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1、 硕 士 学 位 论 文论 情 谊 侵 权 行 为On Friendship Tort作 者 姓 名:指 导 教 师:郭 全 保谭 启 平 教授西南政法大学 Southwest University of Political Science and Law内容摘要随着社会的发展,生活中会不断涌现出一些新型的侵权行为。有一类行为对我们来说并不陌生,我们几乎每天都在践行着,如邀请他人吃饭、帮助邻居照看小孩、好意搭乘偶遇的路人等等,行为人是出于善意或者为增进情谊而实施这类行为,但是现实生活中却往往事与愿违,如邀请他人吃饭,却因疏于照顾导致醉酒的宾客发生意外;帮邻居照看小孩,却因为疏于管理导致小孩受伤




5、动中造成第三人损害,且帮工人存在故意或者重大过失时,帮工人与被帮工人承担连带赔偿责任后,其内部责任如何划分;被帮工人拒绝帮工时,第三人的损害如何承担。其次,笔者认为应根据情谊行为的种类来构建情谊侵权行为制度。情谊行为根据行为的标的不同,可以分为物的施惠中的侵权行为和劳务施惠中的侵权行为,然后分两种情况来构建相应的制度。关键词:情谊侵权行为;抽象轻过失;一般合理人;风险效益标准2AbstratWith the development of the society, some new infringement behaviors are emerging outin the life. For e

6、xample, the kind of behavior is not strange to us, we are in the practice almostevery day, such as inviting others to have a meal and helping neighbors looking after thechildren, thumbing a lift and so on,people do this kind of behavior with the hope of enhancingfriendship but real life is often cou

7、nterproductive, such as inviting others to have a meal, butleading to a drunken guests accident for less care; Helping neighbors looking after thechildren, but leading to a injury for neglecting;giving a lift ,but causing a traffic accidents andso on. In this case how to deal with the disputes and r

8、elief the right becomes a problem wehave to face. This paper, the author discussed of problems related to such infringement, hopedto heping our countrys legislation and judicial practice.This article is divided into five parts to discuss of the related problems of friendshipinfringement:The first pa

9、rt is the overview of friendship infringement. In this section, the authordefines the concept of friendship behavior, law characteristic, and through the comparisonbetween the friendship behavior and legal action, the fact of behavior, and furtherly specifythe connotation and denotation of friendshi

10、p behavior, and points out that if the improperbehavior , it will evolve into a tort. At the same time, the author puts forward the problems offriendship infringement, and points out the necessity of research of the friendshipinfringement.The second part is to analyse the criterion of liability of f

11、riendship tort. At first Theauthor discussed our country tort liability imputation system ,the author think that our countrytort liability imputation system should include fault liability principle, no fault liabilityprinciple and alternative responsibility principle. Based on this, the author discu

12、ssed ofliability principles of friendship infringement, this paper argues that fault liability shall beapplicable imputation principle, the main reason is the principle of fault liability accord withthe principle of autonomy, personal responsibility, as well as to protect the freedom of thebehavior,

13、 can also encourage more people to engage in friendship behavior,thatis helpfulfor the construction of harmonious society.The third part is to discuss the elements of the friendship infringement. At first the author1points out that friendship tort belongs to general tort, the components of general i

14、nfringementshall be applicable to the friendship infringement, but also points out that constitution of thefriendship tort is still a certain difference because of its particularity. The faultjudgmentstandardas of friendship infringement should be abstract light negligence, friendship only as alesse

15、ning factorsof responsibility; About the judge criteria of abstract light negligence, thefault think it should be the objective criteria to judge, and discuss “general reasonable peoplestandard“ and “risk benefit standards“ in detail.The fourth part is the liability of friendship infringement. In th

16、is part, the paper firstdiscusses the reduction or exemption of the rules of the friendship tort liability, the authoragreed with the view of Liang Huixing ,thinks tort liability cant be exempted from in advance;the Kennedy adventure is not also exempt from reason, but only as a mixed fault to rationalysharing the loss of the parties; Meanwhile, the author discussesthe basis and the concretemeasures of friendship tort liability cuts.The fifth part is to analyze and perfect the relevant regu



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