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1、Unit 1ObjectivesThis unit tells us some stories typical of USA, its history and its people. The first story is about five famous models of American culture, the Statue of Liberty, Barbie dolls, the American Gothic painting, the Buffalo nickel, and finally the origins of Uncle Sam. The second passage

2、 tells how an American woman realized her dream and became successful through hard work and determination. The last story tells us a person who let his conscience be his guide and quit his job only to find that people will keep that same type of business going no matter how in poor state the busines

3、s is. Stories from many cultures represent one country, America.Section A Five Famous Symbols of American CultureWarming upLets talk about the following questions Question 1 What does a nation value as her symbols? Path of thinking: Why does the guide in the video see the Statue of Liberty as the mo

4、st enduring symbol of the American culture? What are the symbols of the Chinese culture? Question 2 Is it necessary to conduct the patriotic education among the youth of today? Path of thinking: Do you know the present state of patriotic education in our country?Please set out your views on the nece

5、ssity to cultivate todays youth in patriotism. listen to the short passage carefully and prepare to answer some questions . Question 1 What are the symbols that you have heard about? Reference Words: symbol, be known around the world, statue, doll, nickel Question 2 What can you imagine to be the re

6、asons the Statue of Liberty was built? Reference Words: have something to do with, think up, memorialize, victory, the War of Independence, be intended to, honor, alliance Question 3 What more can you say about the symbols of American culture? Reference Words: hear of, as to, popular with sb., launc

7、h, declare, dash to, wedding dresses, design for How much do you know about the five symbols of American culture?Detailed Study of Section APart I (Para. 1-4) Questions Whose face was the Statue of Liberty modeled after?Language Points 1.to work on an enormous project (L. 2)Please put this sentence

8、into English: 全世界的科学家正在致力于揭开 SARS 之谜。 2. to be in love with sb. (L. 4)Meaning: _ Can you make a sentence with it? _ 3. to approve of (L. 5)Will you please make a list of some words or phrases that are closest in meaning to it? _Part II (Paras. 5-10) Questions 1.What was the real name of Barbie? 2.Ho

9、w popular is Barbie according to the text?Language Points: 1. to come up with an idea (L. 19)Meaning: _ Please list some other expressions containing “come”: _ 2. universal (L.26) Please figure out the meaning of “serve” in the following sentences:The new reforms have not met with universal approval

10、 within the government. _This machine has a universal use in the home. _The law of gravity is universal. _Please put the following sentence into English:一个富有的单身汉一定需要一个妻子,这是一个普遍公认的真理。 3.version (L. 24) Meaning:_ Please put the following sentence into English:这件连衣裙是我们在那家商店看到的那件的廉价仿制品。 4.exaggerate (L.

11、 24)Meaning:_ its easy/difficult/impossible to exaggerate sth Please put the following sentence into English: 睡眠的重要性不可能被夸大。 5.name after sb. (L. 24)Meaning:_ Please translate the following sentences into English: 这机器以它的发明人命名。 该岛以发现者的姓名命名。 Part III (Para. 11-14) Questions 1.Who painted American Gothi

12、c? 2.How did Wood get the idea of painting American Gothic?Language Points: 1.fame (L. 35) Meaning:_ win/achieve/gain/find fame, come to fame, rise/shoot to fame, at the height of ones fame, international/worldwide/national fame, undying fame Please put the following sentence into English: 她移居伦敦,寻求声

13、誉和财富。 2. inspire (L. 38)Please figure out the meaning of “serve” in the following sentences:An incident in his childhood inspired the poem._ His driving hardly inspires confidence in his passengers._ 3.stretch (L. 42) Meaning:_ Put the two sentences into English: 我在洗这件毛衣的时候一定是把它拽长了。 我们不能再努力了,我们早就到极限

14、了。 some phrases: stretch out 伸出,张开,四肢平摊地躺 stretch (ones) legs (长坐后)散步 stretch out a helping hand 伸出援助之手 stretch every nerve to do sth. 全神贯注地做某事 stretches ones patience使某人忍无可忍 stretch ones imagination展开某人的想像力Part IV (Paras. 15-18) Questions 1.What was the Buffalo nickel produced for? 2.Why did Fraser

15、 go to New York Citys Central Park to sketch an aging buffalo? Language Points: to go against tradition (L. 51) Meaning: _ Please put the following sentence into English: 任何有悖自然规律的事情都会遭到大自然的严厉惩罚。Part V (Paras. 19-22) Questions 1.What did the employee say when he was asked about the letters “EA-US”? 2.How did Flaggs portrait of Uncle Sam look like? Language Points: 1.reputation (L. 60) Meaning:_ Please put the following phrases into English with “reputation”: 获得名声:_



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