ch hi in na a T Tr ra ad de e S So oc ci ie et ty y o of f C CU UH HK K vice president Planned and executed academic-related activities such as theme exhibition, annual seminars. Increased society members from 100+ to 400+ in one year. Held inter-university exchange trip to

9、Shanghai expo successfully. 103 members participated. 2009.01-2011.06 BasketballBasketball ( (WWo omme en n) ) T Te ea amm o of f C CU UH HK K team leader 2008.10-2009.04 C CU UH HK K T To oa as st tmma as st te er r C Cl lu ub b president The first president from mainland China ever. Increased main

10、land member from zero to 80+ Participated inter-university impromptu speech contest twice. Organized weekly meeting for 52 times.OtherOther:Native in Mandarin, and Fluent English and Cantonese skills. IELTS:7Proficient in Word,Excel,PowerPoint, Stata, E-Views. Certification of IIQE 1.3.5 and HKSI paper 1.# 聯繫方式:008#8709 131# ningji# 教育背景:教育背景:香港中文大學 本科 經濟學專業 2007.09-2011.05 美國加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校 暑期課程 2008.07-2008.09實習實習/ /工作經驗:工作經驗:英國保誠集團 理財策劃師 中國香港|2011.08-2012.02接受專業化投資理論培訓,提供客戶諮詢,介紹公司


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